Interpersonal relationships

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.
First, review the required module resources, examining the behavioral competencies within the interpersonal domain. As a reminder, the three main clusters within the interpersonal domain are relationship management, global and cultural effectiveness, and communication. Once you are familiar with the interpersonal domain clusters, conduct a self-reflection and analysis by responding to each of the following three questions:

  • Strengths: What are your areas of strength within the interpersonal domain, and how did you determine a cluster as a strength? Provide supportive examples.
  • Weaknesses: What are your areas of weakness within the interpersonal domain, and how did you determine a cluster as a weakness? Provide supportive examples.
  • Strategies: What are your strategies for the development of behavioral competencies within the interpersonal domain? Provide supportive examples and information from your research.

Answer preview

Behavioral competence determines individual strengths and weaknesses that help people persevere in certain situations. My strengths are communication and teamwork which have helped me interact with others, maintain healthy relationships, and have the capacity for interdependence. However, I have weaknesses as resolving conflicts has been a challenge to me. My strategies include honesty and counseling which I use as powerful tools that help me reach a particular goal by defining the methods and tactics within the scope of practice.

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Interpersonal relationships