The US-Supported Coup in Bolivia

Watch the video in the link and answer the question in 1 paragraph.


After watching, “The US-Supported Coup in Bolivia: Revealing and Tragic,” would you say that Boliva experienced an “interrupted presidency?” If yes, what factors do you believe caused this interruption? If no, why don’t you think this was an interrupted presidency? Explain your answers.

Requirements: 1 paragraph

Answer preview

This claim by the OAS interrupted Bolivia’s presidency because it served as the pretext that allowed Bolivian military and police to prevent Morales from assuming the presidency and threatened to leave the country. The presidency was also interrupted with Jeannine Inez’s appointment as the interim president, who ten months later did not undergo the election process with excuses of the coronavirus.

[177 Words]

The US-Supported Coup in Bolivia

Mandatory Voting In US

  1. What is the ill? Discuss the significance of the ill. What is the problem in the status quo that you feel needs to be addressed? How many people/animals are affected by this problem? How are they affected by the problem?
  2. What is the blame? What causes the problem? What is the current policy regarding this problem? Why does this current policy fail or not work?
  3. What is the cure you propose? What specific action are you proposing? How does it directly address your ill? What grounds/support do you have that the proposal will reduce the problem? (Shouldn’t be a hypothetical cure; You should research and look for a cure that has been proposed by a representative or large organization. Suggestion: look at other countries to see if they have implemented a cure)
  4. What are the potential costs to the cure you propose? How can we address those costs?


Requirements: 3-4 pages Essay form

I have provided all the information that will be needed. I also attached the rubric and the three definitions of ill, blame, and cure. This is a really important Essay. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much.

Answer preview

The low voter turnout in the US is caused by a lack of policies that would make voting in the country mandatory.   In the US, voting is enshrined in the constitution as a right and a privilege. There is no particular federal, local, or state level that requires US citizens to vote mandatory. However, the US constitution institutes that it is the civic duty for all US citizens from 18 years and above to vote, and no single citizen show be denied this right.  Although the law states that all eligible US voters should be allowed to participate in voting, but they should not be coerced to fulfill their civic duty. The current policy does not make voting mandatory which offers citizens the discretion not to vote,

[1230 Words]

Mandatory Voting In US

Mandatory Voting In US

  1. What is the ill? Discuss the significance of the ill. What is the problem in the status quo that you feel needs to be addressed? How many people/animals are affected by this problem? How are they affected by the problem?
  2. What is the blame? What causes the problem? What is the current policy regarding this problem? Why does this current policy fail or not work?
  3. What is the cure you propose? What specific action are you proposing? How does it directly address your ill? What grounds/support do you have that the proposal will reduce the problem? (Shouldn’t be a hypothetical cure; You should research and look for a cure that has been proposed by a representative or large organization. Suggestion: look at other countries to see if they have implemented a cure)
  4. What are the potential costs to the cure you propose? How can we address those costs?


Requirements: 3-4 pages Essay form

I have provided all the information that will be needed. I also attached the rubric and the three definitions of ill, blame, and cure. This is a really important Essay. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much.

Answer preview

The low voter turnout in the US is caused by a lack of policies that would make voting in the country mandatory.   In the US, voting is enshrined in the constitution as a right and a privilege. There is no particular federal, local, or state level that requires US citizens to vote mandatory. However, the US constitution institutes that it is the civic duty for all US citizens from 18 years and above to vote, and no single citizen show be denied this right.  Although the law states that all eligible US voters should be allowed to participate in voting, but they should not be coerced to fulfill their civic duty. The current policy does not make voting mandatory which offers citizens the discretion not to vote, which threatens the democracy of the country.

[1230 Words]

Mandatory Voting In US

Comparative Politics

This Assignment has two sections:

This assignment was originally designed to be completed in-class in 75 minutes.

Part 1:

Choose any five of the following terms and give me a definition of the term and an example. The example must be a real example from comparative politics.

Here is a list of the terms. Remember, choose any 5 of these (if you answer more than 5 I will just grade the first 5):

Part 2:

Write a short essay (no more than 2 double-spaced pages) on the following prompt:

Choose one of the following questions. Your answer should be in the form of an essay. A good answer will probably be about 3 to 5 paragraphs. In your answer, compare two examples of collective action. Don’t use the same example you are using in your paper.

  • 1- Consider rebel groups in civil wars. Why do people sometimes join rebel groups, and when will rebel groups succeed? Use two different rebel groups as examples.
  • 2- Consider pro-democracy movements. Why do people sometimes join these movements, and when will movements succeed? Use two different movements as examples.

Requirements: 3 to 4 pages

Answer preview

benefits or opportunities and social positions that they feel have been denied by the ruling regimes. Another reason people join rebel groups includes economic decline, which affects a country’s citizens’ income level. Reduced income means that the citizens cannot afford basic commodities and services, leading to unrest in demand for the government to address their issues.  Commodity price volatility can also trigger rebel groups’ formation because it affects the available household income for citizens in a country (Walter, 2019). This leads to domestic instability and mainly happens in low-income countries. Instability in homes eventually leads to rebel groups’ formation to demand assistance from the government or the leadership.

[959 Words]

Comparative Politics

Colonialism and imperialism

In what manner or ways has colonialism and imperialism influenced nationalism in non-European states. E.g can focus on Africa or asia or both.

Times new roman 12 pt font. 3 page minimum double spaced.

possible ideas for two out of three body paragraphs

1) Self-determination:

2) colonialism caused Ethic nationalism particularly in Africa after European powers left.




Requirements:   |   .doc file | MLA | Essay | 3 pages, Double spaced

Answer preview

According to Ocheni and Basil, the imperialist was more brutal to the indigenous people, and they subjected them to tough, unsafe, and inhuman conditions that were extremely hard for their survival (52). By seeing the mistreatment that they encountered at the hands of imperialists created anger and agitation among themselves. Consequently, they forced Africans and Asians in these countries to work for colonial masters where unsustainable income.  Colonies were driven by their urge to defend their cultural and territorial integrity.  Therefore, colonialism and imperialism in these countries influenced nationalism in the non-European countries by increasing the need for self-determination. According to D’Souza, self-determination is the cardinal right in modern international law (63). The nationalism in colonized non-European states was essentially motivated by the quest for self-determination.

[1093 Words]

Colonialism and imperialism

Aristocratic Leader

We have been reading through Lao-Tzu’s Thoughts from the Tao Te-Ching and we have been trying together to figure out what it all means. And we have been trying to find modern value in the advice given to an Aristocratic Leader even though we live in an era of elected political representatives.

Keep looking to find quotes you like. See which one’s make the most sense. Read a few of them out loud to see if any of them click with you, kind of like the way that one quote relating to a Futurama episode clicked with me.

You Tasks:

Find two meaningful statements with different intentions from Lao-Tzu’s Thoughts from the Tao Te-Ching:

Conclude with an assessment of these two statements

MLA Format

2 Outside Sources

2-3 Pages

(2.5 recommended)

Requirements: 2-3pgs

Answer preview

In the first statement, various contemporary connections can be made, such as an excellent way to run a society where peace is maintained by avoiding overvaluing people. It is not advisable to declare rare things valuable and term individuals as over-achievers. It creates envy in a community which causes everyone to start stealing. In the contemporary world, things that are considered powerful, wealthy, and valuable lead to envy among people, which results in fights and crime. In the second statement, multiple modern contextual connections can be drawn. It is essential for contemporary neighboring countries to live in harmony and not disturb each other. If people are confined in their homes, they live at peace and enjoy their simple lives, families, and traditions (LaFargue and Pas, 220). Some modern countries have strategies to defend themselves, such as boats, weapons, and well-armed troops. However, they do not show them off in battle, which brings them to the homeland.

[647 Words]

Aristocratic Leader

U.S. Foreign Policy Decision-Making

explore the process of a U.S. foreign policy decision, e.g. How did the Bush Administration make the decision to attack Iraq in 2003?

The format of the paper should be as follows:

Part one introduces the research question, provides the argument/thesis/hypothesis, and lays out the logic of the model of foreign policy analysis used in the paper.

  • What is the main question that you would like to examine? I would like to know if the students know and can convey clearly what it is that they are trying to explain.
  • The hypothesis should be a concise, clear, and effective summary of the main argument of the paper. Since your paper is designed to respond to a specific question, your hypothesis should contain the succinct but complete answer to that question. If I have to wonder what the thesis is, or where the thesis is, then the thesis is not strong and clear.
  • Finally, the assumptions and claims of the model of foreign policy decision-making used in the paper should be laid down clearly and concisely (refer to Decision Point for a summary of each model of foreign policy analysis).

Part two provides the context or a brief history of the case-study explored in the paper.

Part three provides the evidence to support the assumptions and claims of the model used in the paper. Does the evidence (you claim supports your argument), in fact, support your argument?

Part four concludes. In this section you effectively sum up all different elements of the paper from part one to part three.

Sources: You need to draw on at least 10 outside sources to write your paper. I encourage you to use the readings assigned for the class. However, those will not count toward the 10 outside sources.


Grammar: Please proofread your paper before submitting it.

Page limit: The paper should be 5 pages in length, double spaced, font 12, Times New Roman, Standard Margins (1” top and bottom; 1.25’’ left and right). Papers that exceed or are significantly below the page limit will be penalized. Please use page number.

Answer preview

The United States decided to attack Iraq in 2003, courtesy of a joint resolution passed by Congress referred to as the Iraq Resolution. On November 10, the Senate passed this resolution authorizing President Bush to use the Country’s armed forces to defend America’s national security from the continuing and growing threat posed by Iraq and enforce all pertinent resolutions passed by the Security Council against Iraq (, n.d.). As mentioned in the introductory section, this paper seeks to analyze the decision-making process that led to the policy to attack Iraq in 2003. In an analysis of literature discussing the events that culminated with Congress authorizing the Bush administration’s attack on Iraq, one can deduce that the bureaucratic politics model was at play in this foreign policy decision. According to Mintz and DeRouen Jr (2010),

[1926 Words]


U.S. Foreign Policy Decision-Making

The Crime of Rape

Discuss both videos regarding the crime of rape in Nanking and Bosnia-Herzegovina ? Do you believe these acts will continue in future conflicts? What can be done to prevent rape as an act of war? Should the international community hold national leaders responsible for the crime of rape during a conflict?The Nanjing massacre Documentary of the Rape of

Nanking (WARNING: Graphic Content )
• Frontline discusses Rape in Bosnia
Still on the Frontline – YouTube
• What led to the genocide in Rwanda
MODULE 3: Genocide and Rape as Volitions of Human Right

Requirements: 750

Be sure to reference the materials appropriately.

Answer preview

The use of sexual violence as a tactic of war remains a major threat in the international community. Moreover, sexual violence is also used as a form of torture and terrorism. The trend from the Nanjing Massacre and then Bosnia-Herzegovina shows the use of rape as a war weapon is a major strategy. Recent reports on military operations in Africa, such as Ethiopia in 2020, include significant rape cases. Moreover, the limitations in the international law to defining responsibility of the crime of rape in wartime as violence against humanity increases the risks of use of these atrocities. Hence it is necessary to expand the international legal framework to define rape as a war crime. Moreover, incidences of forced impregnation are also at high risk of demoralizing war subjects.

[910 Words]

The Crime of Rape

Political freedom and cultural diversity

New York City has played an oversized role in Puerto Rican affairs. As the major U.S. port on the East Coast for the Caribbean, the City and the Island were intimately linked since the early part of the 19th Century. Since the latter part of the 19th Century New York became home for a large Puerto Rican population who migrated here looking for better opportunities, political freedom and cultural diversity. In 800-words answer the following question: What has been the impact of New York in the development of early twentieth century Puerto Rican music?

In your answer evaluate and explain the impact. The question is open and you may take it anywhere, however, be sure that your answer is based on the three required readings (Acosta, plus the two chapters from Glasser’s book).

Some links to material:ández’s-music-store-victoria-hernández-and-beginnings-puerto-rican

Requirements: open

Answer preview

New York influenced the development of Puerto Rican music in the early twentieth century by providing a virtual headquarter for an evolving Caribbean sound (Glasser, 1995). Puerto Rican musicians primarily produced it. The city played a crucial role in creating a growing cultural landscape for this music genre. New York provided a growing commercial music industry favorable for the municipal bands and popular orchestras of Puerto Rico. This music genre became increasingly prominent in the Latin music scene in New York. Puerto Rican music was the incubator for most New York performers. The bulk of this music genre was written and recorded in this city by famous artists such as Rafael Hernández (Center for Puerto Rican Studies, 2017). In the early 1920s, New York City significantly influenced this music by officially opening several pan-Latino clubs. These alliances were mainly formed and reformed in the period between the wars. Although short-lived, they led to monthly festivities in the clubs that sponsored Puerto Rican musicians and performers.

[998 Words]

Political freedom and cultural diversity

Conflict and Palestine

Answer the given questions in at least 10 pages and for each topic it needs to be 3-4 pages. Also look at the attached instructions. There are three questions. Write your answers in essay form.

1. The ongoing conflict in the Middle East for over 70 years since 1948 is between Israel on the one hand and the Arab countries on the other. The Palestinian Problem is the major bone of contention.

Read about the Arab-Israel conflict and Palestine and answer the following questions:

(a) Give a historical background of the problem.

(b) What are the conflicting demands and concerns of the two sides: Israel and Palestine? What do they want?

(c) Why have most Arab states taken the side of Palestine? What is Arab nationalism?

(d) What is America’s policy toward Israel and the Arabs on the issue of Palestine.

Explain in detail each of the above questions.

2. International terrorism is the most serious issue in world politics at this time. Though Islam in itself does not promote terrorism which kills innocent people, somehow terrorist acts wherever they take place are carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam. They are also generally from the Middle East, like Saudi Arabia

Answer the following questions:

(a) What is terrorism? What is the best way to define and describe it?

(b) What are the terrorists trying to accomplish by their acts of terror like 9/11 in America? What is their motivation? Do they ever achieve their goal?

(c) Why most acts of terror are against America and the countries of Europe. What is the reason for their anger or hatred for America and Western societies?

3. The course is about the Middle East. Write an essay about the people, society and culture of the Middle East. Answer three questions in particular.

(a) Why is the Middle East called the Middle East? It is in the middle of what and east of where?

(b) The social status of women in general.

(c) As much as you know the Middle East, what are the THREE things you most like about it and THREE things most dislike about it?:

Requirements: 10 pages

Answer preview

The second Arab-Israeli conflict took place in 1956 and was dubbed the Suez conflict. Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser’s hostile stance toward Israel prompted him to nationalize the Suez Canal, which was controlled by British and French Concerns (Ovendale, 2015). In response to this, Britain and France agreed with Israel. Under this agreement, Israel would invade Egypt, and after this happened, Britain and France would intervene as peacemakers and assume control of the Suez Canal (Ovendale, 2015). In line with this agreement, Israel invaded the Sinai Peninsula in October 1956, leading to the capture of Rafah, Al-Arish, and Gaza and the occupation of the majority of the peninsula east of the canal. After the British and French intervened as planned, the UN sent an Emergency Force to the area, leading to the withdrawal of Israeli forces in March 1957. The third conflict occurred in 1967 and was dubbed the Six-Day War (Ovendale, 2015).

[3710 Words]


Conflict and Palestine