Electronic health records

Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 350 and maximum of 500 words (2-3 paragraphs). PER 4 QUESTIONS SINGLE spaced. Referenced with three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines. APA in-text Citation formatting is required. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions to engage readers and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.

HCAD 635 Discussion 10 Questions –


Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 350 and maximum of 500 words (2-3 paragraphs). PER 4 QUESTIONS SINGLE spaced. Referenced with three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines. APA in-text Citation formatting is required. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions to engage readers and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.




10.1 Technology

Watch http://www.ted.com/talks/eric_topol_the_wireless_future_of_medicine (16:58). 

While this talk is a bit dated, the issues presented remain relevant.  What innovations are currently being developed in health care and how might these innovations change the current long-term care landscape?

Consider technological tools used in long term care such as call systems, wandering alarms, fall alarms, behavioral RPM systems, rule-based behavioral monitoring, vital sign monitoring, teleconferencing, electronic health records, and home care information systems.  Pick one tool to write about.  What does the tool do exactly?  How does it reshape the way in which care is provided?  Has it been widely adopted in the US?  How much does it cost?  Write a scenario where the tool is needed and adopted.  Describe the need, the approach to adoption, barriers to adoption, how barriers were overcome, and the positive outcomes that emerged from using the tool over time.


10.2 Tell me Why…

Locate the websites of 3 different providers of assisted living facilities, adult day care services, or a CCRC.  No nursing homes.  You should have three websites for the same type of provider/facility:

  1. Compare and contrast the relevant aspects of the websites.
  2. Discuss how well or how poorly the facility has done with its web-based marketing tactics.  What should they add or remove from their website?
  3. If you were the decision-maker tasked with choosing one of these providers based solely on their website, which one would you choose?  Why?

Be sure to include a link for each of the three websites in your post


10.3 LTC Administration Licensure

NHA Exam offers an overview of national standards.  Look up the specific requirements for a state other than that in which you live.  Briefly describe the requirements and how they relate to the survey and accreditation processes. Explain how an internal successful Administrator in Training program affects marketing activities in the LTC community.

State of Choice: Maryland


10.4 The Future of Long Term Care

Post your thoughts on the impact of Lecture 10 and on the future of long term care and health administration.

Answer preview

The three facilities have effectively utilized their websites to market their services. This is because the websites provide quality information on the services that each facility offers. The information on the websites is also organized to make it easy for users to navigate. The site design of the websites makes it easy to read the information provided. All three websites have navigation bars that make it easy to find and access the required information. The font sizes and colors used make it easy for users to read the content. The three facilities have also effectively utilized their web-based marketing tactics because they can be accessed using different browsers. Content marketing has also been effectively utilized because, in the three websites, there is engaging content aimed at attracting and engaging the target audience (Vinerean, 2017). The websites are also mobile-friendly, which is an important aspect of the effective use of a website as a marketing tool.

Among the things that the facilities should add to their websites is focusing more on public relations. This is because the websites do not provide press releases that can help them promote their business to the blogger and news media. If I was tasked with choosing one of the providers based solely on their websites, I would choose the Lighthouse Senior Living at Hopkins Creek. This is because its website describes how the facility offers a welcoming community to the elderly on Baltimore’s eastern side. Its website also describes how the facility reflects its commitment to exceptional care in assisted living. Details of the facility’s rooms and public areas and the amenities offered, are also provided.

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Electronic health records