Social Practice

For this paper, you will compose a 3-page (Times New Roman, double-spaced, one-inch margins, etc.) response to the reading Raymond Williams, “From Medium to Social Practice” in Marxism and Literature.(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977): 158-165.

In your paper, imagine that you have been asked to explain the article to one of your fellow students. You should concisely summarize the main points, offer one or two points of critique, and respond to the author’s argument. Some possible questions to consider as you write are:

BOOK: Raymond Williams, “From Medium to Social Practice” in Marxism and Literature.(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977): 158-165.

Follow the instruction, do not plagiarize, this is the reading response


Answer preview

Further, the medium used in visual arts can be used to define culture, including the oils or watercolors that artists use to express their views. The mediums used in visual arts introduce how the social practice of artists is an element that culture cannot be narrowed down to focusing on language alone. Artists communicate their messages on matters that impact human life. As they do so, they have to use their professional skills to evaluate the appropriate medium to use to illustrate their artworks. On the other hand, musicians and dramatists use different forms of materials in their social practice to express the human experience (Williams 160). These arguments are entirely objective because they illustrate the real-life human experiences in the social world. To synthesize what Williams is putting across, one must understand the abstract processes in human social life that define how value and social practice are elements of culture. In my view, the value of artists is determined by how they passionately express their feelings in visual art.

[967 Words]

Social Practice

Social media to prospect for donors

Social Media is reshaping how we fundraise. Review the following two brief videos. Then, answer the following question: How can your nonprofit organization use social media to prospect for donors, participants and/sponsors?

  • Videos:

Turning social media sharing into successful fundraising (Links to an external site.)Turning social media sharing into successful fundraising

Social Media Strategies For Nonprofit Fundraising (Links to an external site.)Social Media Strategies For Nonprofit Fundraising

Week 2 Readings and Resources

Answer preview

One of the strategies USMS can use to prospect for donors and participants in a course to train adults on swimming is to spread stories on social media. The stories can include experiences in loss of life due to lack of swimming skills, and individuals benefit from USMS training programs. These stories can be shared by different people from the organization, including the CEO, CFO, coaches, members within their connections (Buvala, 2009, Nov 1). One limitation of this strategy is ethical concerns to avoid being manipulative to the social media users on emotions on a life lost by non-swimmers.

A second strategy is the use of social media is to connect with individuals most interested in the subject of swimming in social media.

[512 Words]

Social media to prospect for donors

Defining a Community

What Is Community?

There are many ways to define and describe a community. Based on your personal experience, describe a community in which you engage. How does that compare with the ideas from the required readings or other literature?

Answer preview

The above description compares with other definitions of community. According to Wang et al. (2018), a community in the topology of networks is a subgroup of a graph with more than two nodes connected by links from both directions. This definition differs from my description in that the elements must be linked to each other from both directions. However, the definitions share the feature that a community must consist of two or more items.  Jull, Giles, and Graham (2017) mention that a community from a health perspective contains the locus, social ties, common interest, and joint action elements. This means a community is something that could be traced using boundaries. People in a community have social ties through family, friends, or acquaintances and share a common interest such as norms.

[362 Words]

Defining a Community

Emerging Threats and Countermeasures

In this paper, please research the topic of Response. Please demonstrate a command of the material under investigation and a subject matter expertise in the topic that you choose to write about. You are expected to demonstrate graduate-level writing, critical thinking, critical assessment, critical writing, and advanced research skills.

You are expected to use at least three (3) outside primary source materials in addition to evidence obtained from the course materials from textbook(attached Material)

Note – Please be sure to use complete sentences. Please be sure to demonstrate that you read and understood the material for this module by offering detailed explanations, critical assessments, and analyses of the material that is grounded in cited evidence from the readings, peer reviewed journals, and (whenever possible) real-world examples

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • The paper should be 4-6 pages double spaced, 12 point times new roman font with 1 inch margins. Title page, restating the instructions, table of contents, and references do not count towards the page count.
  • Provide Plagiarism free content. You should follow APA citation rules. (… (Links to an external site.)).
  • Please be sure to proofread, spell check, and grammar check your paper prior to submission.

Answer preview

Malware is another security threat that is affecting organizations today. Malware refers to malicious software that damages systems and data as it gains access to networks. Malware is delivered as links through emails or files such that when users click the links, the file is executed, and the malware takes control of the computer. The files that attackers gain from using malware are used to demand ransom, especially is the data in their possession is sensitive. Even though malware has existed since the 1970s, it has evolved to match technological changes and security upgrades. According to Jang-Jaccard & Nepal (2014), malware evolves to exploit new flaws in emerging technologies and avoid detection. Some examples of malware are viruses’ worms, spyware, trojan, and ransomware, among other malicious software. All these malware operate uniquely, but they are all dependent on user actions. The common ways of propagating malware are emails, executable files, social media, and instant messaging.

[1401 Words]

Emerging Threats and Countermeasures

Literature Review

Attached is my proposal and other prior assignments

Book: ISBN 9781259822261; Social Psychology – Bundle, 12th ed; McGraw-Hill, Digitalthe review needs to relate to social psychology

Answer preview

Kaysen et al. (2007) explain that the use of alcohol is associated with incidences of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Among battered women, alcohol use is common and often linked to other trauma symptoms (Kaysen et al., 2007). Drinking is often based on a mechanism to cope with trauma symptoms arising from violence. Kaysen et al. (2007) explain a significant difference between trauma incidences among the heavy drinkers, abstainers, and moderate drinkers. Among the survivors of domestic violence, there are different motivations for alcohol use, depending on their violent experiences. Kaysen et al. (2007) emphasize that women are more exposed to chronic domestic violence, leading to chronic traumatic events that advance to PTSD and depression, leading to increased alcohol use problems. The heavy episodic drinking by the battered women is strongly associated with trauma.

[1643 Words]

Literature review

Presuppositions about the Bible

In approximately 2-3 pages double-spaced, please name your presuppositions about:

  1. What the Bible is and what your sources are for your answer (e.g., parents, church, friends, books you’ve read, etc.)
  2. How it is read: e.g., literally, as an artifact from the ancient world, as a message to us today, as an engagement between the ancient world and us, etc.
  3. The relationship between the text and our lives today.
  4. What, if anything, have you noticed about how the Bible or religion are being engaged amid the pandemic?

thanks for helping me on this assignment. I am not a religious person, nor did I grow up with an explicitly religious family.

So please help me with the paper based on my background.

Answer preview

There is a significant relationship between the text and people’s lives today. It is because a book in the scripture is the basis of Christian character. People apply the written scriptures in their daily lives to please God. The values and behaviors of Christian believers are influenced and shaped by the texts in the Bible. Besides, biblical writings guide the actions of its followers, which must reflect the word of God. The process of decision making is part of daily routine, and texts in the Bible have influenced choices made by believers. The scriptures provide a framework to assess one’s values and character based on the book’s stories.

[667 Words]

Presuppositions about the Bible

Position on Using the Rules of Pure Conduct

I attached the guide below.


Students compose an essay outlining their position, attitude or intention towards the specified topic. The student’s position must be clearly identified, discussed and supported with evidence from reliable sources.

Once you accept the question, I will attach 7 pics you might use for the essay.


The quotes you will use are written on the word doc I attached, and they have to be those

the first rule is from the first book, the second rule from the second book, and the third rule from the third book

All the books references are on the word doc. You can see them there

Answer preview

The personal rule that I live by is being mindful of personal biases when engaging with others by withholding judgmental statements that may harm those around me. I have realized the importance of understanding the causes of someone’s behavior before jumping into conclusions. As much us that our minds out of instincts can scan the negatives, I stand firm to the personal rule of being mindful of others. This has helped me educate myself on how my judgmental conduct can affect the world’s unity and harmony. For instance, the negative perceptions that we openly say about substance abuse addicts show a lack of remorse. Yet, in Ferstle (2018), we should portray acts of justice, wisdom, thoughtfulness, and modesty. These are attributes reinforced in Buddha’s teachings on ethics, as seen in the Wheel of the Law, which complies with the personal rule of mindfulness.

[1374 Words]

Position on Using the Rules of Pure Conduct

Character’s development


Write a reader response to the reading and focus on a character’s development. Focus on characterization, but choose any character you like. See the Character Analysis Resources provided. Set a new minimum word count of 200 for each journal. MLA Style document design required.

Include mention of the author, the title of the work, the genre (short story, novella), the time period, and offer a direct quote from the text to support your strongest point. Cite your sources. Optional: Go further and quote the author of Binti < ???? or the following literary analysis of “The Mulatto” : “Seeds of Rebellion.”

Requirements: 200 Words

Answer preview

He questions his mother about his parentage and lineage but receives no response. George did not get to know the identity of his father since his mother silenced his inquiries. In one situation, her mother says, “hush George, the walls have ears, and someone will talk” (Daut, pg. 15). Since George is categorized as a Mullato, it is expected he will not be enslaved. However, this is not the case due to the racial conflict of his origin. Jack Sejour characterizes George as a Mullato to indicate that race does not matter since he does not receive any prejudice or class. Sejour also characterizes George with a vengeance since he ends up killing his father. The genre of race is portrayed to indicate that any form of segregation destroys the social fabric. One would assume that George would have an easy way since he is a mulatto. George takes his father’s life in vengeance for the slavery he has been subjected to together with his mother. His master, Alfred, took advantage of a black woman because he felt superior due to race and gender differences.

[343 Words]

Character’s development

Character Analysis Resources

Write a reader response to the reading and focus on a character’s development. Focus on characterization, but choose any character you like. See the Character Analysis Resources provided. Set a new minimum word count of 200 for each journal. MLA Style document design required.

Include mention of the author, the title of the work, the genre (short story, novella), the time period, and offer a direct quote from the text to support your strongest point. Cite your sources. Optional: Go further and quote the author of Binti < ???? or the following literary analysis of “The Mulatto” : “Seeds of Rebellion.”

Requirements: 200 Words

Answer preview

George battles with race identity because he is neither black nor white. He questions his mother about his parentage and lineage but receives no response. George did not get to know the identity of his father since his mother silenced his inquiries. In one situation, her mother says, “hush George, the walls have ears, and someone will talk” (Daut, pg. 15). Since George is categorized as a Mullato, it is expected he will not be enslaved. However, this is not the case due to the racial conflict of his origin. Jack Sejour characterizes George as a Mullato to indicate that race does not matter since he does not receive any prejudice or class. Sejour also characterizes George with a vengeance since he ends up killing his father. The genre of race is portrayed to indicate that any form of segregation destroys the social fabric. One would assume that George would have an easy way since he is a mulatto. George takes his father’s life in vengeance for the slavery he has been subjected to together with his mother.

[343 Words]

Character Analysis Resources

COVID-19 health pandemic in the urban community

This assignment will highlight the role of urban social work in addressing the impact and implications associated with the COVID-19 health pandemic in the urban community. Student should identify a specific population within the urban setting.

  1. The prevalence of COVID-19 in Baltimore City
  2. Description of the selected population
  3. Identify the system or institution impacted as it relates to the specified population
  4. Describe the role of the urban social worker in addressing the problem
  5. Identify the social work skills required to effectively serve as a change agent

Answer preview

System or Institution Impacted As It Relates to the Specified Population

Considering that enhancing health and safety is crucial in social service, the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) and Maryland Department of Health (MDH) have been affected. These government systems have been impacted by the high infection rates, requiring the authorities to inject funds to assist the disadvantaged groups.  The leaders developed emergency funding to promote health and safety and offer relief to vulnerable groups such as Hispanics (MDH, 2020). Other measures taken were hiring social workers to provide public education, social services and encourage testing. These efforts have been demanding, but they are worthwhile in promoting health and safety.

[1017 Words]

COVID-19 health pandemic in the urban community