Able Demolition vs. City of Pontiac

Weekly Learning Objectives:

Learner will evaluate how contracts are assigned to third parties.
• Learner will explain the remedies following a breach of contract.

Using the Blog Rubric listed below for the specific grading criteria, complete the following:

Read through the excerpts from the decision of the Michigan Court of Appeals in Able Demolition v. City of Pontiac. After reading and thinking about the Court’s decision, answer the following questions:

• In your opinion, was the result reached by the courts “fair” in this case? Would you have ruled the same way as the trial judge and the appellate courts in this case? Why or why not? Explain your answers thoroughly.
• How do you think Able got itself in this mess? Do you think it just ignored the requirements of the contract, or was something else at play? If you think something other than ignorance must have been involved, what was it?

Support your thoughts using a minimum of two academic, peer-reviewed sources (outside the textbook). Websites such as Wikipedia, LegalZoom, LegalMatch, Nolo, etc. do NOT count as academic sources. A good place to start is the Davenport University Library. Substantial blog entries should contain at least 1200 words.

Answer preview

Able Demolition agreed with the city of Pontiac, to engage in some demolition in the town. One of the terms of the contract was that the company had to obtain a “Letter to Proceed” from the city’s legal department before commencing any demolition (Able Demolition vs. City of Pontiac, 2007). However, Able Demolition failed to obtain such approval before bringing down buildings. According to the dictates of the contract, the city of Pontiac refused to render payments for the company’s services. The company felt aggrieved and approached the court to seek restitution for the breach of contract. The judges adjudicating over the matter sided with the respondents, the city of Pontiac. The decision made by the court was fair and in accordance with numerous precedents concerning breach of contracts.

[1344 Words]

Able Demolition vs. City of Pontiac

Personal perception of policymaking

Policymaking occurs in organizations and governments. How policies are made, approved and enforced can vary depending on the entity and those making the decisions. It is important to understand how policy-making works, and in this assignment you share what you have learned and provide examples.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, describing your personal perception of policymaking in criminal justice. Identify any assumptions on which your perceptions are based. Be sure to answer the following questions:

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Good grammar and content is a must otherwise I will reject your work.

Answer preview

Research is an essential component of policymaking (Garrison, 2009). It is important because it allows policymakers to arrive at the best possible solution to a problem plaguing society. Research during criminal policy making serves four purposes. The first is exploration, which refers to seeking out general data concerning criminal behavior. Having such data allows policymakers to make comparisons during policy formulation. The second revolves around the description, which encompasses looking at criminal data, with the intention of understanding the problem (Garrison, 2009). Once policymakers in the criminal justice realm comprehend the problems, they use explanatory research to compare and make determinations concerning why a particular issue is problematic. Finally, research helps with the implementation of policies. Through research, policymakers will determine the best ways of implementing policies.

[815 Words]

Personal perception of policymaking

Data-collection strategy

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

What common data-collection strategies are often used in the case studies you read? Select one data-collection strategy,such as an interview, and provide an example of how the strategy can be used in criminal justice agency or department.

Include proper grammar, intext citation and references….word count doesn’t include references

Answer preview

Questionnaires can be used by the criminal justice agency to conduct community surveys. Using questionnaires, the agency can get feedback from the community about police performance in providing public safety. The agency can come up with a series of questions to be answered by the people who would participate in the survey. The questionnaires may consist of both close and open-ended questions. For instance, a close-ended question may ask the public whether the police have been effective in curbing crimes, which would require a yes or no answer. An example of an open-ended question may ask about people’s knowledge and attitude towards community policing, where participants would use their own words to respond. The survey would help the agency to perform a statistical survey, and to collect information about victimization experience for them to employ relevant security measures (Suksamran, Trimek, Jermsittiparsert, & Siriattakul, 2017).

[273 Words]

Data-collection strategy

Principal-Agent Relationship

Weekly Learning Objective: Learner will review the elements of the relationship between agent principal.

Using the Blog Rubric listed below for the specific grading criteria, complete the following:

It is often said the concept of "fiduciary" is at the heart of agency law. Research and define what it means to be a "fiduciary" or to possess a
"fiduciary duty." Identify and describe the five duties an agent is said to owe his principal. Give an example where you have seen or
experienced the concept of a fiduciary relationship in your own personal or business lives. Have you have been involved in a situation where
you felt a fiduciary duty had been breached? Were you correct, and if so, why?

1. Use the same blog you created in Week 3.
2. Post a new blog entry that addresses the information above.
3. In the Blackboard Discussion Boards>Week 5: Blog #2, create a thread titled with your first and last name, and post the link to your blog by Day 3.
4. Select a blog of one of your peers to review. Post your response to the Discussion Board thread (not the actual blog) by Day 7.
Support your thoughts using a minimum of two academic, peer-reviewed sources (outside the textbook). Websites such as Wikipedia,
LegalZoom, LegalMatch, Nolo, etc. do NOT count as academic sources. A good place to start is the Davenport University Library. Substantial blog
entries should contain at least 1200 words.
Answer preview

Even though an agent acts on behalf of their principal, it does not give them authority to act arbitrarily and autonomously unless that’s acceptable to a principal v. As long as the instructions given to agents by a principal lack ambiguity, they have to comply with every aspect of the instructions handed to them. In the case directions emanating from a principal are ambiguous, agents have to seek clarification from their principals. Reasonability also features heavily with respect to the duty to obey. Reasonability is subjective, but in most cases, it gets pegged upon the accepted practices within an industry. Therefore, agents have an obligation to abide by the directives issued by principals faithfully. However, there are instances when an agent can deviate from the guidelines handed to them. Whenever an agent provides a particular professional service to a principal, they have the autonomy to act as they see fit, as long as it is in the furtherance of the principal’s interests (Wyse, 2008).

[1279 Words]

Principal-Agent Relationship

Judicial Supremacy

This module is on the U.S. Judiciary as an institution, specifically its supremacy in interpreting the U.S. Constitution. This assignment is intended to be a reflective paper on what you have read in the fourth module of the course. The paper is to be a minimum of three and maximum of five pages in length, double-spaced, with standard margins and no cover page. Make sure you include your name and “Reflection Paper #4” on the first page of the paper. Papers are to be uploaded to Canvas. This paper is due on Monday, July 27, by 11:59 p.m. You may earn up to 150 points.

The main purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on and express what you learned and gained from the assigned readings in Whittington’s “Political Foundations of Judicial Supremacy,” and your opinion as to the validity, strengths, or weaknesses of the arguments presented. It is important that your paper is coherent, uses correct grammar, punctuation and spelling, and expresses your own conclusions and points of view. Your grade will be based on the quality of your writing, and its completeness in considering Whittington’s main conclusions and arguments. You should carefully cite any writings that are not your own. Your paper will be scanned for plagiarism.

Your grade will be based on the quality of your writing, and its completeness in considering the assigned chapters from “Judicial Supremacy.” You should consider at least the following questions:

What is Whittington’s main argument and conclusions? What are its strengths and weaknesses?

Do you agree or disagree with Whittington?

What is the interplay Whittington suggests regarding judicial power and the roles of the presidency and congress?

What did you learn about the federal judiciary, specifically the U.S. Supreme Court, that you didn’t know or consider before?

Answer preview

Whittington’s assertion that judicial supremacy derives its legitimacy from political acquiescence seems to hold water because the courts have the constitutional authority to interpret the law. Constitutions are products of civic engagements and struggle to balance different interests. Upon interpretation, the decisions made by courts are binding on all private entities and public persons. The power of judicial review that courts have is a further testament to the supremacy of the judiciary (Whittington, 2009). A unique feature of the legal system is that judicial officers have the power to review administrative actions taken by other government organs. Judicial officers can strike down decisions, policies, and legislations once they deem them to fall short of the requisite procedural or constitutional thresholds. Once a decision is reached, it is binding and can only be overturned upon appeal to higher courts. Besides exercising judicial review powers, the courts facilitate the sustenance of legal order and “provide desirable legal outcomes” (Whittington, 2009).

[1333 Words]

Judicial Supremacy

Victims’ rights and services

Question Description: Informational Brochure: Victims’ Rights and Services
Imagine this scenario: You have been hired to create a brochure on victims’ rights and services. The brochure will be distributed to businesses, schools, community centers, places of worship, and other areas where exposure is high. The brochure will focus on crime and victims in Washington, D.C.

The Assessment:

Perform research in the Walden Library and the Internet to find scholarly resources that focus on crime and victim statistics in Washington, D.C. You can also utilize crime mapping tools and crime statistics databases.

Subject Research: Criminal Justice & Security
Develop a brochure that includes the following:
• A cover/title panel with graphics and statistics
• The Crime Victim’s Bill of Rights
• The Crime Victims Compensation Program in Washington, D.C.
• Types of victims
• Community resources in Washington, D.C.

2. Reflection 0.5 pages
At the end of each module, you will reflect on what you learned in the module Victim Impacts Statement, victims Advocates and Victims’ Rights and Services”.
Write 1–2 paragraphs in which you discuss what you found most interesting, and explain. Discuss whether factors of class, race, and sexual orientation affect the perception of the victim by different constituents, including the public, the court system, and the media.

Please use APA format

Answer preview

I was also surprised to learn about the victim bill of rights, which, as illustrated by Bottigliero (2013), helps promote the fair treatment of victims. In the process, I realized that factors like class, sexual orientation, and race affect the victim’s views by different constituents, such as the public, media, and the court system. High-risk groups, including the ethnic minority, the low-income individuals, and LGBTQ, are victimized in these constituents, which increases their traumatic experiences (Bottigliero, 2013). Hence, I think that having an advocate who ensures that these groups’ rights are followed is strategic.

[194 Words]

Victims’ rights and services


Tittle: counterterrrorism
Choose Topic: Law
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: attached is the rubric
Answer preview

With the defensive counterterrorism strategy, the security department may use a preventive model to prepare for any terrorist attack. Also, they can use the mitigation approach to respond to the attack successfully. While focusing on the preventive model, this approach can complement the American government’s coercive strategy. According to Crelinsten (2014), the preventive model influences the government to invest in critical infrastructure protection (CIP), target hardening, and intensify monitoring and regulation. In this case, the infrastructure could assist in heightening the level of security and also prepare the counterterrorists to have the appropriate tools to use when fighting the attackers. Through target hardening, this approach could allow the national guards to make the targeted group more challenging to be attacked (Crelinsten, 2014). However, this can only be achieved through intensified monitoring, where the security department identifies the attackers’ loopholes and attack techniques to counter their strategies accordingly. The taken actions hence influence the development of defensive policies on heightened security protocols.

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Tittle: counterterrorism
Choose Topic: Law
Select number of pages: 2

Related to P907

Answer preview

Nevertheless, a possible alternative that the government could consider is using the communication model, which falls under the persuasive counterterrorism strategy. A significant concern, as addressed by Taşpınar (2009), is that fighting radicalization should be the first step in countering terrorism. Crelinsten (2014) informs that the implementation of communication techniques to persuade potential recruits and sympathizers of the terrorists to maintain good morals is effective. In actuality, a lack of knowledge regarding the implications of radicalization and poverty influence many individuals into joining terrorist groups; however, public awareness campaigns could promote change.

[688 Words]


Criminal justice agencies

Choose a criminal justice agency: police, courts, or corrections.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the different generations in the workforce, focusing on approaches for managing and leading criminal justice agencies. Be sure to include the following:

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Answer preview

In criminal justice agencies, skilled people are recruited as employees. For example, Gilbert and Ray (2016), proposed police training as a way to end police brutality. This indicates that only skilled police officers can do their job effectively. Therefore, learning organizations is crucial in criminal justice to train people before they can join the workforce. Today, criminals are using technology to commit crimes. For example, cyberterrorism has emerged over the years, where criminals have hacked into individual and business computer networks. To be able to fight against the emerging crimes, police officers require learning organizations to train them on how criminals can use new technologies to commit crimes.

[918 Words]

Criminal justice agencies

Criminalization of abortion

Part 1:

Discuss the following:


Bosworth (2010) ask: “How is it that, despite their manifest failings, prisons are seemingly so legitimate and uncontested?” (p.2). Respond to the question based on your understanding of the assigned readings this week (i.e. Bosworth and Brown). Make sure to discuss the concepts of penal populism (Bosworth, 2010) and penal spectatorship (Brown, 2009).

Part 2:

Think critically about the recent criminalization of abortion in the context of this podcast. If crime rates dropped as a result of an increase in abortions due to legality, availability, (and social acceptance?), what does that mean for our ‘tough-on-crime’ society as described by Bosworth?

What is your reaction to the data presented in the podcast? Do you see a moral dilemma in connecting abortion with declining crime rates? Why do you think the same politicians that run on law and order/tough on crime platforms also criminalize abortion?

should be no less than one (1) page, must be written in formal English, in Times New Roman, 12pt. font, and double-spaced. You must cite the chapter at least one (1) time in your answer for each part. All citations and references must be in APA-style formatting.

for part 1:, and

for part 2: and

Answer preview

Therefore, criminal justice policy remains to be the central connection between prisons, crime, and punishment. That is because policy defines and categorizes various forms of crimes. It is also the policy that guides the judgment of punishment and imprisonment of criminals. Since politicians’ decisions or simply the policy continue to run everything when it comes to prisons, crime, and punishment, people have found themselves abiding by these decisions. Therefore, as long as everything is in line with the set policies, people see it as right, and that is why prisons still gain acceptance in society.

[699 Words]

Criminalization of abortion