Comparison and contrast eassy

Comparison and contrast eassy


That defines two related idea (like love/hate, etc) you will discuss these ideas through the comparison/ contrast with the help of at least two research items

Requirements: 900

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Hope can be self-created or can result from the support of others. Self-created hope is influenced by personal experiences, including religion, or meeting earlier expectations. A person who has survived the COVID-19 will maintain hope when a similar incident occurs in the future. However, it takes more effort to maintain self-created hope since incidences are unique (Nierop-van Baalen et al., 570). Hence receiving psychosocial support from professionals is important to enhance hope during a crisis. Hope is influenced by positive messages, especially from those in higher authority, including religious leaders, public officials, and healthcare professionals, among others. To have hope means surrounding oneself with positive people.

Conversely, sources of despair are negative emotional triggers, and it is reinforced by a negative environment (Bereczki 2343). Despair can be self-created through own imagination or perception of the world as hostile. Previous frustrations or mistreatments can influence those thoughts of hopelessness. Listening to negative comments from others also fosters despair.

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Comparison and contrast eassy