America‘s food industry

Prompt: explain how and why humans make response choices when confronted with America‘s food industry and The effects or outcomes of those response choices.

Required: minimum 8 sources, MLA format, works cited page
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Still, the idealized origin, preparation process based on hygiene factors, and nature of foods may make an individual reject or accept certain foods in the industry. As Contento (32) emphasizes, an individual’s thoughts and feelings based on how they interact with their environment determine their actions when making food-related decisions. In this regard, the emotional and cognitive stimuli are personal reactions to how an individual perceives the benefits or consequences of food decisions. Although the cultural dispositions are relevant, a counterargument regarding this aspect is the importance of acknowledging that culture plays a significant role in molding personal ideals. According to Savage (8-11), cultural contexts are strategic in molding individuals from childhood to adulthood on their eating habits. However, just like personality development, acknowledging the importance of individual perceptions and values motivates them to identify food habits to adopt.

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America‘s food industry