Dynamics of family genogram.

If you cannot do a genogram per computer (there are websites for genograms)

The content of the project will consist of:

o A family genogram (2 generations)

o Cites and discusses at least 1 family systems therapies/theory to support dynamics of family genogram(for example is it structural family system, or family systems therapy/theory(bowen) or solutions focused system? .

It is expected

Requirements: Just complete

I drew the genogram out for my family I just wasn’t sure how to put the genogram together in a graph . It must have a answer key like the one provided on the example gen

please Look for any site you are comfortable with these are just samples

  1. https://creately.com/usage/genogram-template-example/
  2. https://www.edrawmax.com/genogram/genogram-maker/
  3. https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/example/genogram-maker
  4. https://www.edrawsoft.com/ad/genogram-maker.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI943HzrrW8QIVRsvICh1wyw-PEAAYAyAAEgK1EfD_BwE
  5. these are some websites to create genograms that’ was also procided

Answer preview

One of the concepts is the differentiation of self. The theory holds that individuals within families vary in terms of their level of emotional differentiation. Emotional differentiation refers to their ability to separate their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from those of others. With the higher level of differentiation, the families are able to maintain a sense of self while remaining connected to others. On the other hand, differentiation can result in emotional fusion and reactivity to others (Fiese, Jones, & Saltzman, 2019).

The second concept is triangles. The theory proposes that a family dynamic often involves “triangles.” The family involves triangles when there is tension between the two members, and a third person is involved in diffusing that tension.   The triangles are crucial in reducing anxiety and maintaining stability in the family systems, but they can also contribute to dysfunction and conflict. The third concept is the multigenerational transmission process. The theory holds that patterns of emotional and behavioral processes can be passed down from one

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