Mental health

You will complete the Area of Interest Worksheet . Interest area: MENTAL HEALTH AS A BCBA (BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS).

1. Interest Area listed – 1 point
2. Definition, history (if applicable) (3 points)
3. Issue/Problem (3 points)
4. Effectiveness of subfield at addressing problem (3 points)
5. Application, 3 points
6. 3 sentences each, 2 points

this exercise is the same as the previous one that you did, it just changes the area of interest n this case is MENTAL HEALTH area as a BCBA. (Board Certificate Behavior Analysis) .
Answer preview

ABA research has helped address this problem. ABA predominantly focuses on observable behaviors to provide an empirically based and objective framework for the assessment and treatment of mental disorders (Harvey et al., 2009). Furthermore, by focusing on behavioral manifestations of mental health disorders, behavior analysts can get independently verifiable and specific measures of clients’ mental health issues (Harvey et al., 2009). Due to this, behavior analysts can discover the functional links between overt conduct and environment stimuli, leading to the formulation of interventions that re-engineer aspects of clients’ physical and social surroundings (Harvey et al., 2009).

[453 Words]


Mental health

Pharmacodynamics of psychopharmacological

Goal: To analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of psychopharmacological agents for patient treatment and health promotion while applying evidence-based research.



Chapter 11, Case 1 Lotus is a 36-year-old Asian American female who recently started a new executive position with an advertising firm. While she loves her new job and the field of advertising, she admits that the new schedule is grueling and that she often doesn’t get home until quite late. She has noticed that it is difficult for her to relax before getting to bed and her mind often wanders to the many tasks she needs to complete when she returns to work in the morning. These “racing thoughts” result in significant initial insomnia, causing her to be alert for nearly an hour or more before she is able to fall asleep. When questioned about these symptoms, she claims that she has never seen a therapist before, doesn’t consider herself to be anxious or depressed, and has never had a problem with sleeping in the past. There are no worries of money or health-related issues, and she claims to enjoy her job and the people with whom she works. She even does not find these thoughts unpleasant, as she uses the time to plan her next day. She admits that they are just a bit intrusive and that she really needs to wind down and get more rest.
Questions: Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and clinical guidelines to create your evidence based treatment plan. At all times, explain your answers.

1.    Summarize the clinical case.

2.    Create a list of the patient’s problems and prioritize them.

3.    Which pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Include the rationale for this treatment.

4.    Which non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe?   Include the rationale for this treatment.

5.    Include an assessment of treatment’s appropriateness, cost, effectiveness, safety, and potential for patient adherence.


Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.

Answer preview

with a meal or before one (Sateia et al., 2017). Zolpidem costs approximately $3.30, and since Lotus will be taking one tablet per day for two weeks, the total cost will be $46.2. Numerous studies have established the effectiveness and safety of using CBT to treat insomnia (Parsons et al., 2021). With regard to the cost of this non-pharmacologic intervention, one session normally lasts for approximately 50 minutes and costs $200. Since Lotus will be going to 8 sessions (one per week), the total cost will be $1600. Additionally, since Lotus wishes to get better sleep and rest, her adherence to the prescribed medication regimen and her CBT sessions is expected to be high.

[829 Words]

Pharmacodynamics of psychopharmacological

Socio-demographic information

Capstone Week 2 Assignment

  • In this course, you will complete a Capstone paper in which you apply your critical thinking skills to an issue or problem for which you will create a research question. As you develop your research question your goal is to 1) learn about something you do not know now; 2) identify something doable; and 3) be specific enough that you can gather data and literature about a topic for which there is not already a definitive conclusion. During your review of the literature relevant to your research question, you will integrate current, scholarly articles that represent various perspectives regarding your research question. Then, you will synthesize the information you integrated by identifying the patterns and themes across the articles, as they relate to your research question.
  • This week, you will practice evaluating examples of critical thinking. You will examine current, scholarly articles and evaluate the first two elements of critical thinking—integration and synthesis.
  • and use the “APA Course Paper Template (APA 7)” for this Assignment.

Assignment (2–3 pages, not including title page and resources page)

For the two current, scholarly articles you selected, contrast the evidence of integration and synthesis between the two articles, including in your description how well they meet the rigor of integration and synthesis:

  • Integration—bringing together scholarly resources relevant to a research question; articles, survey data, and other resources (varied credible data sources are evident)
  • Synthesis—what you learned from having brought the integrated resources together; patterns and themes across them; how it relates to your research question (Research question is How has Covid-19 impacted students’ mental health?)

Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references to the Learning Resources and peer-reviewed sources from the Walden Library and/or the internet. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

2 Articles to use for assignment


Chu, Y.-H., & Li, Y.-C. (2022). The Impact of Online Learning on Physical and Mental Health in University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5).

Baumann, C., Rousseau, H., Tarquinio, C., Batt, M., Tarquinio, P., Lebreuilly, R., Sorsana, C., Legrand, K., Guillemin, F., & Bourion-Bédès, S. (2021). Effect of the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown on mental health among post-secondary students in the Grand Est region of France: results of the PIMS-CoV19 study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 19(1), 265.


Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2020). The miniature guide to critical thinking concepts and tools (8th ed.). The Foundation for Critical Thinking.

Walden University, LLC. (n.d.-a). Using evidence: Synthesis. Retrieved from

Walden University, LLC. (n.d.-b). What is synthesis? Retrieved from

Requirements: 2-3 pages

Answer preview

I have learned that sources from international bodies specializing in global virus outbreaks are highly reliable for research. For example, both articles have provided insight and statistical data reports from the World Health Organization. This resource is credible and reputable for providing access o trusted health data for the public and authors. The World Health Organization has been on the frontline of regularly updating the public globally about the Covid-19 and its impact. Therefore, it is a reliable source for the research question; How has Covid-19 impacted students’ mental health? The patterns and themes of the sources utilized to portray a trend in examining the effect of the Covid-19 outbreak on students in higher learning education. The resources used investigated the mental health impacts and physical health and its association with psychological wellness. Another pattern realized is the integration of the research studies

[756 Words]

Socio-demographic information

Health information system

What training is provided when a new information system is implemented in your organization? Are nurses involved in evaluating the systems?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

Requirements: 500 words

Answer preview

Whether the nurses are involved in evaluating the system, the nurses should be involved in evaluating the new information system since it will be useful in delivering health services. The nurses’ involvement in evaluating the new information system is important as it allows them to understand whether the system lacks important tools or features vital in delivering health services (Feo, Rasmussen, Wiechula, Conroy, & Kitson, 2017). Moreover, it improves their morale and makes them feel contented as they are involved in decision making, which in return reduces their resistance to the new changes in the organization.

[582 Words]

Health information system

Mental health in adolescent

  1. Provide the research question that your research paper will be attempting to explore. In other words, create a question that you could answer through research. Explain why you are interested in researching this topic; why is it important?.
  2. List five (5) sources in APA format (this should also include the link you retrieved them from) and briefly (in a couple of sentences) explain how each article connects to your research question (this does not have to be too detailed. The article summaries will be done in Milestone 2)

-For the selection of your five (5) articles, use PsycINFO or PsycARICLES. Your articles MUST be:

    • Peer Reviewed (a. limit your search to “peer-reviewed” and b. check to see that the journal itself is peer reviewed by looking at their website-it will always be noted)
    • The articles MUST be of standard length (do not use a brief report or an abstract)
    • The articles MUSTcontain a research study that was conducted (e.g. have Methods and Results sections)

Guidelines for Submission: You will upload the paper as a Word document to Blackboard for grading and feedback. Please see the feedback provided by your professor in course.

To help you with this Milestone even further, review the following instructions:

– A research question might look like this “is there a relationship between individuals’ personality traits (e.g. agreeableness) and volunteering?” To create your own research question, consider the following example formats (you can choose to use any of them or use something else):

Requirements: 2-3 pages

this will be a 3 milestone project, this is just the first milestone. I will ask you to please make sure you get the 5 articles from the following websites : PsycINFO or PsycARICLES.

The topic is Cyberbullying and mental health in adolescents

So this can be open to anything related to how it leads to and affect mental health in adolescent

Answer preview

Many adolescents are active social media users, with most operating multiple social media accounts. This phenomenon increases the chances of adolescents becoming victims of cyber-bullying. Cyberbullying denotes the posting or sending negative, false, or harmful content about another person on digital platforms (Peebles, 2014). It can also include sharing private information about another individual leading to humiliation and embarrassment (Peebles, 2014). Disclosure of private, harmful, or damaging information can adversely affect the mental well-being of adolescents. It can lead to the emergence of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, considering many adolescents either opt for or are forced to endure the bullying by

[974 Words]

Mental health in adolescent

Narrative of racial disparities

Based on viewing the Johnson & Johnson video, what are your thoughts about health care inequalities and the need for continuing reform? (Share at least 2 points of view.)

Submission Instructions:

Requirements: 500 words

Why racial disparities in healthcare make COVID-19’s impact worse for minorities

Answer preview

The racial and ethnic disparity in healthcare continues to burden the minority population hindering their access to better healthcare, as depicted during the COVID-19 pandemic. This has been influenced by the minority group falling in the lower social class category, whereby they cannot afford better health care through health insurance. The pandemic also worsened this as a majority of the black, Hispanic, and American Indian population lost their jobs, rendering them poorer and more unable to sustain their living fully. Reforming this racial and ethnic disparity issue will require efforts from the government, healthcare providers, institutions,

[712 Words]


Narrative of racial disparities

The moral theory of Utilitarianism

Suppose you have an opportunity to either: (1) send $800 to an area suffering from famine, in order to save a dozen people from starvation or (2) give the money to your little sister to buy books for college. Which would you do? Why? Explain which moral theory aligns with your decision-making process.

To answer this topic completely, it takes a minimum of 350 words. Use the topic questions and the scoring rubric to see if your draft responds fully to all parts of the question. A complete thoughtful answer is more important than word count.

Requirements: 350-500

Answer preview

with my decision. This theory promotes the well-being of human beings by focusing on positive aspects of life and eliminating negative life experiences such as pain and suffering (Savulescu, Persson, & Wilkinson, 2020). The theory of utilitarianism advocates for helping others and making it a significant part of life.

[405 Words]

The moral theory of Utilitarianism

Government and foundation grants

Prior to soliciting foundations or government entities, it is important to learn as much as you can about each funding source. Foundations and government entities will have specific application guidelines and procedures. They should also have an annual report that lists prior grant award recipients and grant amounts. This information is critical to helping you formulate your cultivation strategy and grant proposal.

For the organization you described in Week 2 (NAMI), conduct research on possible government and foundation grants that you may be interested in soliciting funds.

This part must be at least 1 page and include:


Browning, B. A. (2014). Grant Writing for Dummies (5th Edition). Somerset, NJ, USA:John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Chapter 4 and 5

NAMI. (n.d.). Home: Nami: National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI. Retrieved June 20, 2022, from

Sargeant, A., & Jay, E. (2014). Fundraising Management: Analysis, planning, and practice (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Chapter 12 and 13

Williams, K. A. (2013). Leading the fundraising charge: The role of the nonprofit executive [ebrary version]. AFP/Wiley fund development series. Somerset, NJ: Wiley.

Chapter 5

Answer preview

Like most nonprofits, NAM must rely on external sources to fund its programs and activities. Even though NAMI has many donors, supplementary funding from new donors is always welcome. The nonprofit should consider including the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in its donor list. It is an American philanthropic organization that provides huge grants to nonprofits to improve families’ and individuals’ overall well-being, including enhancing access to mental health services and resources. NAMI can also apply for a federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant. It is a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of mental illness and substance abuse on American communities. One of the strategies it uses to achieve this mission is offering grants to nonprofits seeking to reduce the burden of mental illness and substance abuse in the country.

[841 Words]

Government and foundation grants

Foundations and Government Grants

There are 2 parts to this, one page for each. Please cite references in text.

Part 1

Corporate Fundraising

While many corporations fund nonprofit organizations through corporate foundations, many do not have a separate foundation. Understanding how to cultivate, educate, and solicit leadership from these corporations is very important and a bit different from obtaining funding from a corporate foundation.

Imagine you have been hired as a fundraising consultant to a local nonprofit organization dedicated to improving community health. This local nonprofit organization is not familiar with corporate fundraising. You have been tasked to make a presentation to the board of directors explaining the process they might establish to raise this category of funds.

The part must be at least one page and include:

  • An evaluation of strategies your nonprofit organization might use to solicit corporate funds from foundations, corporations, and government entities.
  • Also identify at least two challenges associated with corporate fundraising.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and outside scholarly resources.

Part 2

Foundations and Government Grants

Prior to soliciting foundations or government entities, it is important to learn as much as you can about each funding source. Foundations and government entities will have specific application guidelines and procedures. They should also have an annual report that lists prior grant award recipients and grant amounts. This information is critical to helping you formulate your cultivation strategy and grant proposal.

For the organization you described in Week 2 (NAMI), conduct research on possible government and foundation grants that you may be interested in soliciting funds.

This part must be at least 1 page and include:

  • A brief description of two possible foundation sources or government grants (or a combination of these).
  • Next explain the challenges associated with obtaining government or foundation grants.
  • Finally explain what actions you can take to improve your application to a foundation or government organization.


Browning, B. A. (2014). Grant Writing for Dummies (5th Edition). Somerset, NJ, USA:John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Chapter 4 and 5

NAMI. (n.d.). Home: Nami: National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI. Retrieved June 20, 2022, from

Sargeant, A., & Jay, E. (2014). Fundraising Management: Analysis, planning, and practice (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Chapter 12 and 13

Williams, K. A. (2013). Leading the fundraising charge: The role of the nonprofit executive [ebrary version]. AFP/Wiley fund development series. Somerset, NJ: Wiley.

Chapter 5

Answer preview

Researching a foundation before making a funding application is vital. Doing this allows a nonprofit to learn more about the foundation, such as its mission and objectives, donor history, and nature of donations it offers to nonprofits (Browning, 2014). This information will allow a nonprofit to fine-tune its application and appeal more to a foundation. Including budget proposals demonstrating how a nonprofit intends to use funds from a foundation to support its cause will go a long way in convincing a foundation to fund its operations (Browning, 2014).

[841 Words]

Substance abuse and addiction

Assume the management team at your facility has asked for your help in preparing a treatment plan for the client in the case study.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word proposed treatment plan summary, including your ideas for a treatment plan. Refer to the Elements of a Treatment Plan document as you prepare your summary.

Include the following:

Explain how, as a future case manager, you would track and evaluate progress against the plan.

Include at least 2 references.

Format your treatment plan report according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Requirements: Exact

Answer preview

When coming up with a treatment plan, the first step is to formulate a list of problems to be addressed by the plan. Once this is done, the next step is developing a goal list. The goals in this list are brief statements related to what a client would like to change. Furthermore, the list promotes forward-thinking about possible solutions to the problems plaguing the client. When coming up with these goals, one should ensure the client is involved in the goal-setting process. With regard to Angel, his treatment goals include the following.

  1. The client will learn the skills needed to maintain a sober lifestyle.
  2. The client will develop a positive commitment to sobriety.

[1315 Words]

Substance abuse and addiction