non-rapid eye movement stage (NREM)

Essay question ————–

The non-rapid eye movement stage (NREM) of sleep is associated with parasympathetic dominance.This stage of sleep is associated with a variety of risks that may negatively affect the over-all health of an individual.Define this stage of sleep and why it is so important to the health of an individual.Highlight its impact two risk factors of your choice and offer solutions that may improve the overall quality of sleep of a person and specifically on the NREM stage of sleep.

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You may research the topic and create a short bibliography. There is no page minimum. all needed is to cover the subject matter clearly.

Answer preview

The non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage is a phase in sleep during which there is no rapid eye movement. Regular sleep consists of two stages, rapid eye movement (REM) and Non-rapid eye movement. Non-REM has three steps.  At Stage 1, an individual’s eyes are closed, and it is easy to awake the person. The stage can last for five to ten minutes. Phase 2 is characterized by light sleep, slow heart rate, and low body temperature while the body prepares for deep sleep. The duration lasts 10-15 minutes. At stage three, the body is in a deep sleep, and it is hard to wake the individual. At the NREM sleep stage, the body grows, creates bones and muscle, and builds up the immune system (Patel et al., 2020). Parasympathetic dominance and other risks that may negatively affect an individual’s health occur at the NREM stage. This essay aims to define the NREM stage, its significance to an individual, and the risk factors.
