Performance management process

In light of this module’s required readings and your own research, respond to the scenario and prompts below.


For five years, Reham has worked as a Printing Manager for a Saudi Print Shop. During this time, the organization has grown to be a 24/7 operation, employing 75 employees. Saudi Print Shop is located in a large city, and customers often complain of having to travel 20-30 miles to submit and pick-up orders. The owner has decided he will open a second shop on the opposite side of the city. Until this point, the owner and management team has run operations without a performance management process. The owner recognizes a performance management process is highly needed to sustain growth. He has given Reham the duty of developing a performance management process.

Thoroughly evaluate and develop the following five elements of a performance management process:

1. In the context of Saudi Print Shop, critically evaluate the availability of any prerequisites to implementing a performance management process.
2. Discuss your plans for developing formal job descriptions for the employees at the second print shop.
3. Explain key features of developing performance plans for the employees. Provide examples of factors you would consider in developing a plan for customer service personnel (who are employed by the shop).
4. In the context of Saudi Print Shop, create three results-oriented performance standards for all employees. How will you measure each performance standard?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Requirements: 5 pages

Answer preview

Since Saudi Print Shop is seeking to open a second shop, the company will have to bring onboard new employees to work at the shop. Furthermore, the shop will require employees to undertake different roles and responsibilities to ensure they attend to the needs of the shop’s customers. Before hiring these new employees, the company should have a well-developed job description of the various jobs to be performed in the new print shop. In line with this, when coming up with a formal job description for employees who will work in the second shop, I will ensure that employees’ job titles are specific (Rohr, 2016). I will also come up with a summary comprised of an overview of the organization and expectations associated with each position at the second shop. After doing this, the next step is to develop a list of duties and responsibilities related to each job (Rohr, 2016). Under this, the job description will outline the day-to-day tasks

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Performance management process