Juvenile offenders.

Discussion 11

In 2-3 paragraphs discuss how the case manager works with juvenile offenders.  How is working with juveniles different?  What can help make juvenile offenders successful?

All initial posts should reference the textbook or at least one outside source. All sources must be cited using APA guidelines.


Assignment 11

In 1-2 pages, describe and discuss evidence-based practices (EBP). What steps are associated with this practice

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation



Correctional Case Manager


Discussion 12

In 2-3 paragraphs, Discuss why you believe more males are in prison than females?

All initial posts should reference the textbook or at least one outside source. All sources must be cited using APA guidelines.


Assignment 12

In a minimum of 1 page, discuss the different issues prison officials may face in working with male and female prisoners.

APA format required


Material 12


Answer preview

One of the roles played by a case manager working with a juvenile offender is coming up with a risk/needs assessment. Numerous assessment tools have been developed over the years to help case managers fulfill this role. However, a key point to note is that the standard risk/needs assessment tools should not be used for juvenile offenders (Richard, 2019). The most effective ones include; the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory, Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale, Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Youth Version, and the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (Richard, 2019). Working with juvenile offenders presents case managers with unique challenges and advantages. One of these advantages is access to numerous sources of information (Richard, 2019). As such, case managers should strive to gather as much information about a juvenile from different sources.

Some of the advantages of working with juvenile offenders can also present unique problems for case managers. For instance, they should be adequately prepared to handle

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Juvenile offenders.