Environmental risk

Nature itself presents hazards to human health, including disease, natural poisons, and radiation. Regulators use a process called environmental risk assessment to decide whether they need to take risk management steps in relation to a risk. In this activity, you will carry out three steps of an environmental risk assessment called release analysis, exposure analysis, and health effects analysis. This activity will require outside research in addition to the textbook and will set the stage for a larger assignment in Week 4.


Write a 1-2 page paper using the following instructions.

Select an environmental risk that occurs in nature, and research information about its release, exposure scenarios, and health effects. The specific data in each area of the analysis will depend on the environmental risk you choose. Write at least one paragraph for each analysis:

  1. Release Analysis: Identify the contaminant, and how it is released, measured, or detected. Include units of measurement, setting for the release, and scientific fields related to the contamination or measurement.
  2. Exposure Analysis: Analyze the risk of exposure such as settings in which people encounter the risk or plausible scenarios in which exposure occurs.
  3. Health Effects Analysis: Estimate the risks to human health, including short and long-term effects, demographic groups at risk, and health effects on individuals and populations.
  4. Use 1-2 sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library

Links to an external site. or review library guides

  1. Links to an external site..

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site

Links to an external site. for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


Requirements: 2 pages

Answer preview

The final phase of an environmental risk assessment is undertaking a health effect analysis. Doing this allows an investigator to estimate the risk a hazard poses to people’s health, including short- and long-term health impacts, the demographic groups at risk, as well as the health impacts on individuals and communities. A heat wave can have adverse health impacts on individuals and populations (Disher et al., 2021). These adverse health impacts are not solely caused by the heat itself but also by other attributes, such as the intensity, duration, and frequency of a heat wave (Disher et al., 2021). Furthermore, a heat wave often covers an extensive area, exposing many people to hazardous heat, which can be immensely taxing on a person’s body (Disher et al., 2021). A person’s body struggles to cool itself when it is immensely hot. This causes the body’s temperature to risk, increasing the risk of experiencing a heat-related illness such as heat cramps, heat strokes, or heat exhaustion (Disher et al., 2021).

[896 Words]

Environmental risk

Energy Sources and Uses

Please respond to the following:

Requirements: 1 page

we use ; natural gas, wind energy

Answer preview

The household should switch to LED lighting as LED bulbs are energy- and cost-efficient, and durable (Hu et al., 2022). Reducing energy consumption can also be achieved by economizing on hot water. Hot water systems are significant energy consumers within households, and my household can make savings in this area with a solar or heat pump system. Furthermore, turning off power strips is crucial. Electronics and various appliances draw electricity when plugged in, even when in sleep mode. Finally, my household can utilize line drying as tumble drying consumes significant energy. Line drying is cost-effective and enhances energy conservation (Goldstein et al., 2020).


[356 Words]

Energy Sources and Uses


Spread of COVID-19

Sometimes nature presents itself as a laboratory, where scientists can study results that are far more broad-based than any test they could set up in a controlled environment. COVID-19 “shutdowns” offered such an opportunity, when large geographic areas reduced activity to stop the spread of COVID-19. Scientists are studying the impacts on air quality, looking for lessons that could have broader significance for policies to slow climate change.


Write a 1-2 page paper using the following instructions:

  1. Select one of the following articles to read:
  2. Summarize the conclusions in the article in your own words. Support the summary with references to the article.
  3. Analyze whether or not the article provides insights into possible solutions to climate change. Support the insights with evidence from the article or other resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Requirements: 1-2 pages

Answer preview

Bekbulat et al. makes similar observations stating that during the stay-at-home orders, there were reduced levels of air pollutants such as NO2, CO, and PM10, even though the changes were not long-lasting (1). Reducing traffic volumes is crucial in reducing NO2, CO, and O3 emissions. However, the reductions were applicable in the areas where the pollutants dominated, such as New York and Florida, where traffic emissions were the main sources of pollution. In other areas such as Texas, California, and Illinois, reduction in traffic volume did not improve the quality of air, as air pollution in these areas was majorly contributed to with other factors other than traffic emissions.

[531 Words]


Spread of COVID-19

Environmental sustainability internship

Your personal statement should be one page in which you write about your interest in the opportunity, what kind of internship you are interested in, and your specific skills and experience that will make you a good candidate for the program. You should not reference specific company names of interest to you in your statement, as your personal statement may be shared with multiple potential employers. Career Services can help you write both of these documents.Environmental Sustainability in Ho Chi Minh City is an opportunity for students to be considered for various internship placements in the field of Environmental Sustainability in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City is a metropolitan city of Vietnam with a population of twelve million. It is one of the top ten most dynamic cities for innovation and start-ups in the world, and Vietnam itself wants to make the country known as a “start-up nation,” utilizing 4.0 technology for its economy. Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing countries in the world with a booming economy and ever-increasing construction and foreign investment. The fast growth and speedy development of the economy raise the awareness of sustainability as a way to preserve the health of the country. Jobs in environmental sustainability for public, non-profit and industry sectors are in high demand. With the ability to face real issues that affect developing countries, Ho Chi Minh City is a safe and dynamic place to be and to intern. From going onsite for wastewater quality surveys, analyzing environmental impacts of a new building plan, or organizing press releases for a sustainability entrepreneurship incubator program, the intern experience will be filled with meaningful and valuable tasks.

Students who are looking to gain experience in fields like architecture, business development, civil engineering, communications, environmental engineering, environment and software architecture, green building, renewable energy, sustainable entrepreneurship, and urban planning are encouraged to apply.

Requirements: 1 page   |

Answer preview

While pursuing my undergraduate program, I visited different communities while advocating for environmental sustainability. This exposed me to communities experiencing major health threats because of air pollution from polluting factories. Many plants closed business because of failing to comply with the Clean Air Act. Others risked their operation licenses due to poor waste management and damaging land and water bodies. Therefore, my passion for transforming such settings based on the real-world experience from the internship will add value to the measures taken to improve healthy living. Generally, my skills in effective communication, critical thinking, analyzing community problems, and developing evaluation programs for the implemented interventions will add value when identifying sustainable environmental solutions.

[344 Words]

Environmental sustainability internship

Armillaria root disease

Hello, I need your help writing a paper outline (see instructions and example below) on Disease in Taiga. You helped me write some of the references for this paper and look for subtopics, now we are required to complete an outline. Please follow ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS and make sure the outline looks and follows the example. I will also attach the powerpoint explaining the goal and the instructions for the actual research paper that this assignment is a part of.

Requirements: answer questions

Hi, please make sure you go over the instructions and the example.

you have already done 5 references of the total 10 references. you can go back to the other questions and the instructions to see what you have done so far.

Content: 50%. This is the most important part of your paper. As the author of a review paper, your job
is to synthesize the current literature on a topic of interest. Make sure that you build a strong argument
and that you convey important information to the reader. Be certain to focus on the environmental
issue and its relevance to ecology. Your paper should not be about how humans are impacted by your
topic! Support your topic sentences with main points/conclusions drawn from articles found during
your literature search. Avoid filling your paper with “fluff”, unimportant information that takes up space
but is not relevant to your main points. You should not summarize one article for more than one
paragraph and you should not go into too much detail describing the methods used in the papers unless
absolutely necessary. You should have a minimum of 10 sources cited in your pape

the example should be followed when you try to look for sources and subtopics regadring the issue of disease in taiga.

also as a reminder, the sources has to be peer reviewed primary sources from google scholars or the library i had provided you with earlier.

I am just attaching these again incase you need them.

also, you can make new subtopics, try to follow these guidelines /instructions I attached and the example, as last time our subtopics were written last minute because of the confusion.

Answer preview

  1. While focusing on the ecosystem of the Taiga habitat, climate change is a significant contributor to the armillaria root disease (Erbilgin et al., 2016; Revich et al., 2012).
  2. Climate changes modify rhizomorphs growth increasing the trees’ susceptibility to the disease (Dempster, 2017; Kubiak et al., 2017).
  3. The mechanisms of resistance to armillaria root disease
  4. Primary and secondary defense and timing play a significant role in helping trees resist the armillaria root disease ((Hagle, 2010; Kedves et al., 2021).

VII. Conclusion

[799 Words]

Armillaria root disease

Organizational development

You are a new general manager for a large organization. With the current environment of being in a pandemic, working from home is now the new norm. Many traditional “old school” managers are now being forced into remote working, and many are having difficulty in dealing with the inability to see their team members in person. You are a recent graduate from an all online higher education college, where being online to do course work and interact with the professor is “normal.” You decide to take some of that experience and also conduct some research to create an organizational change manual for all managers and employees dealing with working remotely.


Using Microsoft Word, create an organizational development manual that includes the following:

  • Describe the importance of R&D for an organization.
  • Describe how organizations can use research and development to foster innovation.
  • Describe some innovative approaches of research and development (R&D) to organizational change, specifically to the remote worker.
  • Describe how can we overcome the “old school” mentality of remote work and what are some development tools that can help employees/managers with the transition.
  • Review the impact of working remotely with regards to managing resources of the company. Include the economic impact of remote work on the company.
  • Describe some of the ways remote working can impact the sustainability of the organization.


Requirements: substantial

Answer preview

One of the key areas that have sustained the traditional models of interactions in research and development. Since digital and electronic systems are heavily integrated, a major shift is necessary to achieve great value within the new working context. Remote work and development tools available to all organization’s stakeholders will foster organization agility. Overcoming the old school mentality depends on the capacity to overcome the challenges of distortion of the normal pace of our conversations (Dhawan, & Premuzic, 2018, February 27). One major tool is to offer the technology for remote work. The managers can provide or subsidize the technology, collaboration platforms, home Wi-Fi, and other necessary tools to enhance continuous development (Sull, Sull, & Bersin, 2020, June 3). The objective is to enhance frequent and good communication and maintain high productivity and engagement of all the stakeholders.

[1228 Words]

Organizational development

Organizational performance issue

In this assignment, you will conduct an Article Review of the professional journal articles assigned in this module.

You will compose a written review that includes:

  1. A brief summary of the articles read
  2. list of important information learned from the articles
  3. questions you have about the articles
  4. how you will apply information from the articles to your future work as a BCBA(Board Certificate Behavior Analysis).

Submit one document with an Article Review Worksheet for each Article Read to the respective assignment submission link in Canvas.

Requirements: Medium

Answer preview

Essentially, Fritz et al. (2017) examined the impacts of the location of trashcans on proper recycling of trash items left in classrooms. The participants in the study were employees, visitors, and students at a university in southeast Texas. Fritz et al. (2017) targeted five classrooms and two office suites for their study. In addition, two independent data collectors gathered inter-observer agreement (IOA) data on 27% of the observation days. These data collectors counted items from the target bins and those left in classrooms. The IOA data was gathered one or two times per week on various days across all steps of the study. Fritz et al. (2017) used an ABAB reversal design to assess the impacts of the low-cost recycling measure. This measure revolved around the removal of trashcans from classrooms, with only available one situated close to the recycling bin found in hallways. The study results indicated that the measure helped improve correct recycling at the university.

[1697 Words]

Organizational performance issue

Learning environment

Go to Big Dog’s Instructional System Design (ISD) page. This website is an excellent resource that describes all aspects of the ISD model. Click on “Learning” and scroll to the concept map or list of terms to the left of the map. Click on “Learning Styles” and take the Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) survey. What are the implications of your learning style for how you best learn? What type of learning environment is best suited for your style? Be as specific as possible.

In your peer responses, consider ways that your own learning style has helped or hindered you in the past. Can you offer any suggestions to your peers about strategies to develop training for a different preferred style than your own, or ideas on how to manage as a trainee in a course or session that is not presented in your preferred style?

Auditory learners often talk to themselves. They also may move their lips and read out loud. They may have difficulty with reading and writing tasks. They often do better talking to a colleague or a tape recorder and hearing what was said. To integrate this style into the learning environment:

  • Begin new material with a brief explanation of what is coming. Conclude with a summary of what has been covered. This is the old adage of “tell them what they are going to lean, teach them, and tell them what they have learned.”
  • Use the Socratic method of lecturing by questioning learners to draw as much information from them as possible and then fill in the gaps with you own expertise.
  • Include auditory activities, such as brainstorming, buzz groups, or Jeopardy. Leave plenty of time to debrief activities. This allows them to make connections of what they leaned and how it applies to their situation.
  • Have the learners verbalize the questions.
  • Develop an internal dialogue between yourself and the learners.

Visual learners have two sub-channels—linguistic and spatial. Learners who are visual-linguistic like to learn through written language, such as reading and writing tasks. They remember what has been written down, even if they do not read it more than once. They like to write down directions and pay better attention to lectures if they watch them. Learners who are visual-spatial usually have difficulty with the written language and do better with charts, demonstrations, videos, and other visual materials. They easily visualize faces and places by using their imagination and seldom get lost in new surroundings. To integrate this style into the learning environment:

  • Use graphs, charts, illustrations, or other visual aids.
  • Include outlines, concept maps, agendas, handouts, etc. for reading and taking notes.
  • Include plenty of content in handouts to reread after the learning session.
  • Leave white space in handouts for note-taking.
  • Invite questions to help them stay alert in auditory environments.
  • Post flip charts to show what will come and what has been presented.
  • Emphasize key points to cue when to takes notes.
  • Eliminate potential distractions.
  • Supplement textual information with illustrations whenever possible.
  • Have them draw pictures in the margins.
  • Have the learners envision the topic or have them act out the subject matter.

Kinesthetic learners do best while touching and moving. It also has two sub-channels: kinesthetic (movement) and tactile (touch). They tend to lose concentration if there is little or no external stimulation or movement. When listening to lectures they may want to take notes for the sake of moving their hands. When reading, they like to scan the material first, and then focus in on the details (get the big picture first). They typically use color high lighters and take notes by drawing pictures, diagrams, or doodling. To integrate this style into the learning environment:


  • Use activities that get the learners up and moving.
  • Play music, when appropriate, during activities.
  • Use colored markers to emphasize key points on flip charts or white boards.
  • Give frequent stretch breaks (brain breaks).
  • Provide toys such as Koosh balls and Play-Dough to give them something to do with their hands.
  • To highlight a point, provide gum, candy, scents, etc. which provides a cross link of scent (aroma) to the topic at hand (scent can be a powerful cue).
  • Provide high lighters, colored pens and/or pencils.
  • Guide learners through a visualization of complex tasks.
  • Have them transfer information from the text to another medium such as a keyboard or a tablet.

Requirements: 1 page

Answer preview

Hello Kayla, I agree that Kinesthetic is a learning style requiring one to manipulate or touch material. That means one learns better in an environment with movements (Houghton University, 2021). Such includes creating models, typing on a computer, or creating cards for a reading. For instance, color coding is one way that can help a learner process thing faster as opposed to black-and-white reading. Although this learning style might not work best for some people, such as interviews, specific environments make it more suitable because they can involve both learning and hands-on engagement. An external environment is best suited for Kinesthetic learning and a physical learning environment, where people can create an opportunity to practice and receive feedback simultaneously (Noe, 2020). Based on my learning style, visual learning has helped me learn in the past because it enables me to practice both visuals and notes. However, one can train different learning styles through engaging with others and using the internet to practice.

[756 Words]

Learning environment

Airline companies in the U.S,

Make a PPT and OUTLINE with your analysis of our business case number 3: “SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: IS “LUV” AT THE LIMIT?” ****link to the book is below with the case study on PAGE 479****

Southwest, historically known for its highly efficient and successful ‘low-cost’ operations, had paid millions over the past decade to settle safety violations. Southwest was fined for flying planes that needed repairs including at least two incidents where the roofs of Southwest planes opened up inflight. Could Southwest remain an airline that customers loved?

Your assignment is to evaluate the strength of the competitive forces in the airline industry using Porter’s 5 Forces framework–***PAGE 52 on the linked book***. How does Southwest’s approach to competing in this industry influence the competitive forces it faces? How has it benefited from the broader changes in the external environment and what should it be concerned about in future?

You will assume the role of an external consultant hired by the firm’s corporate leadership. Each student must produce and deliver a short (approximately 3 minute) presentation identifying a strategic issue faced by the firm, and providing a recommendation to address the strategic issue. No external sources may be used.

Specifically, your PPT and OUTLINEcase analysis must:

  • Address a professional audience (in relation to their rhetorical context, e.g., C-Suite, Board of Directors)
  • Identify the strategic issue faced by the firm
  • Provide at least one piece of concrete evidence to show that this is a strategic issue
  • Identify a specific recommendation
  • Support that recommendation with one piece of evidence to show that it would help resolve the strategic issue

LINK TO BOOK: https://dokumen.pub/strategic-management-text-and-…


the case study is on pages 479- 484

Requirements: OUTLINE AND PPT

Answer preview

  1. How Southwest’s approach to competition influences the competitive forces it faces
  2. Business model based on low-cost pricing and innovative logistics solutions.
  3. Deeply focused customer service
  4. How Southwest has benefited from the broader changes in the external environment and its future concerns.
  5. Unique nature of operations
  6. High external forces enabling the implementation of new strategies
  7. Loyalty services to customers

[127 Words]

Airline companies in the U.S,

. Environmental health.

Nature itself presents hazards to human health, including disease, natural poisons, and radiation. Regulators use a process called environmental risk assessment to decide whether they need to take risk management steps in relation to a risk. In this activity, you will carry out three steps of an environmental risk assessment called release analysis, exposure analysis, and health effects analysis. This activity will require outside research in addition to the textbook and will set the stage for a larger assignment in Week 4.


Write a 1-2 page paper using the following instructions.

Select an environmental risk that occurs in nature, and research information about its release, exposure scenarios, and health effects. The specific data in each area of the analysis will depend on the environmental risk you choose. Write at least one paragraph for each analysis:

  1. Release Analysis: Identify the contaminant, and how it is released, measured, or detected. Include units of measurement, setting for the release, and scientific fields related to the contamination or measurement.
  2. Exposure Analysis: Analyze the risk of exposure such as settings in which people encounter the risk or plausible scenarios in which exposure occurs.
  3. Health Effects Analysis: Estimate the risks to human health, including short and long-term effects, demographic groups at risk, and health effects on individuals and populations.
  4. Use 1-2 sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library

Links to an external site. or review library guides

  1. Links to an external site..

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site

Links to an external site. for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


Requirements: 2 pages

Answer preview

The final phase of an environmental risk assessment is undertaking a health effect analysis. Doing this allows an investigator to estimate the risk a hazard poses to people’s health, including short- and long-term health impacts, the demographic groups at risk, as well as the health impacts on individuals and communities. A heat wave can have adverse health impacts on individuals and populations (Disher et al., 2021). These adverse health impacts are not solely caused by the heat itself but also by other attributes, such as the intensity, duration, and frequency of a heat wave (Disher et al., 2021). Furthermore, a heat wave often covers an extensive area, exposing many people to hazardous heat, which can be immensely taxing on a person’s body (Disher et al., 2021). A person’s body struggles to cool itself when it is immensely hot. This causes the body’s temperature to risk, increasing the risk of experiencing a heat-related illness such as heat cramps, heat strokes, or heat exhaustion (Disher et al., 2021). Heat waves can also lead to death. For instance, in the United States, heat waves in British Columbia, Oregon,

[896 Words]