Organization to seek and acquire potential employees from the online setting

Discuss the question using 3 APA reference within the last 5years with nursing content.

As technology continues to advance, organizations are using social media and online platforms to seek and acquire eligible employees. What processes, procedures, and specific websites are currently being used in your organization to seek and acquire potential employees from the online setting? As a potential employee, discuss the benefits and challenges that accompany social media, including LinkedIn, when seeking employment? What are drawbacks that an employer faces when using websites to attract future applicants for positions and how can these drawbacks be reduced?

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One of the benefits associated with using social media platforms such as LinkedIn is that it increases the chances of a person getting a job. Social media increases a potential employee’s visibility, and as such, enhances the chances of an employer coming across their details and selecting them (Akila et al., 2019). Sites such as LinkedIn allow a person to post their professional profile, which is available to potential professional suitors, who access a person’s educational background and the skills they possess. Social media also gives people an opportunity to showcase to potential employers that they have a deeper understanding of the industry or business their organization is involved in (Akila et al., 2019). For instance, a person can write blogs talking about the industry and then link the blog postings to their professional profiles. By doing this, a person increases their chances of getting spotted by a potential suitor.

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Organization to seek and acquire potential employees from the online setting