Cancerous and noncancerous

approximately 15% of female cancer in the United States is of the breast, second to skin cancer. Discuss when a patient presents to you with a breast mass, what are your differentials? What is your plan of care for a patient who presents with a breast mass, both cancerous and noncancerous?

About one page long.

At least 3 citations, not older than 5 years old.

Requirements: About one page

Answer preview

However, if the disease has not spread, the removal of the cancerous area is enough. Hormonal therapy or endocrine treatment will also be required to prevent any recurrence of the disease, mainly if cancer in the breast ducts (ductal carcinoma in situ) is responsive to estrogen. Some of the most effective medications for endocrine treatment include anastrozole and tamoxifen (Tong et al., 2018). Non-cancerous breast masses are treated using three types of treatments. According to Stachs et al. (2019), one of the treatments is lumpectomy which is a surgery that removes the masses or lumps. Secondly are oral antibiotics,

[480 Words]


Cancerous and noncancerous

Cardiovascular disease

  1. Competency

    Describe the principles of genetics and genomics.

    Student Success Criteria

    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


    In your role as a Nurse Preceptor in your organization, you are preparing a training session for a group of new nursing graduates to familiarize them with principles of genetics and genomics using data from completing a three-generation family pedigree on yourself, a family member, or a friend. Your presentation will include how to perform a genetic assessment and include a three-generation family pedigree and genogram with standard symbols, explain possible patterns of disease, and identify possible indications for genetic and genomic services. Based on your data findings, you will explain possible associated patterns of disease and possible indications for genetic and genomic services.


    After completing a three-generation family pedigree and genogram on yourself, a family member, or a friend, prepare a presentation that includes the following principles of genetics and genomics:

    • Three-generation family pedigree and genogram with standard symbols with interpretation of results explained using standard terminology
    • Explain possible associated patterns of disease
    • Client education pertinent to the data findings
    • Possible indications for genetic and genomic services

    The presentation must include Microsoft PowerPoint® slides for visuals and an audio recording using Screencast-O-Matic®, a free audio recording software compatible with PC and MAC computers.Follow these instructions to download and use this software to create your presentation.

    1. Access the Screencast-O-Matic® homepage by clicking on the box in the upper right-hand corner titled, “Sign Up” to create your free account.
    2. Create a free account (be sure to write down the email and password created for account access.)
    3. Once logged in, click on the “Tutorials” link at the top of the homepage and view 1. Recorder Intros
    4. Create your presentation by clicking on the “Start Recorder” box.
    5. Once finished recording click on the “Done” button.
    6. Next, choose, “Upload to Screencast-O-Matic®.”
    7. Select “Publish”.
    8. Choose “Copy Link”
    9. Place the “Link” in a Microsoft Word® document and upload to the Deliverable 4 – Principles of Genetics and Genomic Dropbox.


    For additional writing and research support, please visit the following Library and Learning Services resources:

Requirements: 7 slides

please Some of my papers are being seen on course hero and other plagiarize websites. please be aware of this and do your very best that it does not happen. Thank you

Answer preview

  • Cardiovascular disease correlated with renal failure and heart failure (Vallianou et al., 2018).
  • Both genetic and environmental factors increases risks of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Depression is caused by combination of genetics, social and psychological sources of stress (Mullins, & Lewis, 2017).
  • There are patterns of stroke, renal history, muscle weakness and diabetes in the maternal family.

[Slide 6 of 9]

Cardiovascular disease

physical examination of the pregnant woman

Mary and Elmer’s fifth child, Melvin, was born 6 weeks prematurely and is 1-month old. Sarah, age 13, Martin, age 12, and Wayne, age 8, attend the Amish elementary school located 1 mile from their home. Lucille, age 4, is staying with Mary’s sister and her family for a week because baby Melvin has been having respiratory problems, and their physician told the family he will need to be hospitalized if he does not get better within 2 days.

  1. Choose two or three areas of prenatal care that you would want to discuss with Mary, and then write brief notes about what you know and/or need to learn about Amish values to discuss perinatal care in a way that is culturally congruent.
  2. Discuss three Amish values, beliefs, or practices to consider when preparing to do prenatal education classes with Amish patients.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.
  • Supplemental Materials & Resources
    1. Nie, J., Walker, S. T., Qiao, S., Li, X., & Tucker, J. D. (2015). Truth telling the patient, family, and the sexual partner: a rights approach to the role of healthcare providers in adult HIV disclosure in China. AIDS Care, 2783-89. doi:10.1080/09540121.2015.1071772
    2. Huffman, F., Vaccaro, J., Gundupalli, D., Zarini, G., & Dixon, Z. (2012).
      Acculturation and diabetes self-management of Cuban Americans: Is age a protective factor? Ageing International, 37(2), 195-209. doi:10.1007/s12126-010-9102-z
    3. Katz, M., Ferketich, A., Paskett, E., & Bloomfield, C. (2013). Health literacy among the Amish: Measuring a complex concept among a unique population. Journal of Community Health, 38(4), 753-758

Requirements: 500 words

Answer preview

The most obvious practice of the Amish community is that they live a simple life because they believe simplicity is a sign of humility (Rohr, Spears, Geske, Khandalavala, & Lacey, 2019). First, their styles are simple, practical and modest and their clothes are made from home. Second, despite the many advances today, the community does not utilize things such as electricity, vehicles, and technology. They believe that worldly things can keep one away from God. Thirdly, the community follows their way of living, making them different from other people. Therefore, for healthcare, conducting education classes in those communities must be culturally competent to not interfere with their cultural beliefs.

[688 Words]

physical examination of the pregnant woman

High blood pressure

The advanced practice nurse is updating the plan of care of nursing home patients with hypertension.

  1. Briefly describe the therapeutic actions of drugs affecting blood pressure (diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, CCB, sympathetic nervous system drugs).
  2. What important teaching points should be addressed for patients receiving antihypertensive drugs?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 750 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 3 academic sources.

Requirements: at least 750 words

Answer preview

Also, patients need to know the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and regular intake of antihypertensive drugs should be imposed on the patient. Many patients are not aware of how diet can help manage blood pressure. High blood pressure is not a disease that one can treat and ignore. It is a condition that requires lifelong management to keep the blood pressure under control (Benetos, Petrovic, & Strandberg, 2019). The crucial teachings include taking medications properly according to the doctor’s prescription even when they pose side effects. It is good to discuss it with the doctor about it. Patients should be aware of the importance of regular doctor visits to help work with the doctor in managing the disease. Stress is a high-risk factor in raising blood pressure. Therefore, patients should understand how to handle negative thoughts and remain optimistic to help control their blood pressure levels.

[873 Words]


High blood pressure

Public health measures

How has COVID-19 affected your personal beliefs/values in your clinical practice? Include an should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

Requirements: 500 words

Answer preview

Compassion is essential and central in providing care. During the pandemic, there were high rates of death and high infection rates. Responding to the patient’s distress, anxiety, and needs with kindness and humanity. This was essential as the pandemic has had major impacts on the physical and mental well-being of the individuals. Another value was the need for effective communication. Communication includes effective sharing and exchanging of information and active listening and giving feedback (Ciotti et al., 2020). Communication enabled the solicitation of crucial information during the pandemic. This ensured that fast and effective measures were taken to curb the spread of the virus and educate the patients on ways to improve their health.

[604 Words]

Public health measures

Sick cell diseases

You can draw your genogram either by hand, or you can use any word processing program to create graphics. Investigate how sickle cell trait can affect the offspring of the Jones family.

Mr. Jones is 57-year-old and is a carrier of sickle cell trait; his wife Ms. Jones is 50 years, and she also has sickle cell trait. Use the following questions to guide your genogram. Limit your genogram to 3 generations


How many of the children might be born with sickle cell disease?

How many percent of their children might not be affected?

How many percent might have the sickle cell trait?

Requirements: Depending on the question ask

Answer preview

  1. How many percent of their children might not be affected?

            25% of Mr. Jones’s family’s children will not be affected. This is represented by NN (no blood disorder) in the genetic diagram above.

  1. How many percent might have the sickle cell trait?

                50% of Mr. Jones’s children might have the sickle cell trait. In the genetic diagram above, it is represented by SN (25%) plus NS (25%) to yield 50%. When an offspring inherits one sickle cell gene and one normal gene, they will have a sickle cell trait (SCT) (CDC. (2020, December 14). 50% of the offspring with SCT will not show symptoms of sickle cell disease (SCD),

[282 Words]

Sick cell diseases

Comprehensive decision-making

  1. Competency

    Modify clinical judgment within an iterative, outcome-based cycle of clinical reasoning and client needs.

    Student Success Criteria

    “View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “The item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


    As part of the clinical portion of your BSN Capstone course in your senior semester, you have the opportunity to attend a two-day seminar with senior nursing students from other academic institutions. The theme of this seminar is the application of clinical judgment to determine the best evidence-based solutions for nursing practice.


    For a clinical judgment roundtable with faculty and students that is sponsored by your academic institution, you must prepare one scenario based handout to promote robust discussion regarding the application of clinical judgment as an outcomes-based dynamic cycle of clinical reasoning and client needs. The handout must contain these components:

    • Describe a clinical situation where you applied an outcome-based cycle of clinical reasoning to select what you considered the “best” client intervention based on information available.
    • Include relevant external and internal cues and hypotheses
    • Discuss the outcomes based, iterative cycle of clinical reasoning you applied after the initial intervention to select the next “best” interventions appropriate for the particular situation based on client needs.
    • Rationales and evidence based findings were included to support choices for the next “best” interventions


    Answer preview

Under the goal-setting phase, which falls fifth, the critical decision made was to improve the infant’s wellbeing within 7 days and constantly monitor the progress in monthly checkups upon discharge. The best intervention to achieve the goal was lactation education. This was necessary, considering that during interactions with the mother, the infant’s mother did not receive any training about it during the prenatal stage. In a summarized study by U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (n.d.) revealed breastfeeding education as an effective intervention that motivates mothers to initiate the practice. Based on the outcomes, this intervention was more effective once implemented during the pre and postnatal stages by influencing exclusive breastfeeding and feeding duration.

Further, in the action-taking phase, the lactation training entailed teaching the infant how to latch the breast, how the mother should motivate the child to breastfeed, and foods to take to increase breast milk production. During the evaluation phase, this created a chance to assess the effectiveness of the lactation education intervention implemented.

[1011 Words]

Comprehensive decision-making

Impact of health care financing

Interview a nurse manager to explore the external factors that influence decision making such as health policy, regulatory requirements, accreditation, and health care financing.

  1. Provide an overview of the role of the nurse manager interviewed. Summarize the information from the interview (do not report the interview question by question)
  2. Perceptions related to impact on health policy on decision. Perceptions related to impact of regulatory agencies on decision making. Perceptions related to impact of health care financing on decision making.
  3. Analysis of the interview supported by the literature
  4. .Submission Instructions:
    • The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
    • The paper is to be no shorter than 4 pages; nor longer than 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
    • Your paper should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions).
    • Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style

Answer preview

Besides participating in hiring decisions, Mrs. Hernandez also indicated that she is responsible for staff development and evaluating nurses’ performance. Nurse managers play a vital role in staff development (Warshawsky & Cramer, 2019). According to Mrs. Hernandez, fulfilling this responsibility is essential to her, considering doing so enhances the quality and safety of care accorded to patients (Warshawsky & Cramer, 2019). To fulfill this responsibility, Mrs. Hernandez not only acts as a mentor to nurses, using her experience to improve the competency of the nurses under her supervision but also organizes training workshops and seminars. These training workshops and seminars are vital, considering they help nurses improve their knowledge and skills while exposing them to current evidence-based practices (Warshawsky & Cramer, 2019). By adopting this strategy, Mrs. Hernandez ensures that nurses working under her supervision are well-equipped to provide high-quality and safe care to patients.

[1414 words]

Impact of health care financing

Safety improvement plan

For this assessment, you will develop an 8-14 slide PowerPoint presentation with thorough speaker’s notes based on improvement plan you developed in Assessment attached.

As a practicing professional, you are likely to present educational in-services or training to staff pertaining to quality improvement (QI) measures of safety improvement interventions. Such in-services and training sessions should be presented in a creative and innovative manner to hold the audience’s attention and promote knowledge acquisition and skill application that changes practice for the better. The teaching sessions may include a presentation, audience participation via simulation or other interactive strategy, audiovisual media, and participant learning evaluation.

The use of in-services and/or training sessions has positive implications for nursing practice by increasing staff confidence when providing care to specific patient populations. It also allows for a safe and nonthreatening environment where staff nurses can practice their skills prior to a real patient event. Participation in learning sessions fosters a team approach, collaboration, patient safety, and greater patient satisfaction rates in the health care environment (Patel & Wright, 2018).

As you prepare to complete the assessment, consider the impact of in-service training on patient outcomes as well as practice outcomes for staff nurses. Be sure to support your thoughts on the effectiveness of educating and training staff to increase the quality of care provided to patients by examining the literature and established best practices.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.
    • Explain the need and process to improve safety outcomes related to medication administration.
    • Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative on medication administration.
  • Competency 4: Explain the nurse’s role in coordinating care to enhance quality and reduce costs.
    • List clearly the purpose and goals of an in-service session focusing on safe medication administration for nurses.
    • Explain audience’s role in and importance of making the improvement plan focusing on medication administration successful.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.
    • Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed speaker notes are provided. Speaker notes are clear, organized, and professionally presented.
    • Organize content with clear purpose or goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).

Professional Context

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will often find yourself in a position to lead and educate other nurses. This colleague-to-colleague education can take many forms, from mentoring to informal explanations on best practices to formal in-service training. In-services are an effective way to train a large group. Preparing to run an in-service may be daunting, as the facilitator must develop his or her message around the topic while designing activities to help the target audience learn and practice. By improving understanding and competence around designing and delivering in-service training, a BSN practitioner can demonstrate leadership and prove him- or herself a valuable resource to others.


For this assessment it is suggested you take one of two approaches:

  1. Build on the work that you have done in your first two assessments and create an agenda and PowerPoint of an educational in-service session that would help a specific staff audience learn, provide feedback, and understand their roles and practice new skills related to your safety improvement plan pertaining to medication administration, or
  2. Locate a safety improvement plan through an external resource and create an agenda and PowerPoint of an educational in-service session that would help a specific staff audience learn, provide feedback, and understand their roles and practice new skills related to the issues and improvement goals pertaining to medication administration safety.


The final deliverable for this assessment will be a PowerPoint presentation with detailed presenter’s notes representing the material you would deliver at an in-service session to raise awareness of your chosen safety improvement initiative focusing on medication administration and to explain the need for it. Additionally, you must educate the audience as to their role and importance to the success of the initiative. This includes providing examples and practice opportunities to test out new ideas or practices related to the safety improvement initiative.

Be sure that your presentation addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • List the purpose and goals of an in-service session focusing on safe medication administration for nurses.
  • Explain the need for and process to improve safety outcomes related to medication administration.
  • Explain to the audience their role and importance of making the improvement plan focusing on medication administration successful.
  • Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative on medication administration.
  • Communicate with nurses in a respectful and informative way that clearly presents expectations and solicits feedback on communication strategies for future improvement.

There are various ways to structure an in-service session; below is just one example:

  • Part 1: Agenda and Outcomes.
    • Explain to your audience what they are going to learn or do, and what they are expected to take away.
  • Part 2: Safety Improvement Plan.
    • Give an overview of the current problem focusing on medication administration, the proposed plan, and what the improvement plan is trying to address.
    • Explain why it is important for the organization to address the current situation.
  • Part 3: Audience’s Role and Importance.
    • Discuss how the staff audience will be expected to help implement and drive the improvement plan.
    • Explain why they are critical to the success of the improvement plan focusing on medication administration.
    • Describe how their work could benefit from embracing their role in the plan.
  • Part 4: New Process and Skills Practice.
    • Explain new processes or skills.
    • Develop an activity that allows the staff audience to practice and ask questions about these new processes and skills.
    • In the notes section of your PowerPoint, brainstorm potential responses to likely questions or concerns.
  • Part 5: Soliciting Feedback.
    • Describe how you would solicit feedback from the audience on the improvement plan and the in-service.
    • Explain how you might integrate this feedback for future improvements.

Remember to account for activity and discussion time.

Additional Requirements

  • Presentation length: There is no required length; use just enough slides to address all the necessary elements. Remember to use short, concise bullet points on the slides and expand on your points in the presenter’s notes. If you use 2 or 3 slides to address each of the parts in the above example, your presentation would be at least 10 slides and no more than 15 slides (not including the title, conclusion, or references slides).
  • Speaker notes: Speaker notes (located under each slide) should reflect what you would actually say if you were delivering the presentation to an audience. This presentation does NOT require audio or a transcript. Another presenter would be able to use the presentation by following the speaker’s notes.
  • APA format: Use APA formatting for in-text citations. Include an APA-formatted reference slide at the end of your presentation.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence to support your assertions. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.

Requirements: 8-14

Answer preview

vThe analyzed situation involves administering medication to the wrong patient.

vTwo nurses failed to observe established facility protocols for medication administration in the nursing home.

vThe nurse who signed off on the prescription specifically put the order on the wrong resident’s MAR.

The second nurse failed to check medication orders against the patient’s chart.

[Slide 4 of 11]

Safety improvement plan

Patient Care Outcomes

Improving Patient Care Outcomes Through Better Delegation-Communication Between Nurses and Assistive Personnel is the topic for my paper only needs an introduction, Body paragraph & and an conclusion but needs to be apa format. And reference page at the end.

Answer preview

From the discussion in the paper, one can deduce that effective communication between nurses and assistive personnel when nurses are delegating routine patient care duties is vital. By doing this, nurses will reduce the likelihood of ambiguity and miscommunication, preventing assistive personnel from understanding what is expected of them. Due to this, assistive personnel will be equipped with the requisite know-how to successfully undertake an assigned duty. Once they can do this, patient outcomes will inadvertently improve.

[389 Words]

Patient Care Outcomes