Educational experience

1- Tell us what characteristics of Loma Linda University are particularly attractive and meaningful to you and why you have chosen to apply for advanced education. (500 words)Required

2- Discuss how your spiritual origins, development, and experience have influenced and been integrated into your daily life. (500 words)Required

3- Tell us the desirable qualities that you see in yourself that you believe would aid us in considering your application. (500 words)Required

4- LLU believes deeply in integrating spiritual values into the educational experience. As a result, religion courses and chapel attendance are part of the curriculum. Tell us why you believe such a faith-based education would be of special benefit to you. (500 words)Required

First of all, this is Luma Linda Dental School

For question #4, I am catholic and I believe that praying help me to clear up my mind and it helps to be good in my life especially school.

For the other Questions I will attach you my personal statement, please keep my personal statement save.

Also, please look up at Loma Linda Dental school to see their values and mission.
Answer preview

Growing up, I was always surrounded and indoctrinated into Christianity. Doing this helped me recognize the importance of God with regard to healing. Loma Linda University incorporates a faith-based approach in matters of health care. Choosing the school will give me an opportunity to expand my knowledge base with regard to the health care ministry. Diversity amongst the student population and the teaching staff is another feature of Loma Linda University that caught my eye during my college application. The school gets acclaimed for having an ethnic diversity rating above the national average. It occupies the one hundred and fiftieth spot concerning the most diverse learning institutions in the United States. The fact that I born in Iraq makes me part of an ethnic and racial minority group. Such a phenomenon has previously been an encumbrance to my studies, considering I moved into the United States in 2012 to continue with my high school education. There are limited learning opportunities for students with a background akin to mine in the United States.

[2082 Words]

Educational experience

Policy development and implementation

Two steps in creating, updating, or changing policy are policy development and implementation. In this assignment, you explain the aspects of policy development and implementation, and share any concerns that you have identified, along with how those can be addressed.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you include the following:

Format your paper in accordance with APA guidelines.

Answer preview

After the government adopts the policy, it must be taken into action. Therefore, the next component of policy development is policy implementation. At this state, the statute or the interpretation of the policy document becomes effective and enforced by law enforcement agencies. It is the institutions’ responsibility to implement the policy to interpret it and come up with measures for implementation. The last component of policy development and implementation is policy evaluation, which is very important in determining policy implementation’s success. During the evaluation, the policy implementation outcomes are evaluated against the expected results to make sure that the developed policy is useful. If the policy appears to be unproductive during the evaluation phase, there must be some modifications.

[1162 Words]

Policy development and implementation

Personal earning process—challenges

I just need a reflection paper (1 page only) APA Format 250-300 words, based on the readings that we will have each week (attached in PowerPoint are the chapters 20-23 that we must be reading), how it reflect on your (in this case mine) personal earning process—challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, readings, and interactions.

If you have any concerns, In the Word document (attached) is what I need exactly.

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you guys have any questions.


Hi there guys, really simple and easy one.

I just need a reflection paper (1 page only) APA Format 250-300 words, based on the readings that we will have each week (attached in PowerPoint are the chapters 20-23 that we must be reading), how it reflect on your (in this case mine) personal earning process—challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, readings, and interactions.

If you have any concerns, In the Word document (attached) is what I need exactly.

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you guys have any questions.

Thank you guys

Also attached one paper that you’ve done already just to have an idea and make it easier for you :
Answer preview

Currently, online marketing has become an essential advertising platform that helps businesses attract and interact with diverse demographical people. According to Kotler and Keller (2016), the management of digital communications is vital for companies to manage to enhance their relevance with consumers. An interesting aspect that I discovered is that these companies use techniques like cookies to mine information from online users visiting companies’ websites. Although using cookies to collect people’s information is convenient, I feel that the ethics behind this data mining approach has ethical issues. I realized that these cookies have ambiguous consenting terms that individuals approve without knowing the ramifications. From my experience, direct surveys that consumers may consent to are more ethical since they allow them to disclose details, they are more comfortable informing companies. As emphasized by Kotler and Keller (2016), socially responsible marketing should not be overlooked because it benefits consumers, the organization, and community members. I believe the identification of ethical marketing approaches enhances the reputation of an organization and promotes social welfare.

[281 Words]

Personal earning process—challenges



American political system


esources (peer-reviewed journal articles, books, etc.) to substantiate your positions. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a separate reference sheet (for each answer). The length of your answers will vary but I think each question can be sufficiently addressed in 5-7 pages (10-14 pages overall), double-spaced. The exam answers must be submitted by December 6th.

I have enjoyed working with each of you. Good luck on the exam!

1. A perennial concern in the American political system is the potential federal encroachment on state authority. Recent examples of which might be the “Affordable Care Act” or the “No Child Left Behind Act.” What are mechanisms by which states can respond to any such shift in the federal-state balance? How well do they work in maintaining “proper balance.”

2. Scholars have developed many different models/metaphors/concepts to describe federalism in the United States. Discuss the extent to which these models have moved the subfield forward. Discuss which model you find most persuasive, and discuss whether and why scholars should devote effort to developing models of federalism.

each question should be about five pages and make sure to put the works cited to the questions on a separate page

Answer preview

When the federal government violates the anti-commandeering principle, it presents potential federal encroachment of the state authority.  For instance, the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with a federal mandate on medical insurance creates an imbalance between the federal and state government. States hold that the federal government duties and powers are those defined under the US constitution (National Governors Association, pg 1).  Imposing federal mandates, especially when not funded, is critical in increasing conflict between the state and the federal government. However, in some incidences such as legalizing marijuana, which is illegal under federal law, states have survived preemption.  One solution for the states against the federal government is that the Supreme Court is mandated to uphold the US constitution version of federalism (Keller, pg 45).  The discussion explores the state of federal

[3732 Words]

American political system

Role of leadership in the criminal-justice system

One of the obstacles to defining the role of a leader is the difficulty in defining what leadership entails. Think about the role of leadership in the criminal-justice system and answer the following questions in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document:

  • How can you differentiate between the role of a leader and a manager in the criminal justice system with reference to the following:
    • Operational functions of the organization, such as budget planning, recruitment and hiring, infrastructure maintenance, and performance reviews
    • Relationship with subordinates in the organization
  • Are there any overlaps between effective leadership and effective management roles in the criminal-justice system?
  • Does being an effective leader in the criminal justice system conflict with being an effective manager?
  • Are leadership responsibilities tied to official job descriptions in criminal justice or could a criminal justice agent of any position be a leader? Why?
  • How do the different ways of interpreting and defining a leader’s role influence effective leadership? Explain with reference to the various definitions of leadership as a specialized role and a shared influence process.

Cite any sources using APA format on a separate page. Let’s learn how to cite sources using APA guidelines.

Answer preview

In judicial systems, the role of a leader and manager differ in that they utilize different strategies to meet organizational goals. Managers focus on the institution’s operational aspect by ensuring that all daily routines and activities are achieved. They are responsible for functions such as planning institutional budgets, recruitment of new staff members, and maintenance of infrastructure (Giblin, 2016). They are also involved in reviewing employee performance to make decisions such as firing or promotions. On the contrary, leaders play a critical role in developing relationships with their juniors. They interact closely with subordinates to influence their performance in the system.

[699 Words]

Role of leadership in the criminal-justice system

Role of leadership in the criminal-justice system

One of the obstacles to defining the role of a leader is the difficulty in defining what leadership entails. Think about the role of leadership in the criminal-justice system and answer the following questions in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document:

  • How can you differentiate between the role of a leader and a manager in the criminal justice system with reference to the following:
    • Operational functions of the organization, such as budget planning, recruitment and hiring, infrastructure maintenance, and performance reviews
    • Relationship with subordinates in the organization
  • Are there any overlaps between effective leadership and effective management roles in the criminal-justice system?
  • Does being an effective leader in the criminal justice system conflict with being an effective manager?
  • Are leadership responsibilities tied to official job descriptions in criminal justice or could a criminal justice agent of any position be a leader? Why?
  • How do the different ways of interpreting and defining a leader’s role influence effective leadership? Explain with reference to the various definitions of leadership as a specialized role and a shared influence process.

Cite any sources using APA format on a separate page. Let’s learn how to cite sources using APA guidelines.

Answer preview

In judicial systems, the role of a leader and manager differ in that they utilize different strategies to meet organizational goals. Managers focus on the institution’s operational aspect by ensuring that all daily routines and activities are achieved. They are responsible for functions such as planning institutional budgets, recruitment of new staff members, and maintenance of infrastructure (Giblin, 2016). They are also involved in reviewing employee performance to make decisions such as firing or promotions. On the contrary, leaders play a critical role in developing relationships with their juniors. They interact closely with subordinates to influence their performance in the system.

[699 Words]

Role of leadership in the criminal-justice system

The Injustice Concept

Please follow the instructions

Research Paper, MLA format, it must be 5 pages, essay must be about (injustice)

You will write a research paper of at least 4 – 6 pages (not counting the separate Works Cited page). The paper must use at least three separate sources and each of those sources must be quoted or paraphrased at least one time in your text, properly cited and entered correctly on the Works Cited page.

If possible, include a book source or an ebook source, but given the lack of physical access to the library this is not required. Your sources can all be found on-line but must be from reliable, quality, researched sources, or from a valid website.

Your paper must use MLA (Modern Language Association) style documentation and include a properly formatted Works Cited listing as a separate page at the end of your paper.

In addition to resources you can access through the ACC library website. The Purdue Owl website is excellent. Here is the link. Once you open it you can navigate through scrolling down the content list on the left. I urge you to go to this website soon and explore what it has on MLA research papers.

ou need at a minimum of three sources. But if your paper has four major sections then it’s best to have at least one source for each of those sections.

Once you have all the sources you need then you need to put them into a Works Cited page. This must follow MLA format and style. The ACC library has rules and samples but try the Purdue Owl website. The link below gets you to the overview, but you will see how you can navigate to find details on how to list books, periodicals, electronic sources and others. Due to our limited ability to use the library you may have to rely mainly on electronic sources which includes sources from the internet. So following that section for those is important.

Note in the section on electronic sources it says it is recommended that you add to the entry the access date. This is the date you found and used the source. If you have gone back to it, then use the last date you accessed it. While it is recommended, I want you to include the access date for all your electronic sources.

You must send me your one page Works Cited paper on or before the due date of Monday, July 20. This will be graded. I will send it back to you with any revisions and corrections that need to be made so when you include it in your paper the next week it will be complete and correct.

Once you have a good Works Cited page, then it becomes a matter of being sure each of those cited sources is actually cited correctly in your paper. The key to a successful research paper is correct coordination between you in-text citations (MLA style of course) and the corresponding entry on your Works Cited page.

Be sure to look at the sample Works Cited pages and make yours look the same.

A few notes:

  • The words Works Cited are centered at the top of the page. Do not bold, underline, or increase the font size for the words.
  • Entries must be alphabetized by the first word of the entry.
  • Begin your entry flush left, but if that entry goes past the first line, all subsequent lines for that entry or indented five or six spaces.
  • Simply double space just as in your paper, but don’t add extra spaces between entries.
  • Follow the format exactly in the right order of elements, the right punctuation between elements, the format for dates. All entries close with a final period. Don’t forget your accessed date for electronic sources.

Answer preview

According to Bufacchi an appropriate way to understand social injustices requires an individual to know how this phenomenon in society promotes social problems (3). The social divide is one major social issue that heightens hatred. In the context by Bufacchi “…injustice relates, often enough, to hardy social divisions, linked with divisions of class, gender, rank, location, religion, community, and other established barriers” (6). In this sense, different groups that experience injustices include women, children, ethnic minorities, and the LGBTQ, who have struggled continuously for fair treatment. The negative attitudes that people develop towards these groups end up creating social divisions. As much as these individuals have advocates who fight for their rights, the flawed social ideologies in human decision-making are significant contributors to the injustices. When looking at historical events during the Civil War,

[1583 Words]

The Injustice Concept

Real-time data

Provide an example in which real-time data can be used as a competitive advantage for corporations. Why do you feel this real-time data is an advantage? How long can the advantage last?

At least 250 words.

Answer preview

When this process is made the norm in the organization, it facilitates employing advanced techniques to better understand the customers. When an organization can develop a data-driven work environment that fosters collaboration, data analysis in real-time becomes a competitive advantage (Hagiu & Wright, 2020). This real-time data is advantageous because the organization starts treating data as an asset in the decision-making process. Since the data is up to date, reliable, and better targeted, mistakes and errors within the corporation are reduced. Real-time insights also facilitate reacting quickly to the identified errors to prevent an operational problem. The real-time data is also advantageous because the analytics keeps the organization ahead of the competitors or in a position to get notified when the direct competitors change their strategy or lower their prices. These advantages of real-time data should last if the organization exists unless the organization’s culture is changed. That is why using real-time data as a competitive advantage requires an organization to develop a data-driven culture.

[315 Words]

Real-time data

Multicultural identity and multicultural therapy

As you continue to prepare for the in-residence component of this course, be aware of how this week’s Learning Resources synthesize the cultural identity factors you explored in the previous weeks. Generally, no one individual assumes just one identity. An individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality orientation, socioeconomic status, class, age, and ability contribute to that individual’s multicultural identity.

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Select at least one topic from the course readings on multicultural identity and multicultural therapy that you found challenging, and reflect on why you found this to be so. Also consider any other topics that have been challenging this term. Finally, think about what topics you hope are covered in more depth during the week in-residence.

Post by Day 4 a description of at least one topic from the required readings on multicultural identity and multicultural therapy that you found challenging, and explain why. Then, explain any other areas or topics that have been challenging in this course. Finally, explain what topics you hope are covered in more depth in-residence.

Be sure to support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources.




  • Duran, E. (2006). Healing the soul wound: Counseling with American Indians and other native peoples. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
    • Chapter 3, “The Healing/Therapeutic Circle” (pp. 39–48)
    • Chapter 6, “Diagnosis: Treating Emotional Problems as Living Entities” (pp. 79–111)
  • Bernal, G., & Rodríguez, M. M. D. (2009). Advances in Latino family research: Cultural adaptations of evidence-based interventions. Family Process, 48(2), 169–178.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Bernal, G., Jimenez-Chafey, M. I., & Rodríguez, M. M. D. (2009). Cultural adaptation of treatments: A resource for considering culture in evidence-based practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(4), 361–368.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Chavis, A. Z., & Hill, M. S. (2009). Integrating multiple intersecting identities: A multicultural conceptualization of the power and control wheel. Women & Therapy, 32(1), 121–149.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Diaz-Martinez, A. M., Interian, A., & Waters, D. M. (2010). The integration of CBT, multicultural and feminist psychotherapies with Latinas. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 20(3), 312–326.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Hays, P. A. (2009). Integrating evidence-based practice, cognitive-behavior therapy, and multicultural therapy: Ten steps for culturally competent practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(4), 354–360.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Munsey, C. (2009). Working with Latino clients. Retrieved from
  • Owen, J., Leach, M. M., Wampold, B., & Rodolfa, E. (2011). Multicultural approaches in psychotherapy: A rejoinder. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(1), 22–26.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Ponterotto, J. G. (2010). Multicultural personality: An evolving theory of optimal functioning in culturally heterogeneous societies. The Counseling Psychologist, 38(5), 714–758.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Sanchez-Hucles, J. V., & Davis, D. D. (2011). Women and women of color in leadership: Complexity, identity, and intersectionality. American Psychologist, 65(3), 171–181.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Thompson, V., Bazile, A., & Akbar, M. (2004). African Americans’ perceptions of psychotherapy and psychotherapists. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 35(1), 19–26.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Williams, C. (2005). Counseling African American women: Multiple identities—Multiple constraints. Journal of Counseling & Development, 83(3), 278–283.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Document: Henry Thompson Case Conceptualization and Case Demonstration Overview (Word document)
    You will use this document as a reference to the requirements of the Case Conceptualization and Case Demonstration.
  • Document: Henry Thompson Case Notes (Word document)
    You will use this document to inform your Case Conceptualization and Case Demonstration.
  • Document: Henry Thompson Case Conceptualization (Word document)
    You will use this document to complete your Case Conceptualization and inform your Case Demonstration.
  • Document: Multicultural Population Research Paper Overview (Word document)
    You will use this document to complete your Multicultural Population Research Paper.


  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012b). Family case study [Interactive media]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: Please click on the following link for the transcript: Transcript (PDF document).

  • Microtraining Associates (Video Publisher). (2005b). Race, gender, and sexual orientation: Counseling people with multiple cultural identities [Video webcast].
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Optional Resources

  • Gone, J. P. (2010). Psychotherapy and traditional healing for American Indians: Exploring the prospects for therapeutic integration. The Counseling Psychologist, 38(2), 166–235. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Hwang, W. (2006). The psychotherapy adaptation and modification framework: Application to Asian Americans. American Psychologist, 61(7), 702–715.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Answer preview

The topic of multiple intersecting identities, especially for women at the receiving end of intimate partner violence, is another topic that still eludes me. Bouts of violence against women, especially those instigated by their loved ones, have been part and parcel of society, majorly stemming from the systemic inequalities prevalent in society (Chavis & Hill, 2009). I have challenges understanding how a woman’s cultural and structural identities might influence their perception of intimate partner abuse. The available research regarding intimate partner violence treats all women as a uniform entity rather than recognizing their diversity. Getting rid of this problem requires people to understand how the various systems of structural inequality in society intersect. I need to know how race, ethnicity, age, and sexual orientation shape the perception women have regarding the choices available to them after being victims of intimate partner violence (Chavis & Hill, 2009).

[675 Words]

Multicultural identity and multicultural therapy

Right to Ride

Students need to complete a 4-5 page book critique on the monograph, Right to Ride: Streetcar Boycotts and African American Citizenship in the Era of Plessy v. Ferguson.

1. The paper should have 1″ margins, be double-spaced, written in Times New Roman + 12-point font

2. The paper should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).


Answer   preview

Kelley states that black citizens in the 1890s and 1800s were hunted like sports by the government, developing a white supremacy culture that is still felt today. Many would argue that since the author is an African American, she may be too attached in giving such sentiments but certainly not. The author based on history and facts that any other historian could have developed regardless of country, region, or race. Subjugating black citizens and developing racial segregation laws such as the southern segregation policies and Plessy V. Ferguson case were used to control the black community. Government institutions such as law enforcement and the judicial systems institutionalized legal segregation in what was referred to as ‘separate but equal.’ They were on the front to oppress the black community and deny them their civil rights.

[1366 Words]

Right to Ride