Andrea Yate Case

Question Description: Overview: This activity will allow you to examine the roles and responsibilities of the participants in the judicial process, while utilizing a tool that is helpful to
administrators—a graphic organizer.
Prompt: Visit the Shapiro Library and choose an article about the Andrea Yates case. Create a graphic organizer that evaluates this case from arrest to trial,
identifying the different responsibilities of the participants in the judicial process. Include an examination of how the process works and self corrects when
necessary through appeals and retrial. This Inspiration Software guide will help you understand more about graphic organizers.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Responsibilities: Evaluate the Andrea Yates case from arrest to trial, identifying the different responsibilities of the participants in the judicial process.
II. Examination: Include an examination of how the process works and self corrects when necessary through appeals and retrial.

Guidelines for Submission: Consider a free online
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[8 Words]

Andrea Yate Case

Regional crime scene unit

Assignment Details

You have worked in a regional crime scene unit for four years. The team recently hired three graduates from a Professional Certification Organization for Crime Scene Investigators. The three graduates’ specialties are firearms identification, blood spatter pattern analysis, and fingerprint comparison. You have been working under their respective specialty supervisors for several years and have been involved in research and live case work.

They have never testified on their own as expert witnesses and they have come to you asking what the credentials are to become an expert witness in a case and who makes the decision that they are an expert witness for that trial.

They also want to know, once they are found to be an expert witness in a trial, does it mean they are automatically considered to be an expert for the same subject in the next trial that they must testify in?

Address their concerns by answering the following:

  • What are two qualifying conditions that you would recommend the graduates pursue in order to be considered an expert witness in a trial? Why do you believe that these two conditions are important?
  • Review other student’s answers. Use your discussion board response to share which of their qualifying conditions would you add to yours and explain why.
  • You are at a friend’s party speaking to someone you just met. They seem interested in knowing how expert witnesses work. How would you explain to them the process of becoming an expert witness and how it applies to different trials?

Requirements: 300 or more words

here is the course textbook for reference – Garland, N. (2019). Criminal Evidence (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).

Answer preview

might call an individual to provide expert testimony during civil litigation or criminal litigation. As alluded to in the last part of the paper, an individual will need pertinent qualifications and credentials to become an expert witness. The qualifications indicate that the expert witness possesses pertinent knowledge or experience in the field of study for the evidence they will opine on during trial (Garland, 2019). Furthermore, credentials should be provided to a judge and opposing counsel as proof of an expert’s qualification to evaluate and opine on a piece of evidence during a trial.

[424 Words]

Regional crime scene unit