Effect of Virtual Learning

  • Purpose: to persuade audience to accept a claim about a debatable issue
  • Audience: specific/narrow group who can make change regarding this issue, e.g. state or local government
  • Voice: Third-person (no “you” voice; limited “I” voice for personal stories/examples)
  • Length: 1,800+ words (not including References page)
  • Citations: APA parenthetical/in-text citations throughout and APA References page com Score: 5-20% range.
  • Sources: 8 or more research sources used and cited within the essay (and on the References page)
    • 3+ peer-reviewed scholarly articles from the library databases
    • 2+ magazine/newspaper/government document/book/eBook sources (or peer-reviewed articles)
    • 2+ other credible sources, such as more general websites (may include any of the more credible source types above)
    • 1+ personal interview

A Successful Argument Essay*

  • Essay is persuasive, utilized rhetorical devices, demonstrating largely effective logical and persuasive skill.
  • Essay is directed at a specific/narrow audience.
  • Successful focus on topic and stance; thesis is a viable, well-worded opinion (claim + reasons format) leading to focused argument.
  • Thesis and body strongly aligned throughout: flows in an organized manner that matches the thesis “map.”
  • Utilizes topic sentences, transitions, etc. well and paragraph content is focused, purposeful, and smooth.
  • Support is extensive, varied, and sophisticated throughout the paper:
  • Informs audience about the background/context of the issue.
  • Offers strong support for thesis by developing the reasons listed in the thesis.
  • Cites and incorporates evidence from multiples sources for each reason.
  • Employs research from at least 8 credible sources, meeting requirement. Sources are current (published within last five years).
  • Synthesizes research with writer’s own ideas.
  • Source materials are smoothly integrated with successful interpretation/accreditation; avoids “dropped”/”dumped” quotations.
  • Successfully synthesizes opposing points-of-view, i.e. fairly acknowledges and responds to possible counterarguments.
  • Cites paraphrases, summaries, and quotations with APA parenthetical citations.
  • Point-of-view is appropriate and sustained with third-person voice.
  • Language usage, voice, style, and tone are appropriate and effective; insignificant padding, redundancy, and/or overstatement.
  • Errors in surface features largely non-existent; minor errors do not distract from reading.
  • Is double-spaced, alphabetized, and indented as prescribed by APA conventions, uses level headers to separate sections of content for ease of reading.
  • Meets the length requirement of 1,800 or more words.
  • Has a Turnitin.com originality score in the 5-20% range, meaning a relatively small portion of the essay contains direct language from others/outside source, minimally repurposes previous work. Should you need to repurpose prior work from English 101, or another class, please inform your instructor of your intentions to do so.
  • References page included in same document as the essay, as the final page.
  • Contains citations in proper and consistent APA format (6th edition).
  • Is double-spaced, alphabetized, and indented for second and following lines of each entry.
  • Is relatively free of errors in punctuation and mechanics.

Answer preview

Some students who are actively engaged in virtual learning would achieve low results based on the dependence on the teacher for the dissemination of knowledge. Also, the students in a virtual environment are less anxious, feel less intimated, and speak more freely than they would in a class meeting (Ashford, 2020). In virtual learning, the teacher can interact freely with individual students to identify their weaknesses and respond accordingly. Students can also engage the online databases more actively, hence improving their knowledge base (Telles-Langdon, 2020). The increased participation and the maximum utilization of the resources available on the internet lead to an improved outcome for each student. Virtual learning is thus effective in improving the learning outcome for all programs by utilizing students’ competencies acquired in the social systems.

[2087 Words]

Effect of Virtual Learning

Defining a Leader

Its 2 assignment

Case 1: Illustration/Example Essay

Length: no less than 700 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font size

This essay consists of your own thoughts, words, and ideas. No secondary sources are to be used in this essay.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

For this assignment, you will choose one term from the list below and define the term using illustration and example, making sure that the definition is your own and that it is not simply a paraphrasing of a definition shared elsewhere.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be the definition of a term.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. An essay with three points may be divided into three body paragraphs, one for each point describing the term. Each body paragraph must begin with a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills, will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English found in the course syllabus.

In an organized and well-supported mini five-paragraph essay, respond to the prompt below:

  • What goes into making an individual who they are?

Answer preview

Excellent communication is an outstanding strength that defines a leader, in that the way they share their ideas helps people understand their vision. For example, in a group of friends who decide to execute a project like constructing a shelter for the homeless, in most cases, the person who comes up with the idea is usually the king leader. This person communicates clearly why the project is essential and provides a vivid overview of how the project could be executed. In the process, this individual opens up about the needs and expectations to fulfill and encourages the targeted friends, who support the idea, to share their views. Hence, this creates an open forum, where the leader acknowledges every individual’s viewpoint. Generally, open communication helps the leader gain support from friends because they get to buy the idea and feel motivated to engage in the initiative as a strategy of giving back to the community.

[1444 Words]

Defining a Leader

Change in mental health due to COVID-19

Question Description: Instructions
This assignment is a full draft of your Argument Research PaperPreview the document. This draft will demonstrate the argument and writing techniques studied in the course and will build upon the steps you have taken in all the previous weeks toward developing your Argument Research Paper. This draft is expected to meet all of the Argument Research Essay requirements for writing, content, length, and sources.

Writing Requirements for the Argument Research Essay First Draft, Due in Week 5, and for the Argument Essay Final Draft, Due in Week 7

Correct use of APA guidelines for the following:
Headers with pagination
Title Page
Margins, spacing, and paragraph indentation
APA in-text citation and referencing for all sources
Do not divide your essay into sections.
Do not use headings within your paper to indicate changes in topic. While longer APA essays and particular types of APA writing, such as scholarly articles, employ APA-style bolded headings to divide portions of the writing, you are writing a shorter academic essay. Your shift from one paragraph to the next should be signaled through your use of the effective transition and topic sentence rules we have practiced.
6-8 full pages for the essay itself, not including title page or references
Effective structure, including your introduction paragraph, your body paragraphs, and your conclusion paragraph
Use of third-person throughout. Focus on the topic, not on you nor on the essay. In other words: no first-person “I,” and no referring to the essay, such as “In this essay.”
At least 5 scholarly sources visibly used, cited, and referenced
Refer to the full Argument Research Essay Rubric
Your instructor will grade and offer feedback on this draft to help set you up toward additional success with your final draft in Week 7. In Week 6, you will post your draft to your peer review group area in discussion to also receive their feedback.

Grading: This activity will be graded using the Argument Research Essay Rubric.


Course Outcomes (CO): 3, 5, 6


Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

ENGL147 Week 5 Assignment Rubric (90 pts)
ENGL147 Week 5 Assignment Rubric (90 pts)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
5.0 pts
Meets length requirement (6-8 pages, not including title page or references).
4.25 pts
Length is 5 pages, not including title page or references.
3.75 pts
Length is 4 pages, not included title page or references.
3.0 pts
Length is 3 pages, not including title page or references.
0.0 pts
Length is fewer than 3 pages, not including title page or references.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Paper Format
5.0 pts
The essay is formatted in correct APA Style for the following items: header with pagination, correct margins and spacing, indentation of the first line of each paragraph. The paper does not use sections or headings within the essay.
4.25 pts
The essay is missing or has errors in 1-2 elements of the following: header with pagination, correct margins and spacing, indentation of the first line of each paragraph. The paper does not use sections or headings within the essay.
3.75 pts
The essay is missing or has errors in 3-4 elements of the following: header with pagination, correct margins and spacing, indentation of the first line of each paragraph. The paper may incorrectly include section divisions or headings within the essay.
3.0 pts
The essay is missing or has errors in 5 or more elements of the following: header with pagination, correct margins and spacing, indentation of the first line of each paragraph. The paper may incorrectly include section divisions or headings within the essay.
0.0 pts
No effort
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction and Thesis Statement
8.0 pts
The introduction paragraph is highly effective and clear. The introduction paragraph begins with a viable, appropriate attention-getting technique, offers a clear but brief overview of the existing debate, and presents a narrow argument thesis in which the writer takes a clear stance within the debate. The writer avoids using first-person and second-person and avoids referring to the paper itself.
6.8 pts
The introduction paragraph includes the necessary components but may be lacking in clarity, strength, or appeal in one of the following areas: a viable, appropriate attention-getting technique, a clear but brief overview of the existing debate, and a narrow argument thesis in which the writer takes a clear stance within the debate. Or, the writer may use first-person or second-person or may refer to the paper itself.
6.0 pts
The introduction paragraph does not include one of the required components, or the paragraph needs much work in one or more of the following: a viable, appropriate attention-getting technique, a clear but brief overview of the existing debate, and a narrow argument thesis in which the writer takes a clear stance within the debate. The writer may use first-person or second-person or may refer to the paper itself.
4.8 pts
The introduction paragraph does not include one or more of the required components, or the paragraph needs much work in two or more of the following: a viable, appropriate attention-getting technique, a clear but brief overview of the existing debate, and a narrow argument thesis in which the writer takes a clear stance within the debate. The writer may also use first-person or second-person or may refer to the paper itself.
0.0 pts
No effort
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody of the Essay: Argument
12.0 pts
In each body paragraph, the thesis argument is forwarded with strong and effective use of multiple argument techniques. Supporting and opposing arguments are richly developed and are presented and analyzed with the writer’s voice as the driving force of each paragraph. The writer avoids using first-person and second-person and avoids referring to the paper itself.
10.2 pts
Body paragraphs forward the thesis argument well but could be more effective in one of the following: use of multiple argument techniques, rich development of supporting and opposing arguments, and the writer’s voice as the driving force. Or, the writer may sometimes use first-person or second-person or may refer to the paper itself.
9.0 pts
Body paragraphs forward the thesis argument but could be more effective in some of the following: use of multiple argument techniques, rich development of supporting and opposing arguments, and the writer’s voice as the driving force.The writer may use first-person or second-person or may refer to the paper itself.
7.2 pts
Body paragraphs fall short of fully forwarding the central argument because of notable deficits in the use of multiple argument techniques, in rich development of supporting and opposing arguments, or in the writer’s voice as the driving force. The writer may use first-person or second-person or may refer to the paper itself.
0.0 pts
No effort
12.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody of the Essay: Paragraph Development
10.0 pts
The student’s voice is the driving force of each paragraph. Each paragraph includes all of the following: a clear topic sentence in the student’s voice, a brief discussion of the point at hand in the student’s voice, a smooth and clear shift from student’s voice to source material via signal phrases, a brief and clear presentation of source material, a clear indication of when the student’s voice begins again after the source material, and a rich interpretation and analysis in the student’s voice of the source material as related to the overall thesis and/or to the specific argument point at hand.
8.5 pts
The student’s voice is often the driving force of each paragraph, but some paragraphs may be missing some of the following: a clear topic sentence in the student’s voice, a brief discussion of the point at hand in the student’s voice, a smooth and clear shift from student’s voice to source material via signal phrases, a brief and clear presentation of source material, a clear indication of when the student’s voice begins again after the source material, and a rich interpretation and analysis in the student’s voice of the source material as related to the overall thesis and/or to the specific argument point at hand.
7.5 pts
The student’s voice is often the driving force of each paragraph, but many paragraphs are missing some of the following: a clear topic sentence in the student’s voice, a brief discussion of the point at hand in the student’s voice, a smooth and clear shift from student’s voice to source material via signal phrases, a brief and clear presentation of source material, a clear indication of when the student’s voice begins again after the source material, and a rich interpretation and analysis in the student’s voice of the source material as related to the overall thesis and/or to the specific argument point at hand.
6.0 pts
The student’s voice is not often the driving force of all paragraphs because most paragraphs are missing much of the following: a clear topic sentence in the student’s voice, a brief discussion of the point at hand in the student’s voice, a smooth and clear shift from student’s voice to source material via signal phrases, a brief and clear presentation of source material, a clear indication of when the student’s voice begins again after the source material, and a rich interpretation and analysis in the student’s voice of the source material as related to the overall thesis and/or to the specific argument point at hand.
0.0 pts
No effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody of the Essay: Organization and Flow
8.0 pts
Throughout the essay, the writing flows smoothly with effective transitions. The writing employs strong, clear, varied word choice that clarifies ideas and demonstrates good sentence variety. The essay is organized effectively and logically from start to finish.
6.8 pts
Throughout most of the essay, the writing flows smoothly with effective transitions. The writing usually employs strong, clear, varied word choice that clarifies ideas and demonstrates good sentence variety. The essay reflects that an organizational plan has been employed.
6.0 pts
In some places throughout the essay, the writing flows smoothly with effective transitions. There is some evidence of clear, varied word choice and sentence variety. The organization of paragraphs may not be optimal.
4.8 pts
Throughout the essay, the writing may be choppy due to a lack of sentence variety, word choice, or transitions. The organization of paragraphs from start to finish in the essay might be confusing or otherwise ineffective.
0.0 pts
No effort
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources: Quality and Number
10.0 pts
Five scholarly sources are visibly used in the essay itself and are all referenced and cited with enough information needed to determine their scholarly nature.
8.5 pts
Five sources are visibly used in the essay itself, but some may not include enough information needed to determine their scholarly nature.
7.5 pts
Five sources may be used, but 1-2 may not be scholarly. Or, fewer than five sources are used or some are not visibly integrated into the writing.
6.0 pts
Five sources may be used, but 3 or more may not be scholarly. Or, fewer than five sources are used and many or most are not visibly integrated into the writing.
0.0 pts
No effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources: Application and Integration
8.0 pts
Each time a source is used within the essay, it is well-previewed in the student’s voice and is smoothly integrated with a signal phrase or with correct integration into a student’s sentence. Each time a source is used, it is highly relevant to the point at hand and is effective in the context of the argument. The student has chosen to paraphrase or quote according to best practices. Sources comprise a small portion of each paragraph and are never used in the topic sentence or final sentence of a paragraph. Sources are cited directly after use, never at the end of the paragraph.
6.8 pts
Almost every time a source is used within the essay, it is well-previewed in the student’s voice and is smoothly integrated with a signal phrase or with correct integration into a student’s sentence. The source may not be clearly relevant to the point at hand or in the context of the argument. The student may need to make better choices between paraphrasing or quoting according to best practices. Sources may be over-used in some paragraphs or may be used in the topic sentence or final sentence of a paragraph. Sources may be cited at the end of a paragraph vs. directly after their use.
6.0 pts
Source application and integration may fall short and may require work to meet some of the following standards: sources well-previewed in the student’s voice, smoothly-integrated with a signal phrase or with correct integration into a student’s sentence, clearly relevant to the point at hand or in the context of the argument, well-informed in choice of paraphrase or quotation, minimally used to maintain writer’s voice, and effectively placed sources and citations.
4.8 pts
Source application and integration may fall short and may require work to meet many of the following standards: sources well-previewed in the student’s voice, smoothly-integrated with a signal phrase or with correct integration into a student’s sentence, clearly relevant to the point at hand or in the context of the argument, well-informed in choice of paraphrase or quotation, minimally used to maintain writer’s voice, and effectively placed sources and citations.
0.0 pts
No effort
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEssay Conclusion
8.0 pts
The conclusion is succinct and powerful, avoiding verbatim repetition of material from the introduction or from the paper. The conclusion flows well from the final body paragraph, reiterates the thesis concept in a unique way, and leaves the reader thinking with a look at larger contexts while staying keenly on-topic. The writer avoids using first-person and second-person and does not refer to the essay itself.
6.8 pts
The conclusion is succinct and powerful, but may include a small amount of verbatim repetition of material from the introduction or from the paper. The conclusion may flow well from the final body paragraph and addresses larger contexts, but in a way that may not be effective or powerful. The writer may use first-person or second-person or may refer to the esay itself.
6.0 pts
The conclusion is ineffective in some of the following areas: power and conciseness, unique wording, smooth flow, a thought-provoking ending, third-person point of view.
4.8 pts
The conclusion is missing multiple required elements or is highly ineffective due to wordiness, repetition, length (too short or too long), choppiness, a lack of impact, and/or the use of first-person or referring to the essay itself.
0.0 pts
Sources are not cited.
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Citation and Referencing
8.0 pts
All in-text citations and references are formatted in correct APA Style, and the references page is formatted correctly: The word References is centered at the top, the entire page is double-spaced uniformly, the list is alphabetized, and all but the first line of each source is properly indented.
6.8 pts
In-text citations and references may have minor errors in APA Style, and the references page may show errors in 1-2 of the following: The word References is centered at the top, the entire page is double-spaced uniformly, the list is alphabetized, and all but the first line of each source is properly indented.
6.0 pts
In-text citations and references may have persistent errors in APA Style, or the references page may show errors in 3 of the following: The word References is centered at the top, the entire page is double-spaced uniformly, the list is alphabetized, and all but the first line of each source is properly indented.
4.8 pts
In-text citations and references may have major errors in APA Style, may not include enough information to fully identify the source, or 4 or more of the following: The word References is centered at the top, the entire page is double-spaced uniformly, the list is alphabetized, and all but the first line of each source is properly indented.
0.0 pts
Sources are not cited or are cited poorly enough that the nature of the sources is overwhelmingly unclear.
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting: Mechanics & Usage
8.0 pts
The writing is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that would detract from a clear reading of the paper.
6.8 pts
The writing contains a few errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, but the errors do not detract from a clear reading of the text.
6.0 pts
The writing contains some errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that need to be addressed for a clearer reading of the paper.
4.8 pts
The writing contains several errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that impede a clear reading of the paper.
0.0 pts
No effort
8.0 pts
Total Points: 90.0

Answer preview

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted systems, including virtual learning, which has increased distress as people try to cope with new systems. Working at home and remote learning has many odds and stresses not previously experienced. The pressure to the various stakeholders to adapt to new systems and fear that such investment will not be sustained is a major cause of anxiety disorder. For instance, Fleming (2020, April 25) explains that many children struggle to adapt to remote learning. The benefits of flexibility in learning are only localized for those who are socially advantaged. Not all physical environments support remote learning, and technical problems are a major cause of distress. Parents, teachers, and students are worried about what the future will bring and how it will affect them. University students have also experienced distress in the era of COVID-19.  According to Hadi et al. (2020), social field students have reported difficulties contacting lecturers for statistic tasks, which is a major cause of distress.

[1845 Words]

Change in mental health due to COVID-19

End-of-class celebration plans

Question Description: Scenario: You are presenting your end-of-class celebration plans to a jury whose sole purpose is to approve or reject end-of-class celebration plans. This jury has decided many such cases, so it is your job to make your case compelling, engaging, exciting, unique, and argumentatively sound.

Toward that goal, and in three fully-developed paragraphs, please address the prompt questions .

A special note: While you should employ pre-writing, planning, and drafting techniques, please use a separate document or notebook for those pre-writing, planning, and stages. The final draft of your 3 exam paragraphs should be the only items you submit.

Answer preview

The best part of this pool party is games, food, and drinks. A set of games that will be played around the pool include swimming pool races and obstacle course. The games will keep everyone busy and happy during this party. Moreover, the joy will not be enough without having something to eat and drink. Therefore, I have prepared snacks and drinks, which will be enough for everyone. For example, I have organized the preparation of cupcakes and lemonade, which will be placed on tables around the pool for everyone to eat and drink. All these will make everyone enjoy the party, and I will remember that day forever, so please consider my pool party plan and accept it. Thank you.

[328 Words]

End-of-class celebration plans

Gender Inequality


Choose an issue about the causes or consequences of a trend, vent , or other phenomenon. Write an argument that persuades an audience to accept your explanation of the causes or consequences of your chosen phenomenon. Within your essay you should examine alternative hypotheses or opposing views and explain your reasons for rejecting them.

The following topics are NOT acceptable: Effects of drinking or smoking, causes or effects of abortion, effects of cell phone use and driving, causes or effect of global warming, bullying, obesity, exercise, eating unhealthy, stress.


1. Paper needs to be 3-5 pages written in MLA format includes in-text citations and works cited page.

2. Must incorporate at least two outside sources from credible sources. The library database is the best place for research.

3. Do not use contractions like don’t, it’s, etc.

4. Do not use personal pronouns (I, you, we) unless you are using a specific personal experience.

For now, I just need an Outline and to follow the outline

Answer preview

Another argument against income inequality is that pay should be based on productivity, not gender. The traditional concepts of gender roles are no longer applicable in the 21st century. Women nowadays work just like men in providing for the family. The fact that all genders are nowadays working requires that the wages for all employees be the same. Equal pay for equal responsibilities promotes gender equity and improves women’s purchasing power as they strive to provide a better future for their children. Equal pay promotes equal opportunities, and this encourages women to enter the labor force. Bryan & Bryson asserts that payments based on performance are increasingly gaining popularity across the world as companies shift to productivity to attract qualified employees (149). Performance-based wages are vital as they focus on an employee’s performance, which supports income inequality between men and women.

[1002 Words]

Gender Inequality

Research Proposal

Research Proposal

1. In this assignment, create a research proposal consisting of three sections:

2. Research proposal example attached.

3. All sources must be documented via APA citations and references.

Answer preview

From the critic’s perspective, the emphasis on control of social media usage is due to the negative impacts of the safety and individual’s wellbeing. Questions about the risks of cyberbullying have emerged since this affects the victims’ self-esteem and mental health. According to Fersko (2018), this is contributed by the hurtful words and images they may receive from the bullies. Severe repercussions experienced by victims like low grades, depression, and suicide reveal a need for limited usage. Also, extensive usage limits productivity, whereby users find themselves mindlessly scrolling on the networks, yet they could be engaged in other activities (Fersko, 2018). This kind of behavior makes people addicted, and with time, this affects their concentration level and prevents them from accomplishing tasks within the given time frame.

[598 Words]

Research Proposal

Students’ well-being and learning

A position paper is an essay that identifies claims and arguments surrounding an issue. You will often be asked to compose papers that do this; it is a fundamental part of conversation surrounding any number of topics and a necessary skill in academic and professional writing. Composing a position paper asks you to carefully consider all sides of an issue before choosing one. Using your reading of the articles above, you will select one and take a position on some aspect of this debate: Has remote learning contributed positively or negatively to students’ well-being and learning? Are schools taking appropriate actions to facilitate learning and overall mental well-being of students? Should schools remain closed for in-person learning, or should they re-open?

Keep in mind, in crafting your position in response to that question, you will need to lay out some background. What position or viewpoint are you responding to? You can use issues or information raised in these articles to do any of the following:

There is no expectation that you will conduct additional research on this topic; you should have enough information to develop a position after reading the articles within this module (and considering your own experiences on this topic, as well). However, if you do choose to refer to other articles you may have read, just be sure to cite them.



  • All essays should follow the classical model as described in the Structuring an Argument section of this module.
  • The final paper should be around four pages in length.
  • Any sources must be attributed and cited properly in MLA format, including in-text citations and a Works Cited page.

Requirements: 4 pages

Answer preview

According to Sonali, a significant number of children have not learned stress coping skills, making them vulnerable to experiencing trauma. This is a likely situation, particularly if the children have experienced the loss of a loved one (1). Apart from the stress related to covid-19 isolation measures, children in their living environments may be exposed to neglect, violence, and substance abuse. Constant exposure to such adverse events may heighten stress-related cognitive impairment and illnesses. Sonali inform that exposure to such traumatic childhood experiences is a threat to children’s wellness since they may develop chronic diseases, asthma, substance abuse disorder, autoimmune diseases, and depression (2). Children with untreated trauma even before covid-19 struck are at a higher risk of getting mental health disorders and comorbid health issues.

[1250 Words]

Students’ well-being and learning

An Education in Equality


Think about your early years of education (elementary through high school) and identify that which influenced and/or impacted you. Consider your family life, friendships (or lack of), specific classrooms, teaching styles, teachers, other students, etc. What stuck with you and what have you let go? Do early experiences “build character” or perhaps linger?

just write it of your expirience

This just need to be 3 to 5 Paragraphs.


Prepare an outline for the essay assigned for the Module 1 Case using the Formal Essay Outline. 1PAGE OUTLINE

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with body points and details.

Note: Module 1 SLP should be completed before the Module 1 Case.

After viewing “An Education in Equality,” “Learning Begins at Home,” “A Military Education,” and “an Education,” write an organized and well-supported essay in which you make three observations about education and what impacts (and enhances) student learning. Consider impacts and influences such as parenting, home life, society, race, technology, ethnicity, socioeconomics, etc.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it might be the state of education today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be what impacts/influences student learning.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have a paragraph for each impact or enhancement? Will you divide the body of your paper into three paragraphs, one for each impact? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must begin with a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. You may wish to offer suggestions to reader about what makes for exceptional student learning.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English found in the course syllabus.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with I would like this question to be done by Friday if possible.

Think about your early years of education (elementary through high school) and identify that which influenced and/or impacted you. Consider your family life, friendships (or lack of), specific classrooms, teaching styles, teachers, other students, etc. What stuck with you and what have you let go? Do early experiences “build character” or perhaps linger?

Prepare an outline for the essay assigned for the Module 1 Case using the Formal Essay Outline.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with body points and details.

Note: Module 1 SLP should be completed before the Module 1 Case.

After viewing “An Education in Equality,” “Learning Begins at Home,” “A Military Education,” and “an Education,” write an organized and well-supported essay in which you make three observations about education and what impacts (and enhances) student learning. Consider impacts and influences such as parenting, home life, society, race, technology, ethnicity, socioeconomics, etc.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it might be the state of education today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be what impacts/influences student learning.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have a paragraph for each impact or enhancement? Will you divide the body of your paper into three paragraphs, one for each impact? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must begin with a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. You may wish to offer suggestions to reader about what makes for exceptional student learning.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English found in the course syllabus.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with body points and details.

Assignment Expectations

Write an essay (no fewer than four pages in length) that states an original thesis statement on what impacts/influences student learning.

Demonstrate the ability to write clearly and cohesively when expressing one’s ideas and/or intended purpose.

Demonstrate the ability to clearly state and support a thesis in an organized and cohesive essay.

body points and details.

Assignment Expectations

  • Write an essay (no fewer than four pages in length) that states an original thesis statement on what impacts/influences student learning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to write clearly and cohesively when expressing one’s ideas and/or intended purpose.
  • Demonstrate the ability to clearly state and support a thesis in an organized and cohesive essay.

Answer preview

  1. Main point: Further, Issues regarding race in the schooling environment impact the quality of education students get.
    1. Minority groups are disadvantaged in getting equal treatment in schools (Brewster, & Stephenson, 2013).
    2. Racial issues create challenges in the education systems because the vulnerable groups develop low self-esteem when teachers and students discriminate against them.
    3. Equality in education can be achieved if there is cohesion (Harris, 2011).
    4. Conclusion
  2. Parents should continually support their children since the environment in which they grow up in determines how they will progress in their education life.
  3. The teacher-student relationship influences the development of interventions that promote positive learning outcomes.
  4. All children, including the minority groups, need fair treatment in their education journey since this influences their professional growth later.

[397 Words]

An Education in Equality

Concepts that color yellow symbolizes

  1. What are some of the concepts that color yellow symbolizes? Do some research: there are superstitions, cultural prejudices, medical connotations associated with this color. Chose just one concept (e.g. “Summer” or “Illness”). Find one reliable PRIMARY or SECONDARY source that testifies to the symbolism of the yellow color. Properly cite the source, both throughout your response and at the end, as on the Work Cited page. Write a reading response explaining how the concept of your choice figures in the story through the color yellow.

    A PRIMARY source is an immediate, first-hand account of a topic, from people who had a direct connection with it. Example: this collection of myths could serve as a primary source:

    Ferguson, Diana. Tales of the Plumed Serpent: Aztec, Inca and Mayan Myths. Collins & Brown, 2000.

    A SECONDARY source: Covers same topics as the primary one, but adds a layer of interpretation, like in this article on Mayas and sex.
    Braakhuis, H.E.M. “The Way of All Flesh. Sexual Implications of the Mayan Hunt.” Anthropos 96: 391–409., 2001, www.jstor.org/stable/40465548.

Can you read this reading and help me write a reading response and make it to MLA format please.

I mean just read the reading of The Yellow Wallpaper

Answer preview

The idiom “yellow-streak” in the western people means that a person may not be a coward, but he/she can easily turn into a coward. Such people are easily frightened if something challenges them in life. Another Idiom that is associated with yellow color is the “yellow-dog” (Galatiltyte 37). The idiom has existed in western culture to refer to a shameful person who fears being in front of other people because of cowardice. In general, the yellow color represents unhappiness, and it may not be a good color to use in English countries. This kind of belief is a cultural prejudice.

The negative representation of yellow color has also appeared in Stetson’s “The yellow wall-paper.” In western culture, the yellow color appears in most negative idioms, and therefore no one would like to be associated with it.

Concepts that color yellow symbolizes

[441 Words]


Mental State with the Covid-19 Pandemic

A position paper is an essay that identifies claims and arguments surrounding an issue. You will often be asked to compose papers that do this; it is a fundamental part of conversation surrounding any number of topics and a necessary skill in academic and professional writing. Composing a position paper asks you to carefully consider all sides of an issue before choosing one. Using your reading of the articles above, you will select one and take a position on some aspect of this debate: Has remote learning contributed positively or negatively to students’ well-being and learning? Are schools taking appropriate actions to facilitate learning and overall mental well-being of students? Should schools remain closed for in-person learning, or should they re-open?

Keep in mind, in crafting your position in response to that question, you will need to lay out some background. What position or viewpoint are you responding to? You can use issues or information raised in these articles to do any of the following:

There is no expectation that you will conduct additional research on this topic; you should have enough information to develop a position after reading the articles within this module (and considering your own experiences on this topic, as well). However, if you do choose to refer to other articles you may have read, just be sure to cite them.



  • All essays should follow the classical model as described in the Structuring an Argument section of this module.
  • The final paper should be around four pages in length.
  • Any sources must be attributed and cited properly in MLA format, including in-text citations and a Works Cited page.

Requirements: 4 pages

Answer preview

According to Sonali, a significant number of children have not learned stress coping skills, making them vulnerable to experiencing trauma. This is a likely situation, particularly if the children have experienced the loss of a loved one (1). Apart from the stress related to covid-19 isolation measures, children in their living environments may be exposed to neglect, violence, and substance abuse. Constant exposure to such adverse events may heighten stress-related cognitive impairment and illnesses. Sonali inform that exposure to such traumatic childhood experiences is a threat to children’s wellness since they may develop chronic diseases, asthma, substance abuse disorder, autoimmune diseases, and depression (2). Children with untreated trauma even before covid-19 struck are at a higher risk of getting mental health disorders and comorbid health issues. In research conducted by the National Survey of Children’s Health, 7.1% of California participants revealed that their children received mental health care. However, 2%, accounting for approximately 200,000 children, did not receive the care they needed despite

[1250 Words]

Mental State with the Covid-19 Pandemic