Organizational strategy

In order to be successful, companies have to respond to ongoing and changing demands inside and outside of the organization. Some companies are able to adapt more effectively than others to PESTEL factors impacting the organization. For this assignment you are going to identify and evaluate the strategy for the below case

  • Capital One

Each of these companies have been in the media recently regarding their organizational strategy. Your analysis should include the following sections:

  • Introduction of the company chosen and general background information. This introduction should clearly outline the purpose of the paper (approximately 1/2 page).
  • Conduct a PESTEL and SWOT analysis of the company chosen. This will require going beyond the provided case study and company website to analyze and understand the industry and organizational environment of the case study you have chosen. This should be written out in paragraph format and should emphasize key aspects of the remote environment (approximately 2 pages).
  • Conduct a Porter’s Five force analysis on the industry of the case study you have chosen. This analysis should be used to identify the level of competition and areas where the featured company is doing well or how they could improve in specific areas. (approximately 1 page).
  • Conduct a VRIO and Value chain analysis of the organization. This section should identify the key primary and support activities and provide an assessment of their ability to sustain a competitive advantage (approximately 2 pages)
  • Provide recommendations on how the company from your chosen case study could improve their position in the industry providing evidence to support your position. The recommendations should incorporate course related concepts and be evidence based (I.e., using peer reviewed articles, approximately 2 pages).
  • Conclusion summarizing key points (1/2 page).

General Formatting:

  • Paper length: 8 double spaced pages
  • APA formatting (11 pt New Times Roman font, standard page margins)
  • Include a title page with your first and last name
  • A minimum of 5 references in APA formatting

Answer preview

The economic factors address several factors, such as the inflation rate, the country’s economic performance, the interest rate, inflation rate, taxation, exchange rates, and consumer disposable income, among other factors. One of the economic factors impacting Capital One is the declining consumer spending due to the reduced level of consumer disposable income. A second factor is the volatile exchange rate of the US, which impacts Capital One’s short- and long-term investments. Thirdly, the US economic performance has been stable for the last ten years except during COVID-19. However, stability and normalcy are gradually being achieved, which is an advantage for Capital One. The fourth factor is the vast availability of core infrastructure in the country, which has been facilitating and improving the activities and operations of Capital One.

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Organizational strategy