Advanced Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis

In this assignment, you will conduct an Article Review of the professional journal article assigned in this module.

You will compose a written review that include (Article Review Assignment Worksheets):

  1. a brief summary of the article read
  2. list of important information learned from the article
  3. questions you have about the article
  4. how you will apply information from the article to your future work as a BCBA

Requirements: Normal

Answer preview

The vital information learned is that improper interviews can potentially induce false information from participants. This concept is mainly applicable to children’s participants. It is critical to beware of the improper interview techniques that will result in incorrect responses. Suggestive questioning, influence, reinforcement, and punishment influence the accuracy of answers from children. For example, the reinforcement technique will invite a participant to speculate about the details of what might have occurred. Also, the structure of a question during the interview is crucial for consideration to ensure accuracy. Another important information is that some children provide inaccurate answers due to their sensitivity toward particular interviewers (Sparling et al., 2011). Therefore, an investigation on age-related differences should be conducted to establish the sensitivity to interviewer approaches.

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Advanced Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis