Research studies

Question Description: Below is a list of common ethics concerns with regard to research studies. Take time to review this list and reflect on ways each might apply to your selected research topic.

Informed consent with adults
Informed consent with children – assent
Deception of participants
Conflict of interest
Respect for persons
Vulnerable populations

For this assignment, summarize:
Specific ethical concerns that might influence or need to be taken into consideration with regard to your specific research simulation and why? (TOPIC: Poverty in Children’s Educational Attainment)

How you might address the ethics concern(s) you identified, i.e., modify or add to your research simulation?

Answer preview

I can address ethical issues concerning the confidentiality and anonymity of participants by taking several measures. First, I can engage the children in creating pseudonyms for themselves used to identify them. This fun activity will not only break the ice but bring the aspect of creativity in this step. Secondly, I can ensure that the pseudonyms and the responses are visible to authorized persons only, such as data collectors and any supervising staff. I can ensure that the interviews between the data collectors and children are done in a private setting where third parties cannot see or hear any information discussed between the two parties.

In conclusion, It is the responsibility of the researchers to ensure that they are aware of ethical concerns surrounding their studies and devise possible ways to address them. My study focuses on children and is likely to attract concerns about informed consent and confidentiality. I intend to have signatures of parents or guardians for informed consent of their children’s participation in the study as well as the child’s verbal approval. I plan to conduct private interviews, have pseudonyms, and restrict access to information in my attempt to promote confidentiality and anonymity.

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Research studies