• Based upon your acquired knowledge of the administrative structure and internship experience with your field agency:
    • Identify responsibilities and qualifications of that actual position
    • List key points for a professional reference letter about yourself that could originate with a professor.
    • List key points for a professional reference letter about yourself that could originate from a supervisor.
    • Evaluate your readiness to assume this position. State areas in which you need to grow.
    • Integrate knowledge of the following in answering this question:
    1. making ethical decisions using the various codes of ethics in social work.
    2. issues of diversity, social, economic and environmental justice.
    3. managing personal and professional values in practice;
    4. advocating for individuals, groups, communities that have no voice;
    5. knowledge of social work with individuals, groups, families, organizations, and communities; evidenced based research.
    6. serving people with addictive behaviors in urban communities remaining professional by consistently assessing, reflecting and attending to the personal biases that impact treatment and recovery experiences and influence practice with people with addictive behaviors.
    • What does competency in urban social work mean as it relates to the position you are applying for?
    • How does this exercise impact your confidence level as an urban Social Work Professional?

Requirements: 2-3

no cover pages or references needed. Just answer each qustion

Answer preview

Safety inpatient care entails ensuring that no harm comes to the patient during providing care. I will need to know more about providing care and serving people with addictive behaviors in urban communities.Competency in urban social work entails being culturally aware of the urban population, their characteristics and needs. It includes having knowledge of the vulnerable populations and their geographic location, their health care needs, and whether they are any gaps in the services they receive.It is also important to consider the ethnic and cultural groups living within the area and know the interventions that one can provide to meet their healthcare needs.This will ensure that the healthcare services provided meet the needs of the people. This exercise helps in boosting my confidence as I am aware of the areas that need improvement and those that I can enhance my strengths. This ensures that I can effectively perform my duties and provide healthcare to the urban community.

[799 Words]


Addiction Treatment Case Studies

complete a substance use history table, a diagnostic criteria checklist, and assessment analysis for a chosen client.


Theories, theories, theories! Explore the different theories and models of addiction. Where does addiction come from? Why does it exist? Now that you are familiar with the DSM-5, what substance use is, and the different models and theories of addiction, learn about how to prevent addiction, how to treat it, and what to do during relapse.


Complete the following:

Supported by the information in the Addiction Treatment Case Studies media piece, in the Help Me! Full Assessment of a Case Study [DOCX] worksheet:

Additional Requirements

Your completed worksheet should meet the following requirements:

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Describe the theories and models relevant to the multidimensional aspects of addiction.
    • Describe a theory or model of addiction related to the case study.
    • Describe the motivation for change of the case study.
  • Competency 2: Apply relevant theories and models to current issues in the field of addiction.
    • Tools
    • Describe the sociocultural factors influencing or affecting the client’s substance use.
  • Competency 3: Describe how sociocultural factors influence addictive behavior.
    • Diagnose the chosen case study.
    • Explain the basis of diagnosis.
  • Competency 4: Apply research findings from scholarly literature to current issues in the field of addiction.
    • Describe the ethical considerations of confidentiality and appropriate relationships.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of addiction.
    • Cite sources using author and year, and provides some reference information required in APA style.
    • Communicate clearly with appropriate purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure with some errors.

Requirements: worksheet

Answer preview

The fact that the use of CAMs, especially those whose safety and effectiveness are yet to be ascertained, can threaten the well-being of patients means that their use in combination with conventional medicine is heavily regulated. For long-term care facilities, ensuring that the strategies they use to facilitate the integration of CAMs and conventional medical approaches adhere to the existing regulations is important (Barcan, 2020). With respect to the recommended strategies, they adhere to existing regulations. This is because these strategies are aligned with the requirements that healthcare professionals should allow patients to be involved in their treatment (Barcan, 2020). By collaborating with patients to discover the most effective and safe CAMs, long-term care facilities will be fulfilling this requirement. These regulations also require health care professionals to consistently improve their knowledge and skills (Barcan, 2020). Therefore by familiarizing themselves with various ethical frameworks to guide their decision-making, health care professionals will be adhering to this requirement.

[1689 Words]


Addiction Treatment Case Studies

Genetic disorder

This paper will require you to research a specific genetic condition. You will need to choose one genetic condition/disorder from the list below:

  1. Prader-Willi syndrome: This is a genetic disorder which includes of physical, intellectual and behavioral challenges.
  2. Angelman syndrome: This is a genetic disorder which physical and intellectual challenges
  3. Cystic fibrosis: This is a genetic disorder characterized by health problems with lungs and digestive system (Links to an external site.).
  4. Fragile X syndrome: This is a genetic disorder which includes intellectual disability, behavioral and learning challenges as well as certain physical characteristics.
  5. Rett syndrome: This is a genetic disorder affecting the nervous system, causing intellectual and physical disability.
  6. Tay-Sachs disease: This is a genetic disorder that leads to the premature death of young children.
  7. Turner syndrome: This is a genetic disorder affecting some females, it includes hearing, vision and infertility issues.
  8. Huler’s syndrome:This is a genetic disorder affecting intellect and has physical features. Premature death.
  9. Williams syndrome: This is a genetic disorder affecting development and health.
  10. “Cry of the cat.” This is a genetic disorder which includes severe intellectual delay , microcephaly, cat-like cry and distinctive facial features .
  11. Phenylketonuria (PKU): This is a genetic disorder which includes if not treated): Mental deterioration, hypopigmentation (blond hair and blue eyes)
  12. Sickle Cell Anemia: This is a genetic disorder which affects physical health.
  13. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Syndrome caused by the exposure to alcohol during pregnancy
  14. Tourette’s Syndrome: It is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, involuntary physical and verbal tics.

Questions to answer: 3 ½ to 4 pages long

  1. Which genetic disorder or syndrome did you select?
  2. Explain the history and causes of the syndrome (when it was discovered, how, by whom, where?)
  3. How can the syndrome be diagnosed? (tests? What type?)
  4. What are the biological characteristics and symptoms (learning challenges, intellectual delays, language delays, etc.…) of this syndrome?
  5. What is the prognosis? (is there a cure, can it be improved, can be prevented, does it get worse, life expectancy? etc.)
  6. Bibliography: List the two books or journals used for your paper..
  7. Did you use in text citations for each of your answers? Did you follow the question and answer format? If you answered, no, then revise and redo 🙂

Please pick any of the 14 disorders and answer all 7 questions. I’m looking to have questions / answer format. Thank you!

Requirements: 4 pages

Answer preview

These features can manifest themselves shortly after a child is born or show themselves as time passes. Individuals suffering from this condition have lower calorie requirements, primarily because of low muscle, reduced metabolism, and reduced physical activity. Due to this, they end up overeating, leading to extensive weight gain, and subsequently, become morbidly obese, especially when their eating is not controlled by those around them (Butler et al., 2019). The craving to eat is so high for such individuals, and thus, when they are not supervised, they might endanger their health by consuming harmful foods and excessive amounts of food. These individuals also tend to adopt unusual conduct related to food, such as hoarding and stealing food (Butler et al., 2019). Children with this condition also deal with varying degrees of cognitive

[1351 Words]


Genetic disorder

Organizational leaders

Create a presentation (maximum of 20 slides with detailed speaker notes) for senior leadership in which four organizational leaders analyze the impact of a health care organization\’s new safety and quality dashboard. Include an analysis of what the new metrics mean and how they will inform departmental activities for the next quarter.



\”Being in a position of leadership is the most important job of any health professional anywhere along the continuum of care\” (Ledlow & Coppola, 2013, p. 3). Leaders and ultimately the boards of directors of health care organizations are accountable for the safety of those they serve.\” National quality organizations and regulatory bodies … are growing in their emphasis on leadership accountabilities for safe, reliable care as well as excellence in the experience of care\” (Youngberg, 2013, p. 39).

With this emphasis on leadership accountability for the delivery of safe, high-quality health care services, health care leaders need to be able to drill down on what exactly safety and quality mean in the health care environment. Likewise, they also need to be able to design measures that help to ensure their organizations are able to deliver those kinds of outcomes. Read Measurement Perspectives [PDF] to examine key elements related to this issue.

In this final course assessment, you will have a unique opportunity to examine a health care organization\’s safety and quality dashboard from the perspective of four organizational leaders. You will explore each leader\’s specific interests regarding patient safety and quality. In particular, you will have the opportunity to perform a more in-depth analysis of the dashboard, the type of analysis a quality director might perform to further the organization\’s safety and quality objectives.


Ledlow, G. R., & Coppola, M. N. (2013). Leadership for health professionals (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Youngberg, B. J. (2013). Patient safety handbook (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the quality and performance improvement activities within the health care organization.
    • Recommend evidence-based actions to improve a selected measure on a health care organization\’s safety and quality dashboard.
  • Competency 2: Explain the risk management function in the health care organization.
    • Analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a risk manager.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the importance of patient safety in health care.
    • Describe how a health care organization chooses the metrics to include in its safety and quality dashboard.
    • Analyze areas of a safety and quality dashboard of concern to a patient safety officer.
  • Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization.
    • Assess senior leadership\’s role in setting a health care organization\’s strategic safety and quality objectives.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
    • Create a clear, organized, persuasive, and generally error-free presentation on a leadership team\’s assessment of an organization\’s safety and quality dashboard that is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
    • Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.


To help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:


Your organization has just updated its safety and quality dashboard. Please review the Vila Health Mercy Hospital Safety and Quality Dashboard [PDF]. Note: You do not need to create a dashboard for this assessment. You are simply being asked to work with the one provided.

The CEO has asked each of the organizational leaders below to prepare a joint PowerPoint presentation. In it, they are to prepare a set of slides outlining their analysis of how the new numbers will inform their particular activities for the next quarter. The organizational leaders include:

  • The quality director.
  • The patient safety officer.
  • The risk manager.
  • Senior leadership.

Because of the quality director\’s critical role in implementing the organization\’s safety and quality strategic objectives, this individual will open the presentation and provide additional background about how the new dashboard was developed. This individual will also close the presentation. Use the following outline to organize your presentation. Be sure to include the introduction and conclusion and address all the questions listed under these headings. Also be sure to address each role and the corresponding questions.

Introduction (3–4 slides)

  • What is a safety and quality dashboard?
  • What role do safety and quality dashboards play in helping health care organizations drive their strategic safety and quality objectives?
  • How do health care organization determine what they want to measure? Be sure to consider:
    • Pressures from regulators, payors, and the industry.
    • Self-identified improvement areas. For example, one organization\’s safety and quality dashboard may highlight patient falls because its rate of falls is higher than the national average. This may also have resulted in increased costs to the organization.
  • What CQI tools did the organization use to obtain, measure, and report data?
  • What was the quality improvement team’s role in addressing the reported measures?

Quality Director (2–3 slides)

  • Which metric on the dashboard would draw the quality director\’s attention the most?
  • What does this dashboard metric mean and why is it important?
  • What three recommendations to leadership would help to address this metric?
  • What (if any) quality models could be used to increase the quality of patient care and outcomes for this metric? Consider PDCA, Six Sigma, Lean, Hoshin Kanri planning, et cetera.

Patient Safety Officer (2–3 slides)

  • Which metric on the dashboard would draw the patient safety officer\’s attention the most?
  • What does this dashboard metric mean and why is it important?
  • What role does the patient safety officer play in improving this metric?

Risk Manager (2–3 slides)

  • Which metric on the dashboard would draw the risk manager\’s attention the most?
  • What does this dashboard metric mean and why is it important?
  • What role does the risk manager play in improving this metric?

Senior Leader (1 slide)

  • What is the role of senior leadership (for example, CEO, COO, president, senior VP) in driving safety and quality improvement initiatives?
  • What next steps might senior leadership take given the dashboard findings and the quality director\’s three improvement recommendations?

Conclusion (2–3 slides)

  • Which regulatory agency(ies) may be concerned about the findings in this dashboard?
  • Why would regulators be concerned about these findings?
  • Why are safety and quality dashboards important for monitoring key metrics in health care organizations?

Your slides need to be concise and offer main ideas in bulleted format. Use the speaker notes to expand upon your findings as if they were the transcript of your presentation for the leadership team.

In the health care environment, it is unlikely for a presentation and speaker notes to be in APA style. Do make sure they are concise, organized, clear, and free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Do make sure they address all the required headings and all of the questions under each heading.

Your senior leaders will want to know the sources of your information. Be sure to cite your sources in APA style in your speaker notes.

Additional Requirements

  • Presentation length: Your presentation should be a maximum of 20 slides, including title and reference slides. Format your title and reference slides according to APA format.
  • Speaker notes: Be sure to include these with your slides. They provide an opportunity for you to expand on the information you are highlighting in your slides.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of two references.
  • Scoring Guide: Please read the scoring guide for this assessment so you understand how your faculty member is going to evaluate your work.

Answer preview

  • The importance of safety and quality dashboards for monitoring key metrics is to improve healthcare safety
  • Anther significance is to promote quality of care
  • Also the dashboards aim to increase patient satisfaction
  • This is crucial for setting a good public image and reputation

[Slide 19 0f 20]


Quality improvement in a health care organization.

Independence Medical Center is a rural referral hospital with 115 beds in Independence, Iowa. Like all hospitals, administrators and providers try to avoid errors, and it’s the patient safety officer’s role to monitor the hospital’s safety posture and recommend better practices. But what happens when a mistake leads to a medication error?

Patient Identification

At Independence Medical Center, the patient safety officer conducts daily safety rounds. Today, she’s rounding at the pediatric unit on the eighth floor.

Kyra Dilley and Virginia Anderson

Kyra Dilley: Hi, where’s the charge nurse?

Virginia Anderson: That’s me. What’s up?

Kyra Dilley: Well, I’m doing my safety rounds and I noticed that there are two patients on this floor in rooms directly across from each other: B. Moore and B.R. Moore.

Virginia Anderson: That’s not all — they have really similar birthdates! B. Moore was born on 8/11/05 and B. R. on 11/8/05.

Kyra Dilley: Okay, that’s even more concerning. How are you making sure not to confuse those patients?

Virginia Anderson: It’s not a problem. We’re making sure that the two patients always have different nurses.

Kyra Dilley: Well, that’s good, but I have to warn you that this is a troubling situation. Are all shifts aware of the need to schedule nurses around this?

Virginia Anderson: There are notes in both charts. We had to do that; we’ve been short staffed this week and there’s been a lot of shifting around.

Medication Error

Later that week, the PSO gets a call from the hospital’s risk manager.

Kyra Dilley and Arthur Chester

Kyra Dilley: This is Kyra Dilley.

Arthur Chester: Hi, Kyra, this is Arthur Chester. I’m calling to let you know about a medication error on the eighth floor.

Kyra Dilley: Oh, no. Was it B. Moore or B.R. Moore?

Arthur Chester: How did you know? It was B. Moore, birthdate 8/11/05. My investigation isn’t complete but there were two patients with similar names and birthdates in rooms in close proximity.

Kyra Dilley: Okay. Have you interviewed the nurses involved yet? There should have been different nurses for each patient.


The day after the medication error, B. Moore’s mother signs in at the front desk to get her visitation pass. As she is standing at the front desk, she overhears an inappropriate conversation between Ida Feeney, the unit secretary, and a nurse from a different unit of the hospital.

Ida Feeney and Brenda Turner

Ida Feeney: Did you hear about the Moore kid? It’s a good thing they caught that right away. She’s small for her age, and that insulin could have really done a number on her.

Brenda Turner: Jeez, how much did they give her?

Ida Feeney: Well, she wasn’t supposed to have any. But I forget the actual dose. I’ll look in the EHR later, but I think it was pretty high.

Brenda Turner: Wait, is it Belinda Moore?

Ida Feeney: Yes, why?

Brenda Turner: I think she’s in a gymnastics class with my daughters!


Write a 5-7 page recommendation to senior leadership about steps the organization needs to take to resolve a patient safety issue that occurred. Include an explanation of why it is important to address the issue and the role the patient safety officer will play in helping to resolve the issue.

Alarming numbers of unnecessary patient deaths occur in U.S. hospitals and around the world. \”Quality and patient safety in health care have been on the forefront of the public\’s mind since the publication of the Institute of Medicine\’s (IOM) seminal report, \’To Err Is Human,\’ in 1999\” (Johnson, Haskell, & Barach, 2016, pg. xv). The literature supports revising systems and processes in an effort to narrow the difficult safety and quality gaps. Worldwide, issues of patient safety and patient-centered quality care drive health care reform. Current approaches are not adequate; patients remain at risk for needless harm.

Demonstrating a firm understanding of the various components of patient safety is fundamental to understanding health care quality, risk management, and patient safety overall.

For this first assessment, you will assume the role of a patient safety officer at your local hospital. You will analyze a patient safety issue that occurred and then prepare a five- to seven-page recommendation for senior leaders about why it is important to address the issue, along with your recommendations about how to address it. You will also need to detail the role you as the patient safety officer will play in helping the organization resolve the issue.


Johnson, J. K., Haskell, H. W., & Barach, P. R. (2016). Case studies in patient safety. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the quality and performance improvement activities within the health care organization.
    • Recommend evidence-based best practice tools and techniques to reduce or eliminate patient safety threats.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the importance of patient safety in health care.
    • Apply the health care safety imperative to a patient safety issue.
    • Evaluate the risk to patients, employees, and the organization if patient safety threats are not addressed.
    • Analyze regulatory agencies\’ role and impact on organizations\’ patient safety programs.
  • Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization.
    • Analyze the patient safety officer\’s role in implementing patient safety plans.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
    • Write a clear, persuasive, organized recommendation plan that is generally free of errors and is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
    • Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.


To help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:

  • Select one of the three scenarios from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation activity that interests you the most for further analysis in your assessment:
    • Scenario 1: Patient Identification Error.
    • Scenario 2: Medication Error.
    • Scenario 3: HIPAA/Privacy Violation.


For the scenario you selected, write a five- to seven-page recommendation for leadership that describes the safety threat, the importance of addressing the threat, and your recommendations for resolving it. Be sure to include all of these headings in your paper and to address all of the bullets underneath each heading:

  • Potential threat to patient safety:
    • Identify the issue you selected from the simulation activity as the potential safety threat.
    • Describe the issue that occurred with sufficient detail so that leadership has a clear understanding of what happened.
  • Implications of not addressing threat:
    • Evaluate the risk to the organization if this issue is not addressed. In your evaluation, be sure to address all of the following:
      • What does the health care safety imperative say about the issue?
      • How does the health care safety imperative apply in this case?
      • Which regulatory agency(ies) have oversight about the issue?
      • What specifically do the regulation(s) state about the issue? For example, you might consider the Joint Commission\’s national patient safety goals.
      • What impact do regulatory agencies have on organizations\’ patient safety programs?
      • How do health care organizations incorporate regulatory agencies\’ guidance when establishing reporting and investigation best practices?
      • If the hospital fails to correct the threat, what are the potential consequences to patients, employees, and to the organization?
  • Patient safety officer\’s role in effective implementation of patient safety plans:
    • Explain the role patient safety officers assume in implementing patient safety plans in health care organizations.
    • Clarify your responsibility and role as the patient safety officer in this specific instance.
    • Provide one example from the literature to illustrate your points.
  • Recommendations to reduce patient safety threat:
    • Describe your five-point plan to reduce or eliminate this patient safety threat.
      • What best practice tools or techniques does your plan include to reduce or eliminate these types of errors? Consider processes for responding, rounding, detecting, incident reporting, operational considerations, et cetera.

In a health care professional setting, recommendations to leadership would typically not be in APA format. As a result, your paper does not need to conform to APA format and style guidelines. It does, however, need to be clear, persuasive, organized, and well written without spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation errors. In addition, recommendations you write in a professional setting would be single-spaced. For the purpose of this assessment, however, please use double-spacing.

Also, health care is an evidence-based field. Your senior leaders will want to know the sources of your information, so be sure to include at least two peer-reviewed sources. You may use the suggested resources for this assessment. Your citations and references do need to conform to APA guidelines.

Additional Requirements

  • Length: Your recommendation will be 5–7 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • APA Format: Your title and reference pages need to conform to APA format and style guidelines. The body of your paper does not need to conform to APA guidelines. Do make sure that it is clear, persuasive, organized, and well written, without grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. You also must cite your sources according to APA guidelines.
  • Scoring Guide: Please review this assessment’s scoring guide to ensure you understand how your faculty member will evaluate your work.

Answer preview

In Heparin-related medication errors, the responsibility and role of the Patient Safety Officer are to ensure adherence to the FDA guidelines in the storage and administration of Heparin. The responsibility is to prevent the occurrence of the incidences. In 2006 six premature infants were administered a 100-fold higher heparin dose in line flush in a hospital in Indiana, and three of them died (Arimura et al., 2008). Similarly, in 2007 three infants in South Carolina received Heparin 1000-fold higher than intended. While the three infants had survived, the incident received high media attention since it had involved twins of American actor Denis Quaid a famous American actor (Arimura et al., 2008). The patient safety officer is responsible for establishing appropriate measures to prevent such incidences from occurring. If they occur, have appropriate intervention to reduce impact to the patient, staff, and the organization.

[1995 Words]


Quality improvement in a health care organization.

Counseling and anxiety among teenagers

Compare the primary care NP role with other APN roles. What are the similarities among the roles, what are the differences, and how would you communicate the role to a healthcare provider and a consumer?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday

Requirements: 500 words

Answer preview

. The collected information will be checked, but incomplete data from the tests will be excluded from the study. The data analysis process will be executed in two phases. Based on the frequency values of the variables, the data sets from each test will be checked and cleared of missing or inaccurate information. The scores of the participants from the tests will be converted into z values. Values within a range of below 3.00 will be deemed acceptable. Also, descriptive statistics on the scores will be assessed. The next stage will utilize covariance analysis (ANCOVA) to test the effectiveness of the counseling

[438 Words]

Counseling and anxiety among teenagers

Mental health hospital

  • Week 1 This week’s class discussion is on chapter 1 in the attached textbook and article. Please do the same thing for week 2 except week 2 discussions is on chapter 3 (page 45), Please write up week 1 and week 2 on different pages no cover sheet is needed just cite and attach links to each article for each week
  • Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
  • In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
  • Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
  • Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.

Requirements: 1 page

Answer preview

Generally, this article relates to the Chapter three topic, which emphasizes medication monitoring due to common dosing mistakes. The lack of knowledge on proper medication correlates with Dziegielewski (2010), who explains that inadequate awareness of appropriate medication administration affects patients’ wellbeing. Another issue is poor dosing, whereby a social worker fails to inform a patient how to consume different drugs, such as non-scored tablets and liquid medications. From this resourceful article, I have learned that mental health practitioners, among other social workers, should not assume that patients know how to use the prescribed medication (Dziegielewski, 2010). Notable, these professionals should constantly monitor the dosage, mainly for first-time users, and ensure they understand how to administer them.

[301 Words]

Mental health hospital

Organizational management practices

Write a 3-5 page executive report that explains how a market force affects the health care industry and describes an associated ethical challenge that could influence management practices. Recommend two strategies to prevent or address the ethical challenge and explain how the strategies maintain compliance with external regulations.


External market forces present a tremendous challenge to a health care manager. Any changes in society connected to demographics, the government, economics, politics, legislation, and even weather can affect the health care industry. This is true on global, national, state, and local levels. An effective manager must stay abreast of current issues, while simultaneously attempting to accurately forecast and prepare for future change.

In addition, there is an overwhelming array of both mandatory and non-mandatory regulatory agencies and organizations that control the health care system. The organizations can be national, state, or local, and include consumer advocacy organizations as well. They exist as external entities to protect the community and limit the power of the industry in various ways. Health care managers have a responsibility to understand, remain updated on, and assure compliance with specific guidelines and regulations in their sector of the industry to remain in compliance and uphold an outstanding reputation for themselves and their organization. Strategic planning, development, and implementation of policies and procedures, training of staff, and building a strong organizational culture support this compliance. They also present internal opportunities for effective leaders to model stewardship and fiduciary duty toward the community.

Successful health care managers model stewardship and fiduciary duty by reaching outward to serve as advocates for their organization and profession. Active participation in professional organizations is recommended as a strategy to build personal and organizational trust and integrity in the community. The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), based on the business management triple bottom line concept, is embraced by many health care organizations. The ethical perspectives of CSR support health care managerial efforts in the development of positive connections and partnerships in the community. This creates social value and is a demonstration of stewardship and fiduciary duty. This could translate locally, nationally, or globally, depending on the type of health care organization involved.

In addition to our evolving health care reform efforts, three major influential market forces are affecting our current health care system. On a fundamental level, the transition from a patriarchal to a managed-care system has dramatically changed the delivery of health care services. The demographic shift in our population due to the aging of the baby boomers is causing a profound change in the health care industry. Public interest in and demand for integrative medicine alternatives and options, especially in terms of surgical and injury recovery, pain management, and cancer treatment, is expanding. Ethical issues and considerations, based on these external market forces, are emerging and forcing organizations and managers to come up with new and effective strategies, policies, and procedures to successfully prevent and address them.


For this assessment, suppose you work for a health care organization whose senior leadership strives to make ethical decisions related to ever-changing external forces. As part of the management team, you have been assigned to analyze one of the market forces affecting the health care industry. You need to choose one of the following market forces:

  • Managed care.
  • Caring for aging baby boomers.
  • Integrative medicine.

Then you need to choose one segment of the health care system (insurance, reimbursement industry, hospitals, long-term care facilities, and so on) to use as the focus of this analysis. For example, you may decide to focus on integrative medicine in long-term care facilities.

Review the resources provided and conduct your own research on the topic you have selected. You will need to use current, relevant information and statistics from at least three authoritative resources to support your work. Be sure you also look at regulatory agencies that oversee the topic and health care system segment you selected.

Format this assessment as an executive report, following APA guidelines for citations and references. Please be sure you include a title page and a references page.


In the executive report you develop for this assessment, be sure you complete the following:

  • Explain how the market force you selected is affecting the health care industry. Include any statistics you found during your research.
  • Describe at least one ethical challenge related to the market force that might influence organizational management practices.
  • Recommend at least two strategies leadership might use to prevent or address the challenge. Consider whether a CSR initiative could help prevent the ethical challenge.
  • Explain how your recommended strategies will maintain compliance with external regulations.

Additional Requirements

  • Include a title page and references page.
  • Number of pages: 3–5, double-spaced.
  • At least three current, authoritative resources.
  • APA format for citations and references.
  • Times New Roman font, 12-point.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain how ethical theories and principles influence health care organizational management practice.
    • Recommend strategies to prevent or address an ethical challenge.;
  • Competency 2: Describe how external forces and internal organizational factors influence ethical health care management practices.
    • Explain how a market force affects the health care industry.
    • Describe an ethical challenge related to a market force that influences organizational management practices.
    • Explain how strategies to prevent or address an ethical challenge maintain compliance with external regulations.
  • Competency 4: Communicate ideas effectively.
    • Correctly format citations and references using current APA style.
    • Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

Answer preview

One of the strategies that the healthcare manager needs to implement is to address ageism and cultural barriers. One of the strategies that healthcare can implement is to train healthcare professionals to provide cultural competence care. The nursing professions will be required to have cultural knowledge when offering services to the aging baby boomers. Cultural knowledge involves obtaining information from clinical information from the elderly place. Having cultural awareness will help nurse practitioners to offer culturally competent services to this population (Markey & Okantey, 2019). Culturally competent care training will help the healthcare professional required to learn and understand the cultural beliefs, values,

[1259 Words]

Organizational management practices

Situational leadership style

Discuss how situational leadership can be used in a patient-centered care team. Include in your discussion how the different strengths of different team members can be leveraged to support the dynamic of the team. Provide supporting references for your response.

Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development

Johnson, J. A., & Rossow, C. C. (2019). Health organizations: Theory, behavior, and development (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284109825

Requirements: 200 words

Answer preview

which contribute to better healthcare outcomes. Situational leadership promotes the team members’ strengths and helps build their confidence (Johnson & Rossow, 2019). For instance, instead of delegating a task, a leader can show them how to perform it and supervise them to ensure they are on the right path. In addition, situational leadership inspires, motivates the team to be innovative and adapt to changes, and provides new and improved working methods that ensure the overall growth of the team and the organization and meet the organizational goals.

[276 Words]

Situational leadership style

Patient-centered care

Compliance requirements can lead to significant losses in health care when fines or penalties are levied. Describe the challenges internal political environments and external political regulations have on human resource groups and their ability to ensure a health care organization can focus on patient-centered care. Provide supporting references for your response.

Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development

Johnson, J. A., & Rossow, C. C. (2019). Health organizations: Theory, behavior, and development (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284109825

Requirements: 200 words

Answer preview

The political environment causes discontent in the working force driving more nurses and healthcare providers to leave the profession. This causes an increase in nurse shortage, which affects the quality of healthcare. Another challenge is nursing autonomy due to disagreements and differences in laws and regulations that differ from state to state. The lack of independence impacts the ability of nurses to provide patient-centered care. High staff loads and working pressure also affect the ability of the human resource group to ensure the provision of patient-centered care (Johnson and Rossow, 2019). Patient-centered care plays a vital role in the healthcare policies and allocation of funds. Internal and external political environments may impact the formation of policies and distribution of funds. A shortage of funds and differences in policies will impact the decisions made by HR. This will affect how care is provided.

[288 Words]

Patient-centered care