American foreign policy

If asked to advise the president of the United States on which approach should be pursued in American foreign policy, collective security or a balance of power, what would you advise?

Explain why Collective Security forum arrangements are a better way to manage world affairs and support your argument with source-cited historical facts.

Essay – 12 point – Ariel font

No longer than a page and a half.

Answer preview

Right now, I would say the American foreign policy is more into the balance of power than collective security because President Trump is focusing more on strengthening its local trade and borders. However, if I am to advise the United States president on the best foreign policy approach, I would recommend the collective security approach. It is because a nation stands a better chance to overcome its enemies if it has the support of other countries. Also, when nations agree to work together, international trade becomes easy because the nations can decide to set trade standards together. Moreover, in times like now, when every nation is fighting with COVID-19, collective security approach would help nations to combine efforts and overcome this pandemic.

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American foreign policy