Managerial Accounting Tools

Write a 2-page paper on Managerial Accounting Tools ( not including cover and references).

(using APA 7th ed formatting) and include a cover page and a reference page.

You should have a minimum of three references (and remember to use citations in the text to match the references

Articles from 2009 – present only. Use you online library. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is accepted.

Need articles as references but also these two books.

References Book: Noreen, E.W., Brewer, P.C. & Garrison, R.H. (2020). Managerial Accounting for Managers. 5th edition.

Also can look information from another book: Walther, L. (2020). A high-quality, comprehensive, free, online textbook. Retrieved from

With references: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest .

NoWikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as theypresent a biasedopinion. GoogleScholar is also accepted.

Could use information from The Big 4 CPA firms’ websites provide current (published in 2017 or 2016) publications relevant to this course. Here are the Big 4 CPA firms’ websites:

Format everything, including referencesAPA Version 7th.( Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th ed. (2019, October 1). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association )..

Answer preview

Cost behavior analysis is another tool that is valuable in managerial accounting.  It is primarily concerned with changes in the cost in relation to changes in the organizational level activities.  It evaluates costs like direct costs, direct materials, and overhead costs. Some of the models that the managerial accountants use to compute cost behavior include regression analysis and high, low-cost analysis cost analysis behavior. According to Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso, & Aly (2018), capital budgeting is concerned with the analysis of information required needed in making necessary decisions pertaining to capital expenditures. In capital budgeting analysis, managers compute the internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) to deliberate them on capital budgeting decisions.  The organization can use a break-even analysis tool. Nitzl & Chin (2017) highlight that break-even analysis helps an organization determine a point where a projected revenue will match the total fixed cost.

[705 Words]

Managerial Accounting Tools

Budgetary Planning

Write an 8-page paper on Budgetary Planning with at least 5 references in APA 7th ed. format.

You will need a:

  • Cover page
  • Body of paper
  • Reference page

Articles from 2009 – present only. Use your online library. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is accepted.

Essay accounting from book: Noreen, E.W., Brewer, P.C. & Garrison, R.H. (2020). Managerial Accounting for Managers. 5th edition.

Also can look information from: Walther, L. (2020). Retrieved from

With references: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest. Will help provide articles later on.

No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sitesthat challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is also accepted.

Could use information from The Big 4 CPA firms’ websites provide current (published in 2017 or 2016) publications relevant to this course. Here are the Big 4 CPA firms’ websites:

Format everything, including references APA Version 7th.( Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th ed. (2019, October 1). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association ).

Also can look information from: Walther, L. (2020). Retrieved from

References: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is also accepted.

Answer preview

Budgeting constitutes a fundamental aspect of planning in managerial accounting. Budgets help an institution to plot the best way forward after duly considering the resources that are available (Noreen et al., 2020). Budget preparation occurs before the organization sets out to implement the operational aspects needed to attain the specified financial objectives. A reasonable budget clearly outlines the expenses of the organization. Budget planning is centered around four main elements: the duration of planning, the activities being planned for, the kind of transaction s contemplated under the quantitative plan and the functional basis for the financial plan. Time-based planning yields long-term, short-term, and current budgets. A current budget

[2627 Words]

Budgetary Planning



Essay of accounting of 3 to 4 pages about: Define decentralized organizations and tell how they work and how they measure the performance of those charged with management. .Essay must contain minimum or 3 or 4 pages with more or minimum of nine (9)long!!!! paragraphs.

Essay accounting from book: Noreen, E.W., Brewer, P.C. & Garrison, R.H. (2020). Managerial Accounting for Managers. 5th edition. Chapter 11: Performance Measurement in Decentralized Organizations

Also can look information from: Walther, L. (2020). Retrieved from

Need to be minimum 9 long paragraphs. With references: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest.

No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is also accepted.

Could use information from The Big 4 CPA firms’ websites provide current (published in 2017 or 2016) publications relevant to this course. Here are the Big 4 CPA firms’ websites:

Format everything, including references APA Version 7th.( Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th ed. (2019, October 1). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association ).

References: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is also accepted.

Answer preview

Decentralization requires organizations to divide the company into various units or departments (Hansen & Host, 2012). Each department is responsible for determining how it operates, the products the department will manufacture, and how they will interact with their customers. Departmental managers have an obligation to consult and seek the input of subordinate employees. Senior executives with a decentralized organization often perform supervisory roles within the company (Hansen & Host, 2012). They are rarely involved with the day to day running of every department. Their input gets confined to the division of resources.

[1025 Words]


Mint account

Watch a short video on the Web site on how to set up a Mint account. Explore the
Website to determine who funds the program. Read one or more of the personal finance
blogs and write a two-page essay on what you learned from the Web site and blog(s).

Answer preview

The fourth step in refinancing a student loan is to beware of the variable and fixed-rate terms. A fixed-rate requires the debtor to pay the same amount of the loan every month. However, a variable –rate is beneficial because it allows changes in the amount to be paid based on economic fluctuations. It will enable an individual not to make drastic changes in spending when one loses their income source. Lastly, the blog advises on regularly checking interest rates on student loans (Kumok, 2020). The rates are likely to change due to factors such as improvement in credit scores. Effective refinancing of student loans helps boost the overall credit score and offers a more relaxed schedule that best fits the financial budget.

[619 Words]

Mint account

Accounting Information Systems

Part 1

Referencing this week’s readings and lecture, describe the six steps in the systems approach and apply the systems approach to improving the quality of an accounting information system (AIS).

Part 2

An organization is a regional distributor of widgets. Widgets purchased for the organization originate from small suppliers, and payment is made only with cash. To simplify operations, orders are only taken from customers via its website, and delivery of widgets to customers are handled by a third-party shipping company. All sales are done on account on a net 30 basis and the simplicity of the operation allows the business to be operated by a husband and wife team and no other employees. The wife handles the website programming and all customer service activities (such as customer questions and complaints requiring replacement widgets), and the husband handles all other aspects of the operation (i.e., accounting functions and collections of accounts receivables).

From the information provided:

Requirements: 2 pages


Welcome to ACC622: Accounting Information Systems. We begin our journey with an overview of how technology and accounting correlate with one another. Accounting Information Systems (AIS) are more than just technologies used to report financial information. According to Bodnar and Hopwood (2013), “an accounting information system is a collection of resources, such as people and equipment, designed to transform financial and other data into information” (p.1). Each week you will be provided with a written weekly lecture aimed at supplementing one or more concepts from the readings. In addition to this lecture, a link to the textbook’s PowerPoint presentation will be made available to highlight the key concepts covered in the weekly readings.

The resources used in a comprehensive AIS work in correlation as a system that is focused on specific goals (Romney & Steinbart, 2015). Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) is concerned with how management assesses an organization’s internal controls to ensure the accuracy of reported financial data. According to Romney and Steinbart (2015), these resources utilize five basic business transaction styles: “(a) revenue cycle, (b) expenditure cycle, (c) production or conversion cycle, (d) human resources/payroll cycle and (e) financing cycle” (p. 6-7). These cycles are inter-related with the AIS because normal business transactions work together as a process for the purpose of selling goods and services. Kay and Ovlia (2014) call this relationship an “enterprise system” (p. 4). An enterprise system is people working together within an organization to achieve specific goals. Information is created through transactions (input). This information is processed so that data becomes useful and that data is finally put into a useable format (Kay & Ovlia, 2014).

The inter-relationship of these processes has become known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). ERP coordinates each of the five business transaction cycles into a single effort for achieving a goal. This can be as simple as creating a paycheck in the human resources/payroll process to as complex as the supply chain process of creating a product. Accounting Information Systems ties all of these components together into a workable system.

During week 1, we will explore the basics of AIS and how AIS works in a systems approach to achieve goals. You will explore how technology works in conjunction with created data to provide accurate reporting of this data and how this data works within an organization’s system of internal controls. The Week 1 written assignment focuses on the top ten technology initiatives as listed by the Information Technology Center web site for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants ( You will analyze each of the technology initiatives and how they apply to practical examples in business. You will incorporate scholarly research to the effectiveness of each of these technologies.

Please click on the link below to access a PDF version of the textbook Powerpoint Presentation for the weekly readings.

ACC622 Chapter 1 Powerpoint

Forbes School of Business Faculty


Bodnar, G. H., & Hopwood, W. S. (2013). Accounting Information Systems (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Kay, D., & Ovila, A. (2014). Accounting Information Systems: The Crossroads of Accounting & IT (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.

Romeny, M. B. & Steinbart, P. J. (2015). Accounting Information Systems (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.

Answer preview

A business process entails a collection of activities that are related with the sole intention of producing products or services for customers. The organization’s business processes are sales and marketing, quality product delivery, and accounting and technology (Romeny & Steinbart, 2015). They acquire widgets from suppliers and distribute them to their customers using a well-structured process, thus encompassing the sales and marketing process. In addition to that, quality product delivery is assured since the wife ensures all complaints are addressed. Another business process utilized by the organization is accounting and technology since the husband is in charge of all accounting functions.

[697 Words]

Accounting information systems

Accounting information systems

Part 1

Referencing this week’s readings and lecture, identify unique problems and risks associated with accounting information systems. In addition, discuss two practical examples of specific problems and how risk could have been mitigated from these problems.

Part 2

View the IT Networks (Links to an external site.) video and referencing this week’s lecture, discuss the potential threats to the security of an organization’s network. What are some of the strengths and limitations of a wired versus wireless system?

Requirements: 2 Pages

Weekly Lecture

What is risk? According to Fadun (2013), “risk is commonly associated with uncertainty, as the event may or may not occur and is an essential part of business because firms cannot operate without taking risks” (p. 225). According to Laudicina (2005), risk is an inevitable component of doing business both domestically and globally. The most successful companies understand that growth requires risk because passive operations fail to capitalize on a company’s growth potential. Key to positive risk is “distinguishing between smart risks from dangerous gambles” (Laudicina, 2005, para. 2). The first step in understanding risk is being able to identify risk in the correct context. Risk identification is a tricky and complex process that requires an abstract look at the unquantifiable risks that could cause permanent damage to a company (Schwartz & Gibb, 1999). Once identified, the next step in the risk process is to mitigate that risk.

The process of mitigating risks and ethical decision-making is synonymous, as the procedures followed emulate one another. This process begins with a complete understanding of the facts (Baron, 2006). As the company understands the full environment and the options available to solve the issues, management must enumerate the reasons for the decision made (Baron, 2006). A critical approach to ethical decision-making and risk mitigation provides the decision maker with more than the relevant facts about the immediate issue (Baron, 2006). The basis for a historical review of past issues and decisions provides support for the immediate issue, as in most cases history tends to repeat itself. Although not meant to be a rubber stamp for future decisions, the consideration of past issues and situations helps provide the decision maker with valuable facts that were not previously considered.

Week 3 focuses on understanding how risk plays a role in contingency planning for potential disasters with one’s accounting information system. According to Arhail ALShbiel and Bani Ahmad (2013), the changing world of technology has had a direct effect on the way financial information is reported and on the accounting information system that delivers that financial information. One of the critical issues in regards to this changing technology is the potential “obstacles of communication between the internal control department and the computer department and its impact on the efficiency accounting information system” (Arhail ALShbiel & Bani Ahmad, 2013, p. 297). Arhail ALShbiel and Bani Ahmad (2013) found that four primary issues can increase the risk level of communication problems between those responsible for internal controls of an organization and those responsible the computer department of an organization. At stake is the efficiency of the organization’s accounting information system. As we learned in week 2, an effective accounting information system provides reliable data with effective accounting information that is in compliance with governmental regulations.

Please click on the link below to access a PDF version of the textbook PowerPoint Presentation for the weekly readings.

Chapter 6 PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

Forbes School of Business Faculty


Arhal ALShbiel, M. O., & Bani Ahmad, A. A. (2013). The risks of communication between department of internal control & computer and its impact on the efficiency of the accounting information systems in the commercial banks. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(11),297-303.

Baron, D. P. (2006). Business and its environment (5th ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ:Pearson Prentice Hall.

Fadun, O. S.(2013). Risk management and risk management failure: lessons for business enterprise. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(2), 225-239.

Laudicina, P. A. (2005). Managing global risk to seize competitive advantage. Ivey Business Journal Online. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.

Schwartz, P., & Gibb, B. (1999). When good companies do bad things. New York, NY: John S. Wiley & Sons.

Answer preview

Potential threats to an organization’s network could cause extensive damage. Most of these threats are spread via the internet. The most common security threat in an organization’s network comes in the form of malware (Fadun, 2013). This malware could spread in the network through viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Such malware infects files within the network causing damage to the network. Organization networks are also at risk of being infiltrated by spyware which collects the user’s private information and sells it to interested parties. Such information could be potentially damaging to the organization (Schwartz & Gibb, 1999). In addition, hackers may cause the network to be unavailable to users, thereby causing the organization’s operations to stall.

[835 Words]

Accounting information systems

World Com

Suggested structure for the paper:

  • Paragraph one: Clearly describe the main ethical dilemma facing the decision maker you have chosen. You may want to describe how or why the dilemma arose.
  • Paragraph two: Describe what the decision-maker ACTUALLY did, and the Kohlberg stage that the decision-maker was acting at and why it applies. Then delineate the positive and negative consequences that arose or may have arisen from that choice. These should be done as headers with bullet points, for clarity.
  • Paragraph three: Identify a different possible course of action that could have been taken, and the Kohlberg stage that would lead to that choice.
    Again, bullet multiple positive and negative consequences for the individual–this time making sure that you include consequences for the company and the relevant stakeholders.
  • Paragraph four: Identify a second possible course of action that could have been taken. Continue with the same requirements as Paragraph three.
  • Paragraph five (and six)–OPTIONAL–add additional courses of action and analyze as above
  • Last paragraph: Discuss briefly what YOU would do in the situation and why (based on Kohlberg and other considerations). Write a concluding sentence that summarizes the theme of your paper.

Here is a partial example of what the paper should cover in substance.
Assume that the following was a real-life case, and you were assigned to analyze this scenario from the point of view of Ms. CPA:
A client asked Ms. CPA to hide income on a tax return. Ms. CPA’s boss also wanted her to do it. Ms. CPA is a single mother with minimal savings. Her dilemma? Does she break the law or disobey the boss?

  • Ethical dilemma: Does Ms. CPA comply with her fiduciary responsibility to follow the law, or does she do what the client and her boss want her to do, which violates ethical principles?
  • What Ms. CPA did: She told her boss that she did not feel comfortable committing this fraud; she said she would not be able to do it as a licensed CPA. She then asked her boss if this is typical of the way business is done in this firm.
    This was Kohlberg stage four (law abiding)
    Positive consequences:

    • Ms CPA had respect for herself, and she would not face professional or legal censure.
    • her boss would know that she was a person of integrity
    • even if she did lose my job over this, that would be better in the long run than a lifetime of fraudulent transactions that could lead to incarceration and loss of license
    • the client would be confident that the firm had integrity, and had his best long-term interests at heart–especially if there were legal alternatives presented that could also result in a lower tax bill.
  • Negative consequences that may have occurred:
    • her boss may have been temporarily be angry with her, and talking to him would have been difficult.
    • This might affect the kinds of client assignments she would get in the future.
    • There is an outside chance that she might have lost her job, and she would have faced the loss of income, which may have affected her family.
    • The firm might have lost that client.
  • A different possible course of action: Do what the client (and boss) wants. This would be a combination of Kohlberg stage two (doing an action to get paid or keep a job) or stage three (trying to look good to boss or client by complying)
    • Positives: client and boss will be happy; Ms CPA will not have to worry about job loss for insubordination; difficult discussion with boss could be avoided.
    • Negatives: Ms. CPA cannot live with the guilt of breaking the law; she has to hide her actions from her kids; her boss pushes Ms. CPA to do even worse things in the future; eventually Ms. CPA is indicted; client gets caught and blames the CPA firm.
  • A second possible course of action: Realize that working for this firm is not a good “fit” ethically, Ms. CPA quits. This could be Kohlberg stage 2: (taking care of herself, and taking the consequences of loss of employment) or it could be Stage 4/stage 5 (following the rules of society even if one has to experience personal difficulties)
    • Positives: Ms. CPA feels ethically good about herself; client and boss have the chance to fact the fact that they might not be doing the right thing; law is not broken and third-party stakeholders do not suffer bad consequences
    • Negatives: Ms. CPA and her family must face the loss of income; client and firm might just continue with their deception, with “Ms. Goody Two-Shoes” out of the way
  • Etc….keep going with the parameters for the paper.

Requirements: 3 pages….



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Answer preview

There is a different course of action that Betty’s Vision could have opted to take instead of engaging in the fraudulent accounting practices. Maybe Betty could have thought of whistleblowing.  Instead of resigning and conducting fraudulent practices, Betty could have filed for a whistleblower.  In so doing, she could have retained her job and avoid jeopardizing her career.  Betty is in the fourth stage of the law-abiding and second stage of individualism. By filing for whistleblowing, Vision could be abiding by the established laws or accounting standards.

Positive consequence

Some of the positive consequences of adopting this moral decision choice are outlined below.

  • She will keep her job as an accountant in the company will continue receiving her salary. The law prohibits the company from firing, demoting, or victimizing the whistleblower in any way. Consequently, betty will keep her job.

[1007 Words]


World Com

Enterprise risk management

Part 1

Describe the internal control principle of “Risk Assessment” as presented in COSO’s 2013 Framework, SOX 2002 Sections 404 & 302, and PCAOB’s AS 5.

Compare the internal control effectiveness of the Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by COSO, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Section 404 “Internal Control over Financial Reporting Requirements”, and PCAOB’s AS 5 “an Audit of Internal Control over Financial Reporting that is integrating with an Audit of Financial Statements.”

Part 2

Read the article “Sarbanes-Oxley and Public Reporting on Internal Control: Hasty Reaction or Delayed Action?”. Do you agree with the authors that the COSO 1992 Framework and SOX 2002 Section 404 succeeded in changing the ways companies thought of internal controls over risk assessment? Why or why not?

Requirements: 2 Pages

Please separate the two parts.1PAGE EACH

Answer preview

The COSO, SOX Section 404, and PCAOB’s AS 5 have demonstrated equal effectiveness in providing internal control structure and procedures needed for financial reporting. According to Lawson et al. (2017), the SOX law, in general, emphasizes organizations use the COSO framework for conducting internal controls to achieve the required standards for risk assessments and auditing. This also aligns with the PCAOB’s AS 5, whereby the standardized procedure helps identify the highest risks in financial information. However, a significant difference is that the COSO offers a framework for the organizational managers to use when creating their control environment (Lawson et al., 2017). On the other hand, the SOX 404, which acts as a compliance program, requires managers to sign off on the designed internal controls based on their financial reporting (Leech, 2003). Further, the PCAOB’s AS 5, compared to the COSO, SOX Section 404, acts as a prompt warning system for spotting the highest risks in financial reports (Goelzer, 2008).

[798 Words]

Enterprise risk management

Variable Interest Annuities

Variable Interest Annuities (VIE’s) have gained wide attention due to the company Enron. Based on this weeks reading and weekly lecture:

Explain what VIE’s are and what part did VIE’s play in the collapse of Enron?

Does the Walt Disney Company have any VIE’s? Who are they, where are they located and how does the company account for the VIE’s?

Review the following company VIE’s and comment on the accounting application of the entity:

oGeneral Electric

oConAgra Foods

oTime Warner

oAllegheny Energy

Part 2

Explain the concept of non-controlling interest.

Research examples from corporate financial statements and notes and provide specific examples of non-controlling interest.

Requirements: 2 Pages

Answer preview

General Electric has numerous subsidiaries, including GE Aviation, GE Healthcare, DE addictive, and others. The Company consolidates its income, losses, and assets on its financial statements. Time Warner is a US Company that is owned by AT&T. The Company has various subsidiaries, including Warner Bros, HBO, and Pictures. The Company’s revenues, losses, assets, and obligations are consolidated in AT&T’s financial information. Allegheny Energy is a USD company that offers electric services in some parts of the USA. The Company merged with FirstEnergy company in 2010. ConAgra Foods specializes in packaging food products, and it is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. It has various VIEs, including Pinnacle Food, ConAgra Food Lamb Weston, KAG Tech, Bernoulli, and others. Its subsidiaries’ income and losses are consolidated in its financial income.

[696 Words]

Variable Interest Annuities