Leadership and Correctional Reform

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that analyzes leadership and correctional reform at the local, state, and federal levels. For each level, include the following:

Format your paper according to APA standards.

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An effective correctional leader should have the ability to manage anger and to be patient to avoid getting out of control. A leader in a correctional facility should avoid reacting out of anger because it can lead to poor working relationships with other officers. Also, managing anger is important because the crimes committed by criminals are diverse, where some can make a leader dehumanize some inmates. Also, correctional facilities require leadership that can make inmates and staff members follow the set rules to the environment is safe for everyone, and such an order cannot be obtained through angry reactions. Being patient is a quality that helps leaders to be calm when dealing with inmates and staff, which promotes good relations (Klinoff, Van Hasselt, Black, Masias & Couwels 2018).

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Leadership and Correctional Reform