Competitive automotive manufacturing company

For Milestone Two, you will explain the research design and methods that will be used to address the business problem you identified in Milestone One, justifying why they are appropriate for your research study. To support your research design, describe the methods you will use, the key variables, and ethical considerations involved in using the research design.

Simona Elskoe QSO500-X3399 Milestone Two.docx

Simona Elskoe QSO500-X3399 Milestone Two.docx

IMPORTANT: You should provide tables and draw graphs to show trends from MARUTI SUZUKI case study. Please review Rubric elements and all postings provided in the announcements.

RESUBMIT by Sunday. It will be graded at a reduced level.Dr. Amaria

Research Design: Research Design and Methods: You have partially explained with justification the research design and methods that will be used for the study. More Analysis needed using Maruti Suzuki India case study Exhibits.
Research Design: Variables: Some key variables from the data sources were identified that are to be used to analyze the research problem. More Analysis needed using Maruti Suzuki India case study Exhibits.

Research Design: Dependent and Independent Variables: The dependent and independent variables are partially explained. More Analysis needed using Maruti Suzuki India case study Exhibits.

Research Design: Ethical Considerations: Some key ethical issues were explained based on the available data sources, including issues of legal and professional standards. More Analysis needed using Maruti Suzuki India case study Exhibits.

Articulation of Response: Overall, you provided satisfactory remarks about the qualitative analysis of the Maruti Suzuki case study. Your analysis added partial value and made some contributions. Appreciate sharing your thoughts describing the data tables and how your analysis helps in answering the Maruti research questions.

Let me know if you have questions. Write more analysis for each Rubric element.

Answer preview

In this research, surveys will be used in collecting data from the sample selected. A sample will be selected from different large cities in India. For instance, 200 participants, including males and females, will be included in the research. They will be informed of the full consent of the research, and they will be required to sign their consent letter. The participants will fill out the online surveys, which will be sent to them, and they will be expected to fill them and resend them to the researchers.   As illustrated in exhibit 1 survey, it will be very instrumental in capturing the potential customer’s requirements costs in the new Maruti car model, including the combination of the entry hatch and medium-sized car model. It can be applied to capture the pricing range and marketing strategy for the new car model introduced in the market.

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Competitive automotive manufacturing company