Information and hypocrisy among leaders

Power Point Presentation

For the Final Project this month you are to develop a power point presentation on a minority group. The presentation is due by 1159pm EST on Sunday of Week 3. I want you to have fun with this project. Prepare the presentation as if you were developing it for and educational or workplace seminar.

Part 1 – Introduction of Minority Group: 2 to 3 slides introducing the minority group. This may include things like pictures, symbols, or any cultural characteristics representing the minority group you are researching.

Part 2 – Key Facts: 2 to 3 slides mentioning some of the relevant key facts outlined by the chapter or research.

Part 3 – History of Minority Group in the US: 2 to 3 slides describing the history of the minority group in the US.

Part 4 – Population: 2 to 3 slides describing the population of the minority group in the US.

Part 5 – Education, Employment, and Earnings: 2 to 3 slides describing the education levels, employment, and earnings of the minority group.

Part 6 – Stereotypes: 2 to 3 slides describing the stereotypes associated with this minority group in the US.

Part 7 – Strengths: 2 to 3 slides describing some strengths of this minority group.

Part 8 – Strategies: 2 to 3 slides describing some strategies for inclusion of this minority group.

Part 9 – Popular Culture: 2 to 3 slides describing some ways that this group is represented, or not represented, in modern popular culture.

Part 10 – Reference Slide: Please conclude your presentation with a reference slide.

This presentation is worth 20 % of your grade.

Click the title, Week 4 Course Project above to submit your presentation.

Grading Grid

Item Description Percent
Slide Content 40%
Minimum Four (4) sources 20%
Grammar/Spelling 10%
Creativity 10%
Proper APA format 20%
Total 100%

Answer preview

  • As the name depicts, most of most African Americans have African ancestry.
  • The Ancestors of most of the current African Americans were slaves who were bought or forcefully captured from their African homelands
  • Over the years, they have made lasting and significant contributions to the history and culture of the United States.
  • Some of the famous pioneers of African American history include James Baldwin, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Rosa Parks.

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Information and hypocrisy among leaders