Health insurance fraud

Health insurance fraud is a problem globally, and Saudi Arabia is not immune. Assume you have been tasked with presenting this problem to your healthcare organization so employees can act appropriately when processing health insurance claims. Be sure to address:


Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Be organized, using professional themes and transitions.
  • Consist of seven slides, plus the title and reference slides.
  • Each slide must provide detailed speaker’s notes—a minimum of 100 words. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials.
  • Provide support for your statements on the presentation slides, as well as in the speaker’s notes, with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the others must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these references.
  • Follow APA and Saudi Electronic University writing standards.

Requirements: • Consist of seven slides, plus the title and reference slides. • Each slide must provide detailed speaker’s notes—a minimum of 100 words. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials.   |   .ppt file

Answer preview
  • Health insurance fraud put more pressure and stress the already burdened health care system.
  • This diminishes the quality of healthcare products and services provided.
  • Health insurance fraud make customers pay increased insurance premiums or receive unnecessary services.
  • Fighting against health insurance fraud should be everyone’s responsibility.
  • The government should also put in place stricter punishments for those caught

[Slide 2 of 9]

Health insurance fraud

High blood pressure

Conduct a health history on a family member or friend. You can use the form located in your Health Assessment lab manual book or from Week Two classroom assignment. You do not need to submit the health history form with your paper. Be sure they give you permission. Using the interviewing techniques learned in Module 2, gather the following information. Use your textbook as your guide.

While this is only a partial health history, summarize in 3 -5 pages the information you gathered.

Include your answers to the following questions in the summary:

  1. Was the person willing to share the information? If they were not, what did you do to encourage them?
  2. Was there any part of the interview that was more challenging? If so, what part and how did you deal with it?
  3. How comfortable were you taking a health history?
  4. What interviewing techniques did you use? Were there any that were difficult and if so, how did you overcome the difficulty?
  5. Now that you have taken a health history discuss how this information can assist the nurse in determining the health status of a client.

Your assignment needs to be completed in APA format & have accurate spelling and grammar

Requirements: 3-5pages

Answer preview

Working as a nurse has been one of the best feelings as I know I am changing someone’s life. Collecting health information from a patient is the first step and the most fundamental of the treatment process and the most exciting part. Conducting a health history from Mr. B, I was very comfortable and happy. Considering he is a close patient, I was very prepared psychologically to help change his life by giving him quality care. Taking a health history is actually very comforting for me and enjoyable. That is because it gives me a base on the treatment process, and I will have enough data to do my research and collaborate with other healthcare practitioners in providing patients quality care.

[1092 Words]

High blood pressure

Healthcare professionals

Please see attached rubric for subheadings

APA Format n cover page

This is part 4 of the attached paper (PLEASE READ PAPER BEFORE STARTING) this assignment should connect with attached paper

Agency is: Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital | Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital (

Propose a theoretically or model-based solution for change
within the context of factors or pressures that support the status quo (restraining forces) and
those pressures that support change in the desired direction (driving forces).

Requirements: 3 pages

Answer preview

There is increased adoption of innovative solutions such as information technology (IT) to address healthcare issues. Issues of patient safety are also a major concern in the industry. Hence reducing medical errors is a major factor for the organization’s survival. Delivering high-quality services to the pediatric population is also important since stakeholders are proactive in enhancing the safe environment. Technology systems to support the operations are available.

Internal Restraining Force

The force in play is the culture and the organizational structure. Since the organization operates as a non-profit organization serving vulnerable populations, cost concerns reduce commitment to delivering high-quality services.

[1266 Words]

Healthcare professionals

Accessibility of care services

Write a 4-6pageanalysis of Limitedaccess to healthcare Write a 4-6pageanalysis of Limitedaccess to healthcare, including a proposedsolution and possibleethicalimplications.

  1. Describe the health care problem and provide details about it.
    • Explore your chosen topic. For this, you should use the first four steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach
    • Identify possible causes for the problem or issue.
  2. Use scholarly information to describe and explain the health care problem or issue and identify possible causes for it.
  3. Analyze the health care problem or issue.
  4. Discuss potential solutions for the health care problem or issue.
    • Describe what would be required to implement a solution.
    • Describe potential consequences of ignoring the problem or issue.
    • Provide the pros and cons for one of the solutions you are proposing.
  5. Explain the ethical principles (Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice) if potential solution was implemented.
    • Describe what would be necessary to implement the proposed solution.
    • Explain the ethical principles that need to be considered (Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice) if the potential solution was implemented.
    • Provide examples from the literature to support the points you are making.

Requirements: 4-6 pages

  • Length: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • APA format
  • Please see example of answer attached,

Answer preview

In today’s world, where health care is one major need globally, healthcare providers are required to be updated on the current issues facing the healthcare sector. Apart from delivering care, healthcare providers must dedicate their time to learning and understanding the challenging affecting their sector (McMaughan, Oloruntoba, & Smith, 2020). On the contrary, many managers in the healthcare sector require nurses and doctors to concentrate much on the current health issues forgetting to deliver care to patients, especially in the disadvantaged areas. In addition, some policies enacted in some states reduce the scope of practice, especially for nurses based on specific locations hence limiting the abilities

[1429 Words]

Accessibility of care services

Environmental health and safety programs

You will work looking for articles which can document if the training of CHWs can improve health in the specific area of your interest. I will post a rubric – outline below but for now see these instructions.


The Community Training course which is taught online introduces you to health education topics and competencies. One way this skill can be used is to train community health workers to perform a specific task within a community or a number of tasks. For this Independent Study I would like you to think of a setting or a health issue of interest to you and do a literature review finding cases where community health workers have been trained to address these issues in their communities and see if you can find some evidence of positive health outcomes as a result of training these CHWs.

As you search you may find other ‘names’ for CHWs like: health coach, community health advisor, family advocate, health educator, liaison, promoter, outreach worker, peer counselor, patient navigator, health interpreter, public health aide, etc.. Use the PHA guidelines (you can find them on the SPHTM Website) to format your paper and Word count etc. It might also help to look at the IS Guidelines that will be in Canvas to give you ideas. In the U.S. you may find these “CHWs” are persons who help patients manage specific diseases such as diabetes.

  • Descriptive title of independent study. This title will appear on the student transcript. The title cannot be more than 30 characters including spacesNumber of credits
  • Description of independent study – 120 words
  • Three course objectives
    • Integrate the fundamentals of project management into occupational and/or environmental health and safety programs.
    • Implement financial management within an occupational health and safety programs.
    • Analyze safety and health investment strategies and cost/benefits of health and safety.
    • Apply systems thinking to occupational/ environmental health programs and strategic management.
    • Evaluate the program performance for ongoing improvement.
  • Course product – must be a high quality written document. Determine the type of document, length, and other expectations for the product
  • Grading rubric

I am attaching the rubric and I will use it to grade your paper. Use each section of the rubric as an “Outline – Title” which will tell me what you are doing in each section of your paper. In other words if you paper is just 15-20 paragraphs one after the other I find it difficult to determine your goal with each paragraph. If you follow this out line and title each section I just go through and check to see if you have addressed the purpose of each section and it is easier for you to get full credit on your paper. Let me know if you have any questions about this. (No need to have a bullet point for ‘written communication’ that is just a place for me to comment on the clarity of your paper.

Attached is the rubric and an example case study that you can use.

Requirements: 3-5 pages double spaced

Answer preview

When this happens, most of them will find themselves back for another ED visit, some even getting readmitted because their health and well-being might have deteriorated. To prevent this from happening, community health workers are expected to step in after patients are discharged and help them understand the post-discharge instructions issued to them by their primary care health care providers. This intervention is vital, considering it helps avoid unnecessary ED visits and admissions (Brennan et al., 2015). Furthermore, due to this intervention by CHWs, patients will not have to incur supplementary health care costs associated with ED visits and readmissions. Despite this, the increasing number of post-discharge patient ED visits and readmissions in certain communities across the country indicates that CHWs are not equipped with the requisite knowledge and skills to perform this role. The best way to deal with this knowledge and skills gap is to train CHWs. By training them,

[1836 Words]

Environmental health and safety programs

Positive health outcomes for patients

You will work looking for articles which can document if the training of CHWs can improve health in the specific area of your interest. I will post a rubric – outline below but for now see these instructions.


The Community Training course which is taught online introduces you to health education topics and competencies. One way this skill can be used is to train community health workers to perform a specific task within a community or a number of tasks. For this Independent Study I would like you to think of a setting or a health issue of interest to you and do a literature review finding cases where community health workers have been trained to address these issues in their communities and see if you can find some evidence of positive health outcomes as a result of training these CHWs.

As you search you may find other ‘names’ for CHWs like: health coach, community health advisor, family advocate, health educator, liaison, promoter, outreach worker, peer counselor, patient navigator, health interpreter, public health aide, etc.. Use the PHA guidelines (you can find them on the SPHTM Website) to format your paper and Word count etc. It might also help to look at the IS Guidelines that will be in Canvas to give you ideas. In the U.S. you may find these “CHWs” are persons who help patients manage specific diseases such as diabetes.

  • Course product – must be a high quality written document. Determine the type of document, length, and other expectations for the product
  • Grading rubric

I am attaching the rubric and I will use it to grade your paper. Use each section of the rubric as an “Outline – Title” which will tell me what you are doing in each section of your paper. In other words if you paper is just 15-20 paragraphs one after the other I find it difficult to determine your goal with each paragraph. If you follow this out line and title each section I just go through and check to see if you have addressed the purpose of each section and it is easier for you to get full credit on your paper. Let me know if you have any questions about this. (No need to have a bullet point for ‘written communication’ that is just a place for me to comment on the clarity of your paper.

Attached is the rubric and an example case study that you can use.

Requirements: 3-5 pages double spaced

Answer preview

One of the health challenges affecting the American health care system revolves around increasing emergency visits and readmission. Numerous communities across the country, especially in rural areas, have record-high emergency department visits and readmissions after patients have been discharged from health care facilities (Brennan et al., 2015). Normally, after patients’ health care needs are addressed after hospitalization, they will be discharged by an appropriate health care professional. Furthermore, as part of the discharge process, health care professionals are expected to provide patients with post-discharge education. This form of education seeks to ensure that patients adhere to health care professionals’ directives related to their care when at home to prevent them from coming to the emergency department for future

[1836 Words]

Positive health outcomes for patients

Health and well-being of families

Part 1

Understanding family structure and style is essential to patient and family care. Conducting a family interview and needs assessment gathers information to identify strengths, as well as potential barriers to health. This information ultimately helps develop family-centered strategies for support and guidance.

This family health assessment is a two-part assignment. The information you gather in this initial assignment will be utilized for the second assignment in Topic 3.

Develop an interview questionnaire to be used in a family-focused functional assessment. The questionnaire must include three open-ended, family-focused questions to assess functional health patterns for each of the following:

  1. Values/Health Perception
  2. Nutrition
  3. Sleep/Rest
  4. Elimination
  5. Activity/Exercise
  6. Cognitive
  7. Sensory-Perception
  8. Self-Perception
  9. Role Relationship
  10. Sexuality
  11. Coping

Select a family, other than your own, and seek permission from the family to conduct an interview. Utilize the interview questions complied in your interview questionnaire to conduct a family-focused functional assessment. Document the responses as you conduct the interview.

Upon completion of the interview, write a 750-1,000-word paper. Analyze your assessment findings. Submit your questionnaire as an appendix with your assignment.

Include the following in your paper:

  1. Describe the family structure. Include individuals and any relevant attributes defining the family composition, race/ethnicity, social class, spirituality, and environment.
  2. Summarize the overall health behaviors of the family. Describe the current health of the family.
  3. Based on your findings, describe at least two of the functional health pattern strengths noted in the findings. Discuss three areas in which health problems or barriers to health were identified.
  4. Describe how family systems theory can be applied to solicit changes in family members that, in turn, initiate positive changes to the overall family functions over time.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Rubric to part 1 question

Criteria Description

Answer preview

The Hernandez family attaches a lot of importance to its health, nutrition, elimination, activity, cognitive, sensory-perception, self-perception, role relationship, sexuality, and coping skills. Mrs. Hernandez indicated that she has always tried as much as possible to ensure her family makes healthy eating and life decisions to prevent illnesses. Even though the family does not have a large income, Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez ensure that they eat a balanced diet. However, on some occasions, the family cannot afford to eat a balanced diet, resulting in them eating more carbohydrates. Although the Hernandez family acknowledges that physical exercises are essential, their busy work schedules do not allow them to exercise. This is a concern, considering exercises can help the family improve their overall health (Park et al. 2018). Mr. and Mrs.

[1376 Words]

Health and well-being of families

Health care organization

  1. Week 5 Assignment – Learning Activity: SWOT Analysis

    Using the same health care organization identified in the first assignment, complete a SWOT analysis on the organization over all based on information you gathered when completing the first assignment. Use the provided template and submit the completed version.

    For more information on how to conduct a SWOT Analysis, you may want to watch the video, Conducting a SWOT Analysis.Be sure you SWOT Analysis includes each of the following:

    Step 1: Strengths

    First, identity one or two major competitors. Next, consider what does the company/product do better than (or at least equivalent to) the competition. This could be:

    Step 2: Weaknesses

    What does the company/product do that is not as good as the competition? How is this going to affect your customer’s sales?Thought needs to be given to how you can compensate for, or overcome these issues. What is the cost of overcoming these issues?Is it necessary to overcome the issues or are they something you can accept and deal with?

    Step 3: Opportunities

    What area of the market could you enter with some modifications to the product/service or company? The main elements here could include:

    • Change size, shape, or color.
    • Additional services.
    • New packaging.
    • Different distribution points.
    • New promotional focus.
    Step 4: Threats

    What actions could threaten the product or standing in the market?

    • New competitor entry.
    • Major product failure.
    • Reduction in promotional spend.
    • Customer changes.
    • Changes in the market.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Requirements: 1-3 pages

Answer preview

The area of the market with potential for modifications is additional services. One of the market opportunities includes a faster cycle time. It allows the hospital to seek new ventures such as ambulatory centers. Another opportunity in the market is a technological advancement that will significantly develop the product. The information technology opportunity will ensure high-quality service delivery at competitive prices. The digital technological transformation adds a competitive advantage to the product, boosting patient outcomes and reducing costs (Islam, Poly, and Li, 2018). The third opportunity in the market for Mt. Sinai Hospital is advanced communication with the patient. Through mobile applications, social and websites will modify service delivery. For instance, social media platforms, smartphones, and the internet enhance healthcare communication through self-management of chronic illnesses. Increased patient participation in healthcare through social media websites can be integrated with technological tools to maximize benefits.

[663 Words]

Health care organization

Patient-centered healthcare organizations

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and define the various electronic or technological tools and measurements that can be used to improve the effectiveness of patient-centered outcomes in diversity programs established by an organization.

Providers must learn new tools to eliminate disparities, build trust with patients, and understand how international biases and pre-established stereotypes affect quality of care.

Referencing the Healthy People 2030 objectives described in the article “Healthy People: The Role of Law and Policy in the Nation’s Public Health Agenda,” write a 1,000-1,250 word paper that addresses how each of the following must be considered when implementing digital equality in an environment of diversity. You must include a minimum of one additional resource in your rationale.

  1. National health goals.
  2. Socioeconomic pressures.
  3. Stakeholder ethical considerations of organizational strategies, marketing, and operations.
  4. Potential conflicts or influence between personal standards and the goals of an organization.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MS Health Care Administration

3.6: Identify the characteristics of a health care technology infrastructure that supports patient-centered organ

Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development

Johnson, J. A., & Rossow, C. C. (2019). Health organizations: Theory, behavior, and development (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284109825

Requirements: 1,000-1,250 word paper

Answer preview

Colleague relationships originate from working in the same environment, which translates into mutual respect for skills that require collaboration and critical decision making between healthcare practitioners. Conflicts arise when there is no mutual respect and recognition. Caregivers’ decision about treatment is based on professional understanding and judgments, and proceeding depends on the outcomes of other patients with similar conditions. However, other operations such as surgery and other treatments may be the subject of controversy based on the experience of the disease. Medical experts’ interventions are the personal and social characteristics of the patient and family members.

[1142 Words]

Patient-centered healthcare organizations

Health care organization

Assessment Description

Explain how recognition of racism, power imbalances, entrenched majority culture biases, and the need for self-reflexivity can impact the treatment that a patient receives in a health care organization. Discuss whether specific programs to address these issues should be developed or if programs should attempt to treat all entities as if these differences did not exist. Provide a supporting reference for your response.

Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development

Johnson, J. A., & Rossow, C. C. (2019). Health organizations: Theory, behavior, and development (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284109825

Requirements: 200 words

Answer preview

patients receive patient-centered care that meets their unique needs (Johnson and Rossow, 2019). In order to engage in self-reflection, one needs to be willing to admit that they may have flaws that impact their perceptions of given groups. This way, the provider can work on gaining more information, ensuring that they can effectively interact with patients from different backgrounds. In order to address these issues, specific programs should be developed, which may include training and educational programs on cultural awareness. The issues mustn’t be treated as if they do not exist. If treated this way, it would cause further development if the issues impact the provision of care and cause further disparities in healthcare.

[317 Words]

Health care organization