Patients and healthcare professionals

Please follow these instructions for your SMART GOALS EVALUATION ASSIGNMENT. This assignment is a Word document, not a Powerpoint.

Submission Instructions

Create a 5-7 minute reflection video using the word document that evaluate each SMART goal that you created. Use Canvas Studio’s Screen Capture feature to record (voice-over) your presentation. Submit the link to your video as a comment under the assignment section of the course assignment.

Word Document (750-1000 words), following APA 7th edition guidelines

Submit to Turnitin

Use the following questions to guide your response:

  1. What were you expecting from the experience before you started?
  2. Why were you expecting this?
  3. Why did you choose this goal?
  4. Did you learn anything about a different group in society (i.e., different age, profession, ethnic, racial or socio-economic group)? What did you learn?
  5. What is the most valuable experience you acquired?
  6. What impact did the experience have on your everyday life?
  7. What did you learn that was directly related to your course objectives?

These instructions override the Rubrics portion that calls for (Powerpoint).

It is still based on the first SMART GOALS submitted as a power point that you did for me and I sent it to you here.

Answer preview

I expected to see healthcare professionals attending to numerous tasks and responsibilities during my clinical experience. Since this phenomenon can prevent healthcare professionals from managing their time effectively, my final SMART goal was to learn at least three-time management skills by the end of the second day of my clinical experience. One of the things I learned was that my African American colleagues had excellent time management skills, contrary to popular misconceptions and stereotypes about African Americans’ poor time management. The most valuable experience I acquired related to this goal was the importance of managing my time effectively, despite the numerous responsibilities and tasks I have. This experience impacted my personal and professional life, considering I endeavored to always be on time. The time management skills I learned from my preceptor and colleagues allowed me to do this. Learning how to manage my time effectively is directly related to the course’s objectives.

[818 Words]

Patients and healthcare professionals

Evidence-based strategies

using specific evidence-based strategies to promote health literacy. Read the attached scenario transcript and discuss the following:

  1. Explain and discuss in simple terms how cigarette smoking causes coronary artery disease.

Use APA (7th edition) format for in-text citations and at least three scholarly references, preferably from provider-based or NP-based journals to support your evidence.

Answer preview

Several procedures help people with coronary heart disease to cope and lead normal lives. One of the most common is graft surgery, which reduces the arteries’ thinning (Malakar et al., 2019). Quitting smoking contributes a great deal to the success of the surgery because it ensures that the arteries do not shrink again. Ingestion of medicine for CAD and counseling equally help a person’s journey to quit smoking (Kamceva et al., 2016). In conclusion, treatment for coronary artery disease lowers the risk of heart attack caused by smoking and helps a person lead a better life.

[667 Words]

Evidence-based strategies

Patient safety culture in healthcare organizations

For this assignment, you will access the Saudi Digital Library to research a specific case of an adverse event that occurred in healthcare. Using the case that you have identified, you will write a research paper exploring the impact and importance of creating a safety culture in healthcare organizations.

Your research paper shall:attachment_1(1002)

  • Describe the adverse event that you selected as your case study. Include details of the patient outcome and the contributing factors involved in the adverse event.
  • Evaluate the impact and importance of creating a patient safety culture in healthcare organizations.
  • Create an improvement plan to address the issues that were identified in your adverse event case. Your plan shall include analysis of best practices in safety culture.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Five-to-six pages in length, not including the title or reference pages.http://ONA.CO.KE
  • Five-to-six pages in length, not including the title or reference pages.
  • Formatted per APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University standards.
  • Provide support for your work with in-text citations from a minimum of Six scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these references.
  • Provide full APA references for the sources used on a reference page, along with appropriate in-text citations.
  • Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.

Requirements: Five-to-six pages in length, not including the title or reference pages.

please follow the instructions and

  • Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.

Answer preview

Demongeot, Jacques, et al. “Modeling Vaccine Efficacy for Covid-19 Outbreak in New York City.”Biology, vol. 11, no. 3, 2022, p. 345.,

Dror, Amiel A., et al. “Vaccine Hesitancy: The next Challenge in the Fight against COVID-19.” 2020,

[268 Words]

Patient safety culture in healthcare organizations

Ethical dilemmas in healthcare

Professional ethics are at the foundation of nursing practice. Exploring ethical and legal issues that commonly arise in the practice of
the health care professional provides student nurses with the knowledge they need to understand their role in providing ethical care to
their patients. Ethical dilemmas in healthcare are not unique to nurses; however, the health care landscape is changing at an
unprecedented rate creating the potential for new dilemmas in practice. By examining the role of the nurse in collaboration with other
health care professionals, students learn the foundations for critically analyzing ethical dilemmas in nursing practice, clarifying values
and promoting moral considerations regarding health care challenges.
Develop a scholarly paper from one (1) of the following ethical topics/issues:
a. Professional Standards and Institutional Ethics
b. Ethical Problems of Death and Dying Assignment Criteria

Each student will develop a scholarly paper and include the following:
1. Describe the ethical topic AND a potential ethical dilemma as it relates to the ethical topic/issue.
a. Identify the stakeholders who are impacted or who may potentially be impacted by this ethical topic/issue.
b. Identify the legal concerns associated with the topic/issue.
2. Explore professional and personal values related to the ethical topic/issue.
a. Describe and support a position (values, attitudes, beliefs) on the issue, provide examples supported by current
b. Provide an alternative position on the issue, provide examples describing the alternative viewpoint with examples
supported by current literature.
3. Identify and discuss any new knowledge gained related to the topic/issue.
4. The scholarly paper should be 4-5 pages excluding the title and reference page.
5. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.
6. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.
7. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify I, we,
you, me, and our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used. The
exception to this rule is if/when you do the reflective piece as it relates to your position (values) at the end.
8. Include a minimum of (4) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich
Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.
9. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).

Answer preview

One of the emerging ethical concerns regarding death and dying is poor communication which nurses may experience during the decision-making, especially when the patient cannot speak for themselves and the family members have a hard time making the best decision for their loved one. End-of-life discussions are always difficult. However, communicating with patients early and asking them about their wishes ensures a clear line of communication. Nurses should advocate for regular meetings with family members to ensure they are all on the same page regarding the patient’s health and the best steps to take in case the patient’s health deteriorates (Frost, Bosward, Aquino, Braunack-Mayer, & Carter, 2022). The second ethical dilemma is compromised patients’ autonomy. As a nurse, it is vital to consider the best treatment route by respecting patients’ autonomy. The nurse should encourage patients and their family members to discuss end-of-life care in advance so that nurses can provide care and maintain the patient’s wishes in case the patient loses the ability to make decisions. That prevents the nurse and the family members from getting into a compromising situation.

[1446 Words]

Ethical dilemmas in healthcare

Healthcare provider and a consumer

J130 Answer02.edited


Hamric, B. A., Hanson, M. C., & Tracy, F. M., & O’Grady, T. E. (2013).
Chapters 5 and 15

Barnes, H. (2015). Exploring the factors that influence nurse practitioner role transition. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(2), 178–183. to an external site.

Iglehart, J. K. (2013). Expanding the role of advanced nurse practitioners — Risks and rewards. New England Journal of Medicine, 368(20), 1935-1941. doi:10.1056/nejmhpr1301084
Expanding the Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioners – Risks and Rewards.pdf Download Expanding the Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioners – Risks and Rewards.pdf

Lowe, G., Plummer, V., O’Brien, A. P., & Boyd, L. (2011). Time to clarify – the value of advanced practice nursing roles in health care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(3), 677-685. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05790.x
Time to clarify – the value of advanced practice nursing roles in health CareDownload Time to clarify – the value of advanced practice nursing roles in health Care

Answer preview

There is a need to clarify the consistency in roles, standards of practice, credentialing, and skills required for NPs APNs and distinguish their definitions. Countries have different jurisdictions regarding NPs and ANPs; for instance, in the UK, the NP title is not protected under any governmental regulation, while in other countries, such as the US, Ireland, and Canada, the title is protected by regulations (Hamric et al., 2014). This can only be achieved through the collaboration of professional healthcare providers and stakeholders. The roles played by NPs and APNs have contributed to improving patient outcomes as nurses can perform their duties to their full potential. NPs are an important facet of nursing, and the integration of NPs as the role of APNs has achieved many milestones in the healthcare industry.

[729 Words]


Healthcare provider and a consumer

Universal public health

Please respond to the following questions and submit for this week’s homework assignment:

  1. Examine preparedness as a universal public health concept.
  2. What is a paradigm, and what is a paradigm shift? Give one example of each concept.
  3. Specify the leadership activities that are required for priority setting.

Requirements: 2 pages

Answer preview

Pal, 2018). The dynamic nature of a society or the constant changing of things allows for adopting new and fresh ideas to drive the new system.

Paradigm shifts are necessary due to their relevance in serving the needs of new developments. There have been many paradigmatic shifts in health and medicine over the past century, some of which have paved the way for even more paradigm shifts. An example of a paradigm in the medical world was the concept of international health, which was later replaced by the global health paradigm. The change from international to global health is an example of a paradigm shift. International health primarily focuses on national ways of combating health issues regarding disease and treatment (Kumar & Pal, 2018). Global health introduced cooperation among states and developed mechanisms to tackle pandemics and global health outbreaks.

[764 Words]

Universal public health

Collaborative public health promotion project

In this assignment, you will complete the first steps in the creation of a program plan for a collaborative public health promotion project for your chosen disadvantaged population. To accomplish this, you must identify those factors intrinsic to that population that will provide criteria for development of the most effective strategy to ensure a collaborative and participatory planning and decision-making process.


Having identified a public health issue and the needs of a disadvantaged population impacted by your selected issue (topic is Hypertension, in the attached document), identify health organizations currently working to meet the needs of this population group that might be relevant to the health issue you plan to address in your course project, and who could potentially be strategic partners in your plan.

Using the peer-reviewed articles and your Internet research from the Centers for Disease Control and other relevant websites, complete the following:

  • Find the data trends related to the impact of the issue on your selected population and compare and contrast the effectiveness of current preventative health care and health promotion efforts.
  • Identify the relevant federal and state policies and evidence-based studies that provide guidance related to the promotion of healthy behaviors in this population.
  • Include a list of health-related organizations that serve the area in which your target population is located, whose mission and goals align with your chosen issue, and who might partner with you on your health promotion plan. From this list of organizations, identify organizational members (by role) whom you would include on an interprofessional planning team consisting of stakeholders in your chosen community and/or health issue.
  • After locating data to support your choice of target population and the issue you have identified, indicate briefly how you plan to identify and prioritize viable options for addressing the health issue. You will research, design, and present a list of these options to a group of stakeholders in your next assignment.

Additional Requirements

  • Length: 5–7 pages (plus cover page and references).
  • Font: Times New Roman 12 pt., double spaced.
  • References: At least six properly cited scholarly resources.

Refer to the helpful links in Resources as you complete your assignment.

Requirements: 5-7 pages

just make sure you pay attention to the required topic, which is in an attached document.

Answer preview

The most significant impact of hypertension in the population includes stroke, heart disease, and the associated mortality risks.            Indeed in 2009, the number of African American men with stroke was significantly higher than for white men. Between 2003 and 2006, there was a significant decrease in the incidence of stroke within the population from 10.3% to 9.4% (CDC, 2010). The incidences of 30-year mortality rose to 45.2% compared to 23.8% in white men (Lackland, 2014). Death rates from hypertensive diseases increased significantly among African Americans from 1999-2004 (CDC, 2010). Incidences of death rates have remained twice as higher in African Americans men compared to white men.

[1852 Words]

Collaborative public health promotion project

Healthcare Transformation Program

Healthcare Quality Improvement Trends in Saudi Arabia

Under the National Transformation Program within Saudi Vision 2030 goals of healthcare quality improvement in Saudi Arabia, substantial progress was made related to quality and efficiency of healthcare in KSA.

For this assignment, you will conduct a review on the accomplishments regarding digitizing the healthcare sector to better facilitate access to quality and efficient healthcare services in KSA.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation detailing the following:

  • Discuss in detail the quality improvement outcomes that have been achieved with digitization in the healthcare sector in KSA.
  • Identify and examine the health sectors that are most impacted by these initiatives.
  • Discuss any major opportunities that are still present in working towards the continuous improvement of these initiatives.
  • Discuss what tools would be most useful in the quality improvement process of these initiatives.
  • Discuss the next steps within the Healthcare Transformation Program related to expanding the provision of e-health services.

Your PowerPoint presentation should meet the following requirements:

  • Include eight to nine slides, not including your title and reference slides.
  • Each slide must provide detailed speakers notes, with a minimum of 110 words per slide. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials.
  • Provide support for your statements with citations from a minimum of eight scholarly articles. These citations should be stated in the Notes section of the slide in which they appear. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external.
  • Formatted per APA 7th edition and Saudi Arabia Electronic University formatting guidelines.
  • Utilize headings to organize the content of your work.
  • Professional design and transitions.

Requirements: PowerPoint presentation should meet the following requirements: • Include eight to nine slides, not including your title and reference slides.


please follow the requirements :

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation detailing the following:

  • Discuss in detail the quality improvement outcomes that have been achieved with digitization in the healthcare sector in KSA.
  • Identify and examine the health sectors that are most impacted by these initiatives.
  • Discuss any major opportunities that are still present in working towards the continuous improvement of these initiatives.
  • Discuss what tools would be most useful in the quality improvement process of these initiatives.
  • Discuss the next steps within the Healthcare Transformation Program related to expanding the provision of e-health services.

Your PowerPoint presentation should meet the following requirements:

  • Include eight to nine slides, not including your title and reference slides.
  • Each slide must provide detailed speakers notes, with a minimum of 110 words per slide. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials.
  • Provide support for your statements with citations from a minimum of eight scholarly articles. These citations should be stated in the Notes section of the slide in which they appear. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external.
  • Formatted per APA 7th edition and Saudi Arabia Electronic University formatting guidelines.
  • Utilize headings to organize the content of your work.
  • Professional design and transitions.

Answer preview

  • Expanding the provision of e-health services such as telemedicine and teleconsulting
  • Digital innovations and e-prescriptions
  • Privatization of healthcare
  • Private healthcare insurance

[Slide 4 of 10]

Healthcare Transformation Program



Personal influential leader in public health

  1. Each year Time magazine publishes “The Most Influential People” in the nation—they are artists, icons, pioneers, and leaders in their respective fields. For more than 100 years, health care has eradicated diseases, promoted safer communities, and enacted reform. None of these achievements would have been possible without the dedication of those warranting change. Consider the qualities you admire in leaders and identify your personal influential leader in public health.


    Write a 3–4 paper in which you:

    1. Describe in a brief way the leader’s contribution to the field of health care. Speculate on how this person would define leadership, and determine his or her leadership style.
    2. Articulate how he or she was a pioneer, group organizer, motivator or visionary. Examine the major factors that positively or negatively influenced the leader’s success.
    3. Provide specific examples of the areas in which you can personally identify with this leader’s circumstances, struggles, or insights. Recommend two approaches the leader could have employed to be more effective or acceptable. Justify your answer.
    4. Suggest two lessons you learned from this person’s experience. Conclude how these lessons will help you become a better leader.
    5. Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

    This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Compile examples of qualities and characteristics of a successful leader in the public health care field.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Requirements: 3-4 pages

Answer preview

Professionals working in healthcare are recognized for their hard work and contribution towards improving public health. That is due to their commendable leadership that helps in the invention of new products, helping eliminate diseases, and advocating for policy changes for the goodness of the community. An example of the most influential leader who brought a change in the preservation of health is Alan Magill (Lalloo & Magill, 2019). Alan Jon Magill was the director of Malaria programs who had an overreaching goal of eradicating malaria disease through innovation and application of new vaccines, diagnostics, and anti-malarial therapies. He was both the leader and director of the Malaria Program of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The leadership of Alan in the organization enabled it to achieve great achievements in its interests to eradicate malaria.

[1123 Words]


personal influential leader in public health.

Network of networks

1. Describe the WHO’s “network of networks” system of obtaining global surveillance data. What is Integrated Disease Surveillance and why using it?

2. How does the mission of the FAO relate to disease surveillance?

3. How is the work of the OIE related to disease surveillance?

4. Why is the United States interested in developing disease surveillance systems in other countries?

5. comparing and contrasting disease surveillance in developed and developing countries.

Answer preview

Integrated Disease Surveillance refers to an approach implemented by countries under WHO for effective surveillance of disease and related events, communication, and timely response. This approach involves training workforce and gathering crucial resources needed to successfully respond to a health situation.

  1. How does the mission of the FAO relate to disease surveillance?

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a division of the United Nations mandated with carrying out international plans of fighting hunger. The goal of these plans is to make sure that people all over the world have enough quality food which is important in living an active and healthy life. Under this mandate, FAO can share information of countries facing starvation. Such areas are prone to diseases due to the weak immune system

[578 Words]


network of networks