Nursing scholarly article

Find and read a nursing scholarly article that relates to your clinical practice and is found in a peer-reviewed journal. Follow the instructions for the format in course textbook and write a 1-page summary.

Submission Instructions:

Requirements: 1 page

Answer preview

First, the research explains occupational burnout as a severe psychological syndrome that reduces the employees’ abilities to deliver. While targeting the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank with prolonged military occupation, professionals in the healthcare settings in these areas execute their services under intense pressure in the ED (Hamdan, M., & Hamra, 2017). The article does not provide direct questions for their research. However, the purpose leads to the question, what is the link between occupational burnout and workplace violence with high attrition in the ED (Hamdan & Hamra, 2017)? The researchers used a quantitative cross-sectional study design that targeted 596 workers, mainly 296 nurses, 201 doctors, 179 administrative workers, and support staff. However, they excluded trainees and professionals who had worked for less than a year in the select ED.

[374 Words]

Nursing scholarly article

Journal of Experimental Psychology

Article Summary

To earn the points for this experience, you may write up to ten Article Summary Papers. Article summaries are submitted via the GEP PSY 2012 Webcourse and are NOT submitted to your instructor.

Each paper will be worth up to one (1) of your ten (10) points, depending on how carefully you follow the instructions and rubric below.

Remember! If you upload your file in any format that is not Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or rich text format (.rtf) your paper will receive a zero. Also, you will receive deductions if you do not follow all of the instructions carefully (see grading rubric below).

List of Approved Journals for Article Summaries (you must select one of these!)

Approved Journal List: You must select an article from one of these sources!!!
Approved Journals Approved Journals
Behavioral Neuroscience (Links to an external site.)

Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science (Links to an external site.)

Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Developmental Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Dreaming (Links to an external site.)

Emotion (Links to an external site.)

Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (Links to an external site.)

Families, Systems, & Health (Links to an external site.)

Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice (Links to an external site.)

Health Psychology (Links to an external site.)

International Journal of Play Therapy (Links to an external site.)

International Journal of Stress Management (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Applied Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Comparative Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Counseling Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Educational Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Family Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Neuropsychology (Links to an external site.)

Prevention & Treatment (Links to an external site.)

Psychoanalytic Psychology (Links to an external site.)

Psychological Assessment (Links to an external site.)

Psychological Bulletin (Links to an external site.)

Psychological Methods (Links to an external site.)

Psychological Review (Links to an external site.)

Psychology and Aging (Links to an external site.)

Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (Links to an external site.)

Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (Links to an external site.)

Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (Links to an external site.)

Psychology of Violence (Links to an external site.)

Psychology, Public Policy, and Law (Links to an external site.)

Psychotherapy Theory, Research, Practice, Training (Links to an external site.)

Rehabilitation Psychology

First, click on the journal you would like to view (in box above). This will take you to the external site of the journal.

For instance, if you select Behavioral Neuroscience, the first journal, you will see this:

Behavioral Neuroscience Homepage

Next, select ‘Read Sample Articles’ located beside the cover image of the journal.

Behavioral Neuroscience Journal Homepage - Arrow pointing at sample articles

This will take you to a list of articles you can access for free. Do NOT pay for an article!!!!

Sample articles

Then click on the article that interests you.

Sample article

You can now download the article as a PDF and begin working on your article summary assignment.

If none of the articles provided appeal to you then either select a different journal or contact your librarian to assist you with finding articles from these journals, published within the past 5 years, on a particular subject.

Article Summaries Summer 2022

Article Summaries Summer 2022

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeINFORMATION and JOURNAL REQUIREMENTS: Student Name, Name of Article and Journal, Article Author Name, Article taken from list provided, Article less than 5 years old
0.25 ptsIncludes all requirements 0.13 ptsIncludes at least three requirements 0 ptsIncludes less than three requirements
0.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT REQUIREMENTS: Summary/Opinion Breakdown Word count
0.75 pts800-1000 Words with 75% Summary and 25% Opinion of the article 0.5 pts600-799 Words with 50% Summary with 50% Opinion of the article 0.25 pts400-599 Words with 25% Summary with 75% Opinion of the article 0 pts200-399 Words or less than 25% Summary with more than 75% Opinion of the article
0.75 pts
Total Points: 1

Answer preview

Instead, some studies suggest spreading messages that do not emphasize race to adolescents from African Americana and Caribbean African ethnic backgrounds. The communication with the Black youth should focus more on hard work and its role in prevailing the barriers to discrimination. It will prevent the young Black population from indulging in strained strategies such as the John Henryism Active Coping to address the racial issue. African American and Caribbean African youth need to be resilient against any forms of prejudice and bias in society based on race and other factors. Nonetheless, the John Henryism Active Coping is not a psychologically healthy approach to managing the problem. It will not be a thriving, sustainable coping response to discrimination against the Black youth (American Psychological Association, 2022). This coping mechanism’s effectiveness in managing psychosocial stressors relating to discrimination requires an individual to engage in high coping efforts.

[935 Words]

Journal of Experimental Psychology