Search and Arrest Warrants

In 1-2 pages, discuss issues jail administrators and correction officers may face during daily operations. How may these issues be addressed?

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation


In a minimum of 1-2 pages, discuss the federal prison system, the types of prisons, style of system, and programming. You may use outside resources to research this assignment.

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation


In 1-2 pages, discuss the process needed in order to obtain a search warrant, what information is needed? Explain the difference between a search warrant and an arrest warrant?

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation


In 1-2 pages, briefly discuss the types of evidence investigators may encounter while investigating a crime. Give an example of a least two types of evidence.

APA format required, title page, reference page, proper citation



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Investigators will be called upon whenever a crime is committed to determine what happened. The professionals tasked with investigating a crime and gathering pertinent evidence will be dependent on the nature of the crime and the resources possessed by the law enforcement agency tasked with investigating the crime (Stainton & Ewin, 2022). In most instances in the United States, crimes will be investigated by a detective, who is tasked with interviewing all persons of interest and victims, pursuing leads, and piecing together information developed from the materials collected at a crime scene (Stainton & Ewin, 2022). Detectives often work hand in hand with crime scene investigation personnel to search the crime scene and gather pertinent evidence (Stainton & Ewin, 2022). The CSI team is made up of individuals specialized in collecting different types of evidence.

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Search and Arrest Warrants