Sexually Transmitted Diseases

This week you will add to the work you have done in Weeks 1 and 2 on your final project. You will combine the work from the previous weeks with this part and submit it for grading.

Phase 3 of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model is the education and ecological assessment. After the key risk factors have been identified, they are classified into three categories: Predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors. Approaches to these factors may vary depending on the setting, so it is important to take both the factors and the setting into account in the program planning process.

In Week 1, you selected and analyzed a health issue, explaining the populations or groups most affected by it. In Week 2, you examined the behavioral and environmental risk factors related to your selected health issue. This week, based on your analysis in Week 2, select one or two behavioral risk factors as the focus for the final project.

Week 3 Tasks:

Using the Internet, research risk factors. Write a 4–6-page educational assessment paper (

Complete the following:

  • Identify one or two behavioral risk factors related to your selected health issue. Justify your choices using scholarly references.
  • Identify the predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors for each selected behavioral risk factor.
  • Describe at least two examples of each factor as they relate to the behavior.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of two different settings that can be used to address the health behavior in the targeted population.

Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples.

Collate your work on Phase 1 (Week 1) and Phase 2 (Week 2) together with Phase 3 and submit the paper.

Please see the attachments !

Requirements: 5-6 pages

Answer preview

The primary predisposing Factor in unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple factors includes the value and desire to be accepted in a social group. In a school setting, teenagers fall at risk of drug abuse as they desire to be accepted into different social groups that engage in malicious activities (Miranda et al., 2018). The reinforcing factors include peer influence in school, including approval for sexual involvement with multiple partners and substance abuse. Government laws and policies which prohibit alcohol consumption by minors can prompt them to prioritize personal development over deviant behaviors.

Unprotected Sexual Intercourse in Romantic Relationships

The primary predisposing Factor is the promotion of sex by the media, which motivates teenagers to engage in sexual activities (Shayo & Kalomo, 2019). Limited knowledge of sexual

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases